
Monday, August 5, 2024

BABAJI - Beyond One***** Greetings,The spiritual revolution that is taking place now will transform this Earth permanently,


BABAJI - Beyond One****************************** Greetings,The spiritual revolution that is taking place now will transform this Earth permanently, it won't be a temporary phenomenon, it will be a timeless event. Grow Beyond Your Own Self !Grow beyond yourself, because these times require you. Love those who struggle with you, because this time demands it. In this moment, everything that manifests dissonant is removed, is given to the hand of Fire of God for its destruction. In this world, Truth has taken the stage and is cleaning everywhere, therefore, lies no longer hold and crumbling in every aspect. At the socio-political level, people witness incredible revelations while confronting their own lies about life. In this now, wherever you find Truth, so it is beneficial for you to shine with the boldness within you, since it means you Gratefully accept the change in this time. Everything is drastically changing!Eventually, everything will improve and align with the cosmic order, this is inevitable, because this revolution affected all human beings on this Earth. In this moment the game began to revolve in favor of the Forces of Light, therefore the gears of the old powers ended. You started a new game, one you have prepared for many lives, then you continue to remove all blocks, so continue to strengthen and unlock your spiritual access.Some of you are still too weak, not working enough or systematically on yourselves because you wait for others to fix your problems, however, remember at this point it's your decision, diligent effort and courage that counts. Don't hesitate when you want to implement something! Do not hesitate when the Heart clearly shows you the way! Don't hesitate to keep moving with boldness! With God's help everything is possible and any goal can be achieved! Open up to your spiritual reality! You are more than you think you are!As mentioned in the beginning, the spiritual revolution that is unfolding now will transform this Earth permanently, it is not a temporary phenomenon but a timeless phenomenon. Soon you will no longer recognize yourselves nor mankind, those who are still on this Earth are preparing the earth for the unborn. You are the Heralds and Messengers of the New Golden Age, and some will see it in this lifetime while others will be the children of tomorrow. Look forward to what’s next! Accept with Love what is happening to you!Right now, these are the real miracles happening on Earth and within themselves. Go beyond and live each day as if it were your last!The past and the future do not know you anymore.I love you so much,I am Babaji !·See original·Rate this translation
ॐ MAHAVATAR BABAJI Soul Expansion Your consciousness is expanding. understand the connections between all things.”

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