
Sunday, June 9, 2024

The Collective: The Dragons Speak


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PEOPLE LOVED OUR WEBINAR WITH JARED - Here are a few comments...

Jared is always a breath of fresh air. The world is crazy. Thank you for having Jared on your show giving sage advice. I for one feel better. CJ

You are right, Colleen, Jared never disappoints. I'll have to listen to this one again. He gave so much information. Colleen, I am enjoying your trip stories. Al G.

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We stand at the dawn of a new era. Despite what it may seem, we are closer than ever to attaining the life of truth, hope and glory we envisioned all along. More and more people are waking up, standing up, and actively fighting for the world we all know is meant to be.

No longer can we accept what this world has become: the skyrocketing costs and empty shelves; elevated environmental toxicities; and seemingly endless conflicts that erode and poison every level of life. More to the point, our frequency upgrades are making us hypersensitive, and life here is becoming intolerable. We are forced to wonder if we have actually reached the point of no return.


Jared Rand. PAO’s guest for this month, begs to differ. He arrives, bearing a much welcome arsenal of wisdom and a heaping dose of the comforting common sense we most need right now. Despair is never an option and Jared’s wise words will ignite a chain reaction to negate and reverse the toxins that contaminate our existence.

And of course, no PAO Webinar would be complete without the latest exciting update on Jared’s Celestial Chambers project.

Better times lie ahead, says Jared. Patience and courage are the keys. With every sunset, the newer, better, golden dawn comes a little closer. Soon, it will be here.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Information Wars
Decisive Changes to Combat Tyranny
• Our Toxic Environment
Ways We Can Minimize the Risks
• Cosmic Growing Pains
How to Deal with Intensified Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Raising Hope with Evidence, not Empty Promises
A Thoughtful Glimpse into Humanity's Likely Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-74 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

Bio About Jared for Mad Mimi-1

Billy Carson REVEALS ANCIENT POWERFUL Meditation Technique

Source: The11thCommandment

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The Collective: The Dragons Speak

Source: Caroline Oceana Ryan


Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We are coming forth to you multiple times. We have an energy and a purpose which we are sharing with you. We are facilitating and supporting your ascension at this time.

We are integrating our energy…our codes…into your being/into your reality, to assist your spiritual growth at this time so that you may connect on a deeper level with your own being/your true self, understanding the truth that is emerging from within your being.

Many are becoming confused or disoriented at this time, because their inner truth is emerging but they are not accustomed to connecting with their inner truth and so it feels as if their personality and inner truth are battling and fighting together.

They seem like two extremes. One is of a high vibration and speaks of positivity, love, harmony and peace. The other recognises the physical reality and lives in the physical reality and is unable to see anything else.

It may feel as if your inner truth and your personality are battling together and that is perfectly fine, in this moment, because as you recognise it, so the battle will dissipate. You realise that this energy/this voice/these sensations that are coming forth that seem so unusual…maybe even so unknown to you…are actually where your focus must lie.

It takes a great amount of courage to recognise your inner truth when you live in a reality where your personality feels grounded into the physical reality.

As you begin to recognise and acknowledge that your inner truth is coming forth and emerging, you may recognise that there are multiple pathways of truth. For you alone, there are numerous pathways that you can take/walk upon. Each pathway holds different opportunities; different learning and different understandings. Each has valuable lessons…spiritual lessons…to absorb.

You as a being, as a soul, as truth, hold numerous tools…spiritual tools…and abilities. As you walk upon a certain pathway of truth, it might feel as if you do not have the tools or the skills to walk that pathway. Maybe with the opportunities that are coming up, you simply feel as if you don’t have the tools and skills to accept the challenges.

When you switch to other pathways of truth, you may find that you have the exact tools and skills that are needed and you’re able to walk that pathway very easily, or if not easily, you are able to overcome the challenges that it creates and that you create.

When many beings speak of their purpose and finding the purpose, they are actually speaking of pathways of truth and there are numerous pathways. You have a set of tools and skills, given to you by your soul, to walk upon maybe one, two or three of those pathways.

A part of the challenge is to find the right pathway to walk upon. Your soul holds the ability and skills of the Creator, and therefore holds the ability and skills of all aspects of the Creator.

For this lifetime, you have accepted a certain volume of abilities and skills that support you in gaining the understanding, the spiritual growth and ascension that is required.

When you examine your inner truth and you ask to acknowledge your skills and abilities, you are understanding how you can be in the world. You are also drawing to you, your pathway of truth or maybe one or two or three pathways of truth.

When you allow yourself to call forth your pathways of truth to align or realign with your being, this also is a very powerful experience. You might have the idea of what you wish to or feel guided to achieve in this lifetime, or maybe even in this moment of your reality, and yet, it may be that you simply cannot manifest it or feel as if it is impossible to manifest.

When you recognise the skills and abilities that you hold and you call forth your pathways of truth, they are like railway tracks that realign and slot into your energy field. Your skills and abilities are like a rucksack that you’re carrying, that you can access very easily, and then you can board the train that comes in that feels the most appropriate; the opportunity or opportunities that come into your being, into your awareness, into your reality.

You can ask:
”Does this pathway of truth resonate with me?”
“Does it fulfill me?”
“Do I have the skills and abilities to walk upon this pathway of truth?”

Allowing yourself to truthfully answer these questions, allows you to navigate different circumstances/experiences, until you connect with the circumstances/experiences that light you up; that fill you with light, with joy and fulfillment.

Then you will know that you have accessed your skills and abilities and you’ve accessed your pathway of truth, and that both are aligned with you and you with them, allowing you to move forth with greater ease, with greater power and with a surge of energy.

We, the Celestial White Beings, wish you to contemplate:

▪ Do you feel lost or uncomfortable? Unsure of how to manifest something? Ungrounded? Is there a need to focus on your inner truth?
▪ When you do this, do you feel more at peace, more yourself, more capable?

You can ask for your skills and abilities in this lifetime to come forth to be known to you. You can ask for your pathways of truth to align with you. You can ask to walk your pathway of truth that most resonates with your soul in this lifetime.

Who are you asking? You’re asking your inner essence/your inner spark. Whether you wish to call this your Creator presence/your soul/your essence, let this be something that energetically unravels for you, and unfolds.

It is not necessarily that you need or require the answers, more so that your energy field is shifting and alignments are moving into place by you simply placing your intention in different areas, with the question we have encouraged you to contemplate.

In the coming days, allow yourself to notice how an alignment is taking place – almost like a map is forming both within you and around you, in your reality. Your connection with your truth, your abilities and skills, even those of which you are unaware, will grow.

The only way that we can describe this is that you will feel more capable, more able, more ready and with a greater knowingness, even if the pathway that you are walking feels completely unknown.

Imagine if every being upon the earth chose these contemplations.

The entire vibration of the Earth would shift dramatically because everyone would be aligned to their truth and walking a pathway of truth, and therefore co-creating these pathways of truth together.
We feel that it would be almost such a mammoth shift that it would cause an ascension, especially in vibration awakening and awareness for all.

We, the Celestial White Beings, are present to serve you. You may call upon us. Simply say our name and we will be present.

We love you dearly and we thank you.

We are the Celestial White Beings
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, friends! We are very pleased to have this time to speak with you today.

This week our writer has a few questions she would like to ask.

COR: My friends, I have a few questions for the Dragon Tribes among you—the White Dragons, Golden Dragons, and those tribes connected to Archangel Michael’s Blue Ray.

THE COLLECTIVE: They are happy to oblige!

COR: Thank you!

Dragon friends, I understand from the White Knights of the Ashtar Command—the two who are allowed to speak openly on these matters—that every single White Knight of the Command is focusing all their work now on getting NESARA fully enacted and announced.

Can you give us an idea of what kinds of obstacles they are plowing through, or what new constructs they are creating?

And how are the Dragon Tribes assisting with that?

THE DRAGON TRIBES: Greetings to all!

We are able to relay that which we are permitted to share, and no more.

There are several million White Knights working all over the Earth, inside the Earth, and from aboard the ships.

All are in heavy work phases now, as they release thousands of years of dark etheric mechanisms from Earth’s vibration and humanity’s consciousness.

This is in part so that when NESARA is enacted, it will be accepted as true and real.

And also so that right before it is enacted—and you are in the very immediate preparation stages now—human energy forms are open to it.

Accepting that it can occur and being willing to hold it on a higher self level as a reality for your world.

You are, in a sense, collectively calling out for NESARA even before many people consciously know it exists.

This takes quite considerable adjustment and raising of frequencies of all of humanity!

Particularly that which is steeped in despair, with Earth-based trauma having pushed many people’s spirits to be somewhat beside their bodies, and not quite in them.

It takes considerable energy work to shift many millions from a place of complacency, in the sense that they feel Earth life is lost, as far as any improvements that might occur to the average working person’s life, and that no real change is coming.

They are used to picking up whatever slight crumbs that might come their way—a bonus at work, winning a bit of money, a tax refund—yet expecting not even that for the most part, and feeling the smallness of these “wins” when they do happen.

And so, their hearts must be opened and their spirit-minds made ready to accept that something tremendous can occur, and for all. For the entire planet.

Most of the White Knights are tunneling through ancient forms of opposition, including high technology created to block rises in consciousness, and old spells that must be broken, old life forms and spirit presences that must be ushered off the planet and barred from returning.

They also face the newer forms of opposition—precarious forms that were set in place to cause destruction should NESARA come near to fruition.

None of this opposition can withstand the uniformity of resolve that the Ashtar Command and its friends (including all of you) represent, or that Archangel Michael and the Forces of Light present.

None of it is winning, the old forms of resistance to change—and yet, the hearts of humanity must continue to be opened, so that the higher consciousness of the majority not only opens to NESARA, but welcomes and expects it.

Dragon flying outside airplane window [Source unknown, image unverified]

COR: So many of us just feel so exhausted most days! And also as if we’re not quite present—like parts of us are elsewhere.

THE DRAGON TRIBES: And so they are! Rest more, as you are able. Great work is being done.

And much of it, by all of you.You are all of you now acting as Samwise, carrying Frodo up the mountain, to toss the ring into the fires, to begin again.

COR: But how to create the shift you describe, when so few even know that NESARA exists?

DRAGON TRIBES: We assure you, so many of you as Light Bringers and Starseed have been working so hard to open up the feeling of awareness in your fellow human, that on a higher level, you cannot see anything but the new higher forms of Light.

They are not only on the horizon, but breaking forth now in your world, quite visibly, and this affects all—humans, outer circumstance, all vibration.

We have traveled to many worlds and dimensions in this Universe, and believe us—the shifts we see occurring on Earth now are astounding in their magnitude.

And so, our work consists of assisting all of you as you work in the etheric as your higher selves.

Each in their own way is moving rays of higher Light into group and individual consciousness, and into Earth Herself.

Her own vibration continues to rise—your Sun Sol’s rays have never been more powerful!

And the opening of so many people’s deep hidden memories of the great civilizations, such as Lemuria, the high period of Egypt, and Atlantis, as well as the higher dimensional living in Inner Earth continues to rise to the surface now.

It is reminding humanity, “Yes, you have been this powerful, this intergalactic, this awakened!

“It returns to you now, many times over, yet at a rate at which you can integrate these Light codes, and remain stable in heart-mind and body systems.”

We are aware that many of you despair, feeling NESARA may never occur in your lifetime, or at all.

You see the scenes of devastation from the war zones, hear of or experience disaster or extreme weather, feel intuitively that the Earth and Her beings desire purity, calm, restoration, and healing.

You see or experience much emotional shock and loss, as the corrupt lower beings, controlled by the lower order, continue to appear in control, and you wonder, “How can this world ever be lifted to a higher level?”

Yet you are also aware on a deep level that what you see now is in no way the full story.

You have inquired how we of the dragon tribes are assisting.

We will say, that every tribe and every clan within a tribe receives orders first from Mother Sekhmet, and secondarily from the Commander overseeing their sector.

Though all of us have access to this and other galaxies, we are considered representatives of the crystalline consciousness for our particular location in this Universe.

This is more a matter of vibrational resonance than physical location, though it can include that as well.

And so, we fulfill those directives we are given by those whom we revere, and who are leading this quadrant into a Light-based reality, and out of the great experiment in duality begun many thousands of years ago.

We of the Golden Dragon Tribe seek to awaken those parts of human consciousness that remember the Gold Frequencies.

A plasma ship

These soul elements are able to locate the sound vibration and even for some, the energetic language of pure gold, such as was once spoken in pre-ancient times.

We seek also to awaken the dark to the fact that they must cross over into Light-based consciousness now, or be in places not of refuge from the Light, but be called into account on many levels for their crimes.

We of the White Dragon Tribe clans seek to rebirth the essence and reality of the Divine Feminine in Earth life, to extend that to all aspects of Earth timelines. And to create new heights in your current fifth dimensional timeline that once more honor and celebrate the Divine Feminine in all of life.

All of this and other work we create vibrationally, yet our chief ally in all of this is what you who are known as Starseed and Lightworkers hold deep within you.

You are holding the ever-increasing Light frequencies and planting them deep into Earth life.

We merely amplify it.

Dragon spotted flying over England (year and exact location not specified)


As all of us in the Collective have said many times, you are far more powerful than you can know.

Despite this, we understand your feelings of sadness and exhaustion many days.

Yet the signs are all there—including the current chaos—that great change, that breakthrough you have cried out for, is already occurring.

The unfolding of every kind of blessing is occurring on the planet now, despite the desperate actions of the old order to hold back the inevitable—the liberation of Earth and all Her beings.

And so, we ask that you continue to image NESARA happening, giving thanks as if it had occurred this very morning!

What do you desire to explore, with all your newfound freedom and unending resources?

Where shall you travel to, on Earth or beyond Her, out into the galaxies?

Whom shall you support in rebuilding their lives—and how shall you first rebuild your own life, and further your own enlightenment?

How shall you celebrate—what will that look like?

What beautiful colors will you wear?

What songs will you sing?

In part, dear ones, we cannot do our work without your support.

It is you we depend upon for the remaking of your free will planet, and you who have called us forth.

And so, yes! We are here along with you all, tearing down the old—an unhappy process, admittedly, as it can look like a very great scene of destruction at times.

Yet you allow this, as do all the souls of those involved, to make way for the new!

The New Earth is not lightly named, as you as Light Bringers are not lightly named.

What you do is YOU—for this you came! (To rephrase the poet’s wording.)*

Prepare for celebration, and you shall have much reason for it!

The Universe awaits your command.

And so it is!

*The dragons here rework a line from the “As Kingfishers Catch Fire” a poem by Gerard Manley Hopkins: “What I do is me: for that I came.”


Stepping into New Earth with Pam Gregory, AJ Roberts and Magenta Pixie

Source: Magenta Pixie

“On the AJ Roberts Show we are joined by the fantastic Astrologer and Author Pam Gregory plus Author and Spiritual Intuitive Magenta Pixie, discussing in detail our planet’s evolution in line with our human ascension that’s picked up rapidly, that millions are experiencing en-masse around the world.”

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