
Sunday, May 5, 2013

You are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to


Two messages thru John Smallman confirming the changes growing in Perceptibility,


Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Grace of Our Ascension

You are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to

Well, as I have told you before, humanity is on a roll! The awakening process for you all is proceeding very rapidly indeed, and the loving energy that you Light-bearers and wayshowers are demonstrating and sharing is proving extremely effective in helping this process along. Keep it up, because you are doing great work — work that no one else can do — and that is why you chose to be here at this time. You are to awaken to a great honoring of your most noble and compassionate roles in humanity’s unavoidable and inevitable awakening. Just keep releasing all that “stuff” that keeps coming up for you, seemingly inexplicably. Only some of it is your own, much more of it is of the collective who are still too deeply asleep to release it on their own, and their gratitude to you will astound you.
As you allow yourselves to acknowledge that change of an essential nature is taking place, then so will you be able to become increasingly aware of it. It has not been hidden or kept secret; it is just that, to put it bluntly, you have been captivated by the bad news, the disasters and catastrophes prominently broadcast by the news media and have tended to ask, “How could God allow this to happen?”
God does not allow or disallow; He just offers a helping hand so that you can exit the illusory quagmire that has seemingly been holding you captive and involved as observers and fixers in all the unloving activities that are still going on across the world. Take His hand.
Focus on Love – sharing It, demonstrating It, engaging with It – by looking for and seeing the Christ in everyone, for no one is without the Christ energy: it has just remained unacknowledged and therefore has not been called upon for help nearly often enough. Too much time and energy has been spent judging, blaming, and condemning, instead of looking for the Love that is securely anchored in every earthborn living soul. Focusing on Love has enormous power. If you could see and understand what occurs when you do just this – nothing else, just this – your amazement would overwhelm you, and you would be unable to understand why you were not doing just this in every moment of your existence. It is what your Father does! And you are reflections of Him, inseparable aspects of Him, eternally one with Him.
I cannot emphasize strongly enough the immense power of Love. There is nothing stronger; it is as simple as that. Large numbers of you have, at various times, “fallen in love,” and when this has happened to you you have been overwhelmed with joy and happiness, and with the way it seems to empower you. You feel not only that nothing is impossible but also very intensely that the love you are feeling must be visible to everyone with whom you come in contact. What you experience as embodied humans when that occurs is but the most infinitesimal sense of what actually awaits you when you awaken into Reality and into the Love in which your Father embraces you eternally.
Love, as you have been frequently informed, is the power, the energy, and the intelligence of creation itself. Everything that exists was created in Love, by Love for the infinite pleasure that it would then enjoy, basking in and forever savoring the divine embrace in which all is encompassed. So, when you want to achieve something, when you intend to achieve something, the way to do so is to engage with Love. You are all children of Love; Love is your eternal nature, and it is by engaging with It that all that you could possibly desire not only becomes possible, but actually occurs.
By constantly behaving lovingly, compassionately, and generously you are bring humanity to awakening, although at present many of you are plagued with doubts about whether this is really possible. There is no need for these doubts. Release them . . . because they only distract you by drawing you off your paths and into all those fearful “what if?” thoughts that can so effectively bring you to a standstill of indecision and confusion.
As humans you have become so conditioned to believe that life is an endless succession of strife-driven struggles that that is what you mostly experience. When you engage with hope and with faith in the power of Love, of God, unexpected, almost unbelievable, changes happen which relieve that strife. But mostly you do so only momentarily before your conditioning returns you to your old beliefs, and the power and enthusiasm for the wonders of life that was building within you seems to drain away. You become once more weighed down by the daily grind that is the life that so many of you are experiencing.
There is an amusing song that many of you may have heard: “Always look on the bright side of life,” which is obviously meant as a rather tongue-in-cheek suggestion. Nevertheless, you are each a master of what you choose to pay attention to: you can choose to be an optimist or a pessimist. Moods, which, like the weather, can be seen as good or bad, will flow through your lives and pass on. But when you are tired it is very easy to cling to and travel with the bad ones — the ones that drag you along with them by worrying or depressing you.
With the new energies swirling abundantly all around you it is now much easier for you to become aware that you have become caught up in a bad mood, and then acknowledge it and release it to flow freely on its way. You do have to make a positive decision or choice to do so, but when you do, the sense of blackness or gloom will lift quite rapidly. So become aware of being aware of moods in which you are apparently enmeshed and choose to let them go. As you do so, remind yourselves that you are divine beings of infinite power, and then intend very determinedly to look on and see “the bright side of life.” It is always there for you, and it is far more enjoyable than doubting and worrying. Go for it, look on the bright side! After all, that is what your Father is offering you in every moment of your existence; you only have to choose to accept it.
Your loving brother, Jesus.

Assistance of a very wise and technologically advanced order is now available to help you

As spring turns to summer in the northern hemisphere the new energies are blossoming enthusiastically all over the world, and there are now very few among the wayshowers and Light-bearers who remain unaware of the upliftment that they are providing. Your mood swings may be greater as the stuff you need to address and release comes up more insistently for your attention, but you are mostly finding that it also clears much more quickly and easily, and you do not get stuck in anger, fear, or anxiety to the same extent as you did before the great energy shift of last December.
All that exists is conscious energy, and the basis of all energy is Love from which all was created. Depending on its stage of evolution the consciousness of an energy field varies from almost insensate at the most basic level of matter (as you perceive it in the physical world) to infinite — a vast field in which numerous possibilities for evolution are present and perpetually developing. There is nothing within creation that is completely insensate; everything that exists evolves to enjoy and avail of the fantastic creative potential with which it was created. Anything a human can imagine is possible, and far, far more besides, because God in His glory is limitless, and His creation is utterly abundant.
In your physical environment you have had access to and used energy in many forms, and because of your lack of wisdom and compassion (aspects of Love) much damage has resulted as abusive practices were encouraged and engaged in for short-term gain. However, with the energy shift that came into effect late last year your collective wisdom and compassion are growing, along with the intelligence to develop and use the vast array of energy sources that cause absolutely no collateral damage and which will enable you to heal yourselves and the planet which supports you so admirably. Assistance of a very wise and technologically advanced order is now available to help you bring the planet, with her multitude of integrated, interdependent infrastructural systems, back into a state of harmony and balance.
The new energies that now envelop you are in fact a far more spiritually evolved aspect of yourselves into which you have grown because it was your collective intention to do so. They have given you a great boost in awareness which can be recognized as the explosive growth in newly available information that was previously kept hidden by a small group of very intelligent people who arrogantly believed that they alone had the right to control and direct all activities on your planet. They have been disabused of this fallacious and dangerous belief, and their ability to cling to power and control is dissipating rapidly.
New groups of intelligent, wise, compassionate, and loving individuals are forming all across the world and are making contact with one another, sharing ideas, and producing marvelous plans that will enable you to achieve the state of harmony and balance on Earth that you so desperately and deservedly desire. The New Age is blossoming as spring changes to summer, and the climactic changes that have so worried those who have been studying them will usher in an epoch of more balanced and less extreme seasonal changes for the benefit of all.
This is a time of great opportunity, when humanity’s collective intent, ably assisted by the intent of those from other realms of consciousness, is going to permanently alter the attitudes and behaviors that have caused so much pain and suffering over the eons, as misconceived plans and stratagems to conquer and control others have been followed with sadly misplaced vigor and enthusiasm in almost every corner of the world. The reasons used to justify these activities have been just as misguided because, in your ignorance, you built and used narrow and inflexible ideologies — political, scientific, philosophical, sociological, and religious — in which you firmly and unquestionably believed despite the fact that these dogmas were frequently unconscionable. They were nevertheless enforced, often ruthlessly, in order to crush and maintain control over those you disliked.
Now, inclusiveness and the acceptance of the rights and dignity of all are replacing these insane ideologies. The vast majority of humanity now intends to live peacefully and harmoniously, honoring each other’s ethnicities and cultures, and embracing these differences as prospects for developing cooperative creative ventures which will benefit all of humanity. And this intent is being achieved.
When you take time out during the day to focus on discarding any aspects of yourselves that are not in alignment with the divine field of Love in which you are enveloped, remember also to hold the intent for humanity’s awakening very firmly in your minds, because, by doing so, you are making it happen.
With so very much love, Saul.

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