
Friday, August 2, 2024

TRANSCENDER 🐉 Goddess Archetypes such as "Kuan Yin" are often depicted on Dragons in the East.



Goddess Archetypes such as "Kuan Yin" are often depicted on Dragons in the East. The Dragon is a Beautiful Energy that Represents the Feminine Principle of Receptivity, the Subconscious Mind (the Deep Waters), the "Yin" Energy, it also Represents Transcendence into the Light of unconditional Love. The Compassionate and Transforming Energy of Kuan Yin, is like a soft Melody that awakens the Love in your Heart and allows you to leave old skins behind, giving you the opportunity to die each day a little more to the ego character and to be Reborn to the Consciousness of the Divine Being that you Are.

Artist: Tessa Mythos

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