
Thursday, September 5, 2024

Circle of Life Divine masculine and feminine is that Shiva (Divine masculine) is the awareness and Shakti (Divine feminine)


Circle of Life
Divine masculine and feminine is that Shiva (Divine masculine) is the awareness and Shakti (Divine feminine) is the aliveness. Shiva is the sacred ground on which Shakti creates. Without the stillness and grounding of Shiva the creative energy of Shakti becomes uncontrollable and without the creative energy of Shakti, Shiva becomes just an observer without the ability to create or manifest his creation.
Shiva is silence. Shakti is power. Shiva is creativity. Shakti is creation. Shiva is love. Shakti is loving. These qualities aren’t opposites but complements, which is a perfect description of a sacred marriage.
They are one. They are the universe
Image: Album Cover Digression Assassins - Merkaba

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