
Wednesday, August 7, 2024

"Great Siddha Guru Agastyar initiated Babaji Nagaraj into the secrets of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama or Vashi-Yogam (i.e. Shiva-Yogam).


"Great Siddha Guru Agastyar initiated Babaji Nagaraj into the secrets of Kriya Kundalini Pranayama or Vashi-Yogam (i.e. Shiva-Yogam). This is a very powerful breathing technique. [ One of the greatest of the 18 Tamil Siddhas is Thirumoolar. He has composed 3,000 monumental verses known as “Thiru-Mandiram” (Sacred Mystic Words). He has described this powerful Vashi-Yogam (Shiva-Yogam) Pranayama (breathing practices) as follows:- “With His grace, one by chanting the name “Shiva, Shiva” four (4) times should inhale oxygen expanding the abdomen……retain and control the same (breath) near the glottis (inner throat) by closing the outlets of the nose, ear and mouth – chanting mentally “Shiva, Shiva” fourteen (14) times…….and then exhale the carbon dioxide through the right hole of the nose – chanting “Shiva, Shiva”, eight (😎 times…………..If one is able to practice in this manner, one not only achieves Siddhi of attaining deathless body but becomes Shiva (God) Himself.” (Thiru-Mandiram : 712) ]

In this divine state the yogi (aspirant) melts with love for God & bursts into tears, he sings praise of God, and a soothing warmth is produced in the aspirant. When this universal love & sacred warmth develop, the body as well as the soul become prepared for the descent of the Grace, in the form of Light. When this occurs, the material body of impure elements is transformed into a “Body of pure light”, emitting a golden hue.

This “Golden body” appears to be about twelve years of age. There are no more physiological activities. No question of food, digestion, excretion, growth and ageing. Externally, it appears gracefully beautiful without casting a shadow. The face has become brilliant. Entire body bloom in ecstasy. The heart throbs with love. The ego and mental-emotional blemishes vanishes. A tender, loving, compassionate quietism rules. The ardent desire for receiving the Divine Grace overflows. Supreme love fills the body which enshrines the “Divine Life”.

The body becomes perfect, and by mere will the yogi has command over all the “Siddhis” (i.e. The Yogic miraculous powers). In the next stage, the yogi undergoes the greatest transformation in human evolution :- A transmutation into the Godhead, which is the merging with the body of God Supreme (i.e. The Supreme Wisdom). In this state the yogi can become omnipresent but imperceptible to the senses. This is the state of the most Supreme Grace and Godhead, namely “Shuddha Shivam”. Now the yogi can live in all the bodies of His (God’s) creation and also in the hearts of millions of devotees who have inspired by his example and his writings."

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