
Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Step into your `dimensional interface portal` (behind your heart)

Vibrationally encoded for your Activation, Enjoy the Blessings as you read them,


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

Step into your `dimensional interface portal` (behind your heart) to access your unlimited self who knows all and is all - Council of Light

You are multidimensional. You exist in all planes simultaneously. Open your Eye of Horace to 'see' how they all interface - Council of Light

You body is outfitted with all of the necessary instrumentation to Awaken the Divine Codes and live them fully. Go ahead - Council of Light

You can melt into divinity now. It will crack the outer shell and free you to fully assimilate your divine blueprint - Council of Light

Embrace the Inner Divine. Let it infuse you with all of the attributes of your divine lineage and embodiment rights - Council of Light

From your physical perspective you may not see that you are connected to and powered by the Universal Field of Love/Light - Council of Light

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