
Wednesday, June 12, 2024

The Cauldron of Creation: Color, Light and Revitalization


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .


Today my body is in a very neutral space which is welcomed for sure. Last week was difficult for many of us as our bodies reacted to the high vibrational spikes in the Schumann resonance along with all the Galactic Central Sun upgrades.

Many people reported an increase in leg cramps (need more magnesium), lower back pain (1st and 2nd chakra - survival), heart palpitations (integrating Light body) and unusual headaches (creating scalar wave antennae in brain). I was one that experienced all those ascension symptoms. I found myself swinging between blissfilled days to physical, emotional and mental challenging days. One day I feel like I can master my social media project (haha) and the next I can not tolerate being on the computer for more than 20 minutes. What is one to do?

We all know and have experienced LOVE is always the answer. Loving yourself more, continuing to do your inner/shadow work, being in nature, following your inner guidance on food, listening to spiritual high vibrational music, dancing, hugging a tree, stretching, singing, drinking more water. These are some of the ways to honor your body as it is transmuted from carbon base to crystalline base.

Bear in mind that what is occurring is a highly complicated operation designed to merge our spiritual and physical bodies. Here's a quote from "YOUR FIRST CONTACT" by Sheldan Nidle (chapter 3 Making the New You):

A primary reason for these difficulties is the incorporation of your multi-layered Light Body into the very core of your physical body. Your Light body consists of fourteen layers of various subtle bodies, ranging from the etheric bodies that mirror your body's several energy systems to conscious life energy and life information energy bodies that are connected directly to your silver and gold cords. These many systems are holistic and require certain resonance patterns to be properly attached. To do this, we connect them layer by layer to your physical body.

You were born with only seven of these Light body layers existing in your body. For you to become fully conscious, the numerous layers presently outside your physical body need to be affixed to your physical self. We have had to slowly adjust the many modifications to your physical body needed to complete this task. To do this, we have mirrored the electro-magnetic activity of your Light Body with that of your physical body.

While looking over this chapter in Sheldan's book, Your First Contact, I am reminded that this process is multi-layered and that is why it is perceivably taking so long. Kindness to ourselves and each other is required to make our transition as smooth and effortlessly as possible. Each day when I am being challenged, I remind myself ... And this too shall pass.

With Love in my Heart for each and every one who reads this message,

I AM Colleen




Can you imagine crossing a threshold out of our own troubled surface world and stepping down, deep down, into the serenity and wonder of Inner Earth?

Meet Lowell Johnson, who has done just that.

He has stood in the city of Telos, met the Lemurians, walked among them and learned from them. Now he returns, with direct knowledge of how we can re-connect with these most advanced spiritual Beings, who are our brothers and sisters.

He will share their Inner Earth wisdom, and explain how the awakening of our DNA can liberate us to become beings of higher consciousness.


We are excited and honored to welcome Lowell, a guest new to PAO, to hear his timely and captivating tales of Telos and learn how we can be beneficiaries of its citizens’ Lemurian wisdom.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Inner Earth Origins
The Lemurians
• The City of Telos
Its Different Levels and Inhabitants
• Earth Changes
How Gaia is Shifting to Get Humanity's Attention
• DNA Awakening to Become Beings of Light
Can Inner Earth Beings Help Us Now?

Bio About Lowell for Mad Mimi-1

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on June 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The Most Convincing Time Traveler

Source: Motech

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The Cauldron of Creation: Color, Light and Revitalization

Source: Celia Fenn

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The Brilliant colors of the Auroras that were seen worldwide in May of 2024 were a manifestation of great changes on the Earth and in the Galaxy. The New Tree of Life template was activated via the Tree of Grace. The battle between Good and Evil that was the hallmark of Duality gave way to the Flow of Grace and Love that is expressed on Earth as Divine Love and Support from the Higher Levels of Light.

These new energies were activated worldwide via the Grids of the Scared Sites that were once the sites of the Great Sacred Trees that connected together to form the Web of Life on Earth.

And so, as you activate the new Tree of Life Template in your Heart, you too become part of this Sacred Network of the New Earth.

These powerful vortexes and spirals of the new energy are the Cauldron of Creation of the New Earth. The Colors and Lights and Frequencies are helping to revitalize the Earth and activate the New Creation.

This intensity explains why you may have been feeling strange in the last weeks as you access the Sacred New Earth grids.

Here are some of the feelings you may have experienced.

On the Physical level:

▪ Feeling very tired to the point of exhaustion. This is because your physical body is reconfiguring your DNA to align with the new templates and frequencies. This may include Muscle aches and pains and spasms, especially in the legs and upper back and neck areas. You will need to rest and practice self-care. Don’t push yourself.
▪ Feeling the Need to drink much more water and to eat simple organic foods where possible. The I to support the deep cleansing and changes in your body.
▪ Very intense dreams that often have messages for you.
▪ Feeling drawn to Nature and to be a part of the revitalization of Nature. Wanting to experience a complete immersion in nature, to feel the love and support of nature and trees and wildlife.
▪ Feeling drawn to Natural Medicine and Energy Medicine.

On the Mental/Emotional Level:

▪ A need to slow down. Time seems to be moving too fast and the faster you run the more exhausted you become. In the higher dimensions you have to slow down and breathe deeply to be able to work with these incoming Light Codes.
▪ The need to live from an Open Heart and in alignment with Love and Compassion.
▪ Deep Feelings of Peace and Harmony at times when you manage to slow down.
▪ Feeling a need to live somewhere else or being moved by circumstances to your “new place”.
▪ Feeling the need to change your work or mission but not being sure what the next step will be because it hasn’t manifested yet.
▪ Feeling called to be a New Earth Way shower.
▪ Feeling the need to find your Tribe or Community.
▪ Feeling very “feely” with deep emotions from bliss to sadness. Feeling all of your feelings including vulnerability.
▪ Feeling the need to create relationships where all people are empowered and loved and able to express their highest level of being.

On the Spiritual Level:

▪ Deep feelings of connection to your Higher Self and Galactic/Star Self.
▪ Knowing you are a Human Angel and a Galactic Being of Light.
▪ Feelings of Grace and being supported by Divine Love.
▪ Feeling blessed and living in abundance.
▪ Deep love and compassion for all forms of life on Earth.
▪ Wanting to serve Humanity and the New Earth for the highest good.
▪ Wanting to express your Soul and Higher Self at all times. These feelings are all indicators that you have moved to the threshold of the great shift into Higher Consciousness as a way shower, and that you will guide many people to this place of anticipation and joy.

May your path be blessed with love and joy at all times.


And what do you think?

The Bermuda Triangle Mystery Has Been Solved 2024

Source: Did you Know

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