
Friday, September 6, 2024

Greetings from Galactic Heart: This is a quick note to let you know we at PAO are still alive and well.

Greetings from Galactic Heart:

This is a quick note to let you know we at PAO are still alive and well. I am having more difficulty mastering the new email platform than I originally estimated. We started out with Go Daddy but it was more advanced than what I need or want to learn at this time.

We scratched GoDaddy and now I am working with MailerLite. Hopefully I will have everything back to normal (haha) by the end of this weekend.

On a very postitive note ~~ Mark your calendars for Sunday, September 22 at 2pm Pacific time with your favorite guest ~ Jared Rand. We will be ready to ask him all your burning questions. We are fortunate to have Jared at this auspicious time in history.

Now for an update on Sheldan. It looks like we adverted the food pic again. He is eating and swallowing so the crisis has been averted. Thank you for all your prayers and visualizations. Sheldan is not in physical pain and for that I am grateful. Jared still maintains Sheldan will be with us again one day. Glory Be!

These technical tasks are very stressful for me. As I read the instructions, I have to look up what many of the terms even mean in or to understand. Years ago, Miriam set up MadMimi email platform. Then she taught me my part. Wish that were happening again. Oh well, I am determined to learn and master this task. Send me peaceful vibes. ZAZUMA!

That's all for now. Keep shining your Lights bright in this world and beyond. The world is accelerating. I'm anxious to hear what Jared will share with us.

With Love,


PS This is not a pretty email but simply to let you know I'll be back!

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