
Sunday, August 4, 2024



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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

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Many years ago, a PAO family member sent us a collection of decrees gathered mostly from the Saint Germain Series of Discourse books. They were copied word for word from these Saint Germain books. This compilation of decrees has brought years of comfort for me and Sheldan.

This morning I opened the collection of decrees. I wanted to share the morning selections with you. I find these decrees helpful in remembering who I am and the power I wield once I get past my 'unworthy' beliefs. I hope you find them enpowering and may they touch your hearts as well.

"Mighty I AM Presence! I ask for the Great Central Sun's Cosmic Power and Sun Presence of the Sacred Fire's Healing Flame of Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy ... that It go forth and consume all substance and all disease and all feeling that holds mankind bound in the destructive conditions of ill health and poverty and distress of every kind!"

The sinking of Atlantis was fourteen thousand years ago.

"Through the Love of my heart and that of my Beloved I AM Presence, I call the Great Central Sun's Sacred Power Flame of Love, Forgiveness, and Mercy that strengthens every Life Stream with the Light which compels It to turn Godward at this time and receive the help that cuts away the destructive forces of the mass accumulation of mankind!"

"My Beloved I AM Presence, I call forth the Great Central Sun's Cosmic Christ Blue Lightening Purity that annihilates the hordes of evils' viciousness out of the Universe for all Eternity, and replace it with the Ascended Maters' Divine Plan Fulfilled Their Way, the Ascended Masters' Heaven On Earth Immortality free from anything that mankind would do in the future that would create discord! So be it."

May our coming week bring peace to our hearts.

With Love,

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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

Margie definitely is the real deal. Her story from childhood on is astounding. From remote viewing to extraordinary healing abilities Margie is a master. It was a treat to listen to her stories.
We thank everyone who joined us yesterday. Your continued support is a blessing. Colleen

Colleen, I just listened to the replay, and it was fantastic. I hope to be able to join her January class. I did study remote viewing with Dr. Courtney Brown at Farsight Institute. He is one of the few who stressed the importance of meditation for successful viewing. Lots of viewers don't. I pray that the interference you have experienced will cease. Love to Sheldan. Hope he will be in a med bed very soon. Love, Jan D


From the age of 2½, Margie Kay has been aware of the ‘other worlds’ that exist around us. She has spent her whole life seeking and learning about them. In the process, she has accumulated a breathtaking array of experiences – and stories.

Now, she is PAO’s honored guest.

Through the course of a very busy career, Margie has been able to integrate her use of remote viewing into both criminal and paranormal investigation. Deeply involved in UFO research, she will share some of the remote viewing techniques she uses to contact extraterrestrial beings, and describe methods that have led her to discover inter-dimensional portals. Margie possesses a profound understanding of the nature of time and will decode for us some of its secrets. More personally, Margie channels Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and, since 1985, has been in direct contact with Val Thor.

Subjects to be discussed:

• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People, Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-76 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.


This Is What Happens To Your Pineal Gland EVERY NIGHT (Secret Knowledge)

Source: Spiritual Dive

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Source: Patricia Cota Robles


“With every balanced Holy Breath I take, I AM empowering God’s Comprehensive Divine Love and the Immaculate Concept of the Family of Humanity setting aside our differences and coming together in Love, Oneness and Peace with the Divine Intent of attaining our highest level of Excellence. And so it is.”

The Opening of the Triple-Infinity of the 888 Lion’s Gate will take place August 8th, 2024. This is the final Celestial event the Company of Heaven will escort us through prior to the 38th World Congress on Illumination which will take place August 10t-15, 2024. Now, as you enter the Divinity within your Heart Flame on your Holy Breath, please listen to these words through the Flame of Illumined Truth. The Beings of Light have asked me to reiterate this Sacred Knowledge, so that we will experience a One Pointed Consciousness during the opportunity at hand.

On July 22nd, we entered the Sun Cycle of Leo. This is the day celebrated by millions of people around the World as Mary Magdalene’s Feast Day. Mary Magdalene is one of the exponents of our Mother God’s Comprehensive Divine Love. On July 22nd every year she floods the Earth through the collective Cup of Humanity’s Consciousness with our Mother God’s wondrous Love. This Divine Love enhances every particle and wave of Life on Earth and prepares Humanity for the July 25th “Day Out of Time” and July 26th which is known through all time and space continuums as the Galactic New Year.

Mary Magdalene’s service to the Light also prepares Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her for the pinnacle of the Opening of the Lion’s Gate which occurs on August 8th, 8/8, every year. The year 2024 also pulsates with the number eight, so we will experience a Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate Portal.

During the opening of the Lion’s Gate the Earth aligns with Sirius and Leo and a new cycle of Time and Space begins. During this auspicious time, the Company of Heaven is reminding us of what they revealed when we Birthed this New Decade. They said that during the next ten years Humanity will change the course of history for Mother Earth and ALL her Life.

They said that during this decade, 2020 to 2030, Humanity will begin developing our latent abilities through which we will literally Transfigure our Earthly Bodies and our outer-world Life experiences into the Heart-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar New Earth.

The Beings of Light said this incomprehensible Transfiguration will be accomplished through a greatly expanded collaboration between the Company of Heaven and an Awakened Humanity. Our Father-Mother God said this degree of collaboration between Heaven and Earth has never before been attempted.

In 2020, due to the monumental shifts that had taken place since the Birth of the New Decade and the forced Global Planetary Pause we were experiencing due to Covid-19, on August 8th, as the Opening of the Lion’s Gate reached its pinnacle, our Father-Mother God Breathed Mother Earth and ALL Life evolving upon her through the original Lion’s Gate that pulsates above the Pyramid in Giza Egypt into the much higher frequencies of the 5th-Dimensional Crystalline Solar Lion’s Gate that pulsates in the atmosphere above the 5D New Earth.

As this occurred, every man, woman and child on Earth reached a vibrational frequency that allowed our I AM Presence to fully integrate at an atomic cellular level into our physical, etheric, mental and emotional Earthly Bodies. This integration created the sacred space for every person’s I AM Presence to have greater access to our Earthly Bodies and our Conscious Mind than ever before.

For four years now our I AM Presence has been intuitively guiding us in ways that have been difficult for us to ignore. No longer is this communication from our I AM Presence just a “still small voice within” striving to be heard above the clamor and chaos in the outer world. This aspect of our Divinity is now an ever present Inner Knowing and Intuitive Guide that is not allowing us to comfortably behave in ways that reflect the obsolete fear-based patterns of separation and duality anymore.

Of course, we have the free will to ignore the Inner Guidance from our I AM Presence, but when we try to do that we feel the painful results of our thoughts, feelings, words and actions that are not based in Love much more acutely. If you are experiencing any doubt about that statement the Company of Heaven said all you have to do is observe the events unfolding in your life and notice how those events are affecting you mentally and emotionally.

Now, on August 8, 2024 = 888, we will once again be on the threshold of the Opening of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate. Throughout this incredibly powerful year, day by day we have been guided through various activities of Light that have prepared Humanity, the Elemental Kingdom and Mother Earth, at an atomic and subatomic cellular level for the next step of our Ascension process.

The I AM Presence of every man, woman and child is now standing in readiness to receive in NEW ways, the Light that will flow through the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024. This Light will exponentially intensify the strength and courage within every person’s Heart Flame thus preparing all of us for the next phase of our Ascension process which will take place during the 38th World Congress on Illumination.

The Lion’s Gate is guarded by two magnificent Lions that represent the Lion of Yesterday and the Lion of Tomorrow. As we pass between these Lion’s on August 8th during our annual passage through the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, we affirm that we are moving beyond any control or manipulation from our past or our future. Rather, we are aligning within the Eternal Moment of Now as we join Forces with the Heavenly Realms to Cocreate the 5D Crystalline Solar New Earth.

This year, for the very first time, Mother Earth and All Life evolving upon her will pass through the Portal of the Triple-Infinity 888 Lion’s Gate from our newly Ascended position within the full embrace of our Grand Central Sun.

As we pass through the Portal of the 5th-Dimensional Lion’s Gate, every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence has been given permission by our Father-Mother God to liberate the Heart-based patterns encoded within the Divine Wisdom and Sacred Knowledge in our Twelve Solar Strands of 5th-Dimensional DNA. This will pave the way for the I AM Presence of every person to liberate us into the Harmony of a Higher Order of Being. This will greatly expand the influence of Humanity’s I AM Presence on Earth.

Through every person’s fully integrated I AM Presence we will soon be able to intuitively receive much higher multidimensional Divine Promptings, Ideas and Concepts from our I AM Presence, the Beings of Light from our Grand Central Sun and our Father-Mother God than we have ever known. The Beings of Light have affirmed that as this profound Truth resonates in every person’s Heart Flame, we will begin to Transfigure our physical realities into the Love-based patterns of perfection associated with the 5D Solar New Earth. The most powerful way of doing that is within the Eternal Moment of Now. So as we pass through the Lion’s Gate on August 8, 2024 = 888, pay attention to the intuitive guidance of your I AM Presence. Miracles are waiting to be Cocreated by YOU.

Dear One, Be at Peace and KNOW ALL is well.


Approaching the Grand Finale!

Source: David Wilcock LIVE

Note from Colleen: Yes, this is in David's style - 4 hours long. And David gets off track sometimes but when he is presenting informaiton it is brilliant and the amount of research work he does is evident. I had to watch it in segments but I watched it all and I am glad I did. If so directed, have a listen.

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