
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Monday, June 3, 2024

Signs You Are Transitioning into a Crystalline-Based Body


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Dear Colleen, Thank you so much for your note and for sending me the link for last Sunday's webinar. It worked and I am listening to it for the second time. It is well worth spending several times listening to it. I really enjoyed connecting with you as well, and I am encouraged about Sheldan's renewed ability to eat and digest food. I pray this is only the beginning of his renewal. Lots of love to you and the staff, and than you again, Elaine

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We stand at the dawn of a new era. Despite what it may seem, we are closer than ever to attaining the life of truth, hope and glory we envisioned all along. More and more people are waking up, standing up, and actively fighting for the world we all know is meant to be.

No longer can we accept what this world has become: the skyrocketing costs and empty shelves; elevated environmental toxicities; and seemingly endless conflicts that erode and poison every level of life. More to the point, our frequency upgrades are making us hypersensitive, and life here is becoming intolerable. We are forced to wonder if we have actually reached the point of no return.


Jared Rand. PAO’s guest for this month, begs to differ. He arrives, bearing a much welcome arsenal of wisdom and a heaping dose of the comforting common sense we most need right now. Despair is never an option and Jared’s wise words will ignite a chain reaction to negate and reverse the toxins that contaminate our existence.

And of course, no PAO Webinar would be complete without the latest exciting update on Jared’s Celestial Chambers project.

Better times lie ahead, says Jared. Patience and courage are the keys. With every sunset, the newer, better, golden dawn comes a little closer. Soon, it will be here.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Information Wars
Decisive Changes to Combat Tyranny
• Our Toxic Environment
Ways We Can Minimize the Risks
• Cosmic Growing Pains
How to Deal with Intensified Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Raising Hope with Evidence, not Empty Promises
A Thoughtful Glimpse into Humanity's Likely Future

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-74 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

Bio About Jared for Mad Mimi-1

Signs You Are Transitioning into a Crystalline-Based Body

Source: AstralAtom

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Jeshua: Two Steps to Connect with the Soul

Source: Pamela Kribbe


Dear friends, I am Jeshua, your brother and kindred spirit. I have been together with you, and I have loved you. Many of you have been on Earth several times, in other lives, when you have been touched by the fire I came to bring. It was the fire of which I was a torchbearer, but certainly not the only one. You are part of a glow flowing into the history of humankind. A new light that wanted to descend to Earth to become rooted here, and I was one of its representatives.

A field of consciousness has emerged that you call the Christ energy, whereas in other languages or cultures, it has a different name. But the essential aspect of the Christ energy, of that impulse that I brought, is the opening of the heart: the lifting of the earthly, collective consciousness to the level of the heart. That level is also the level of the soul.

Earthly life was then, and still is, often immersed in a veil of oblivion. A break in the development of human consciousness arose, causing people to become fixated on the material, the purely physical. They became absorbed, as it were, into the veil of the earthly and forgot from where they came. The origin, that which gives life and inspires everything, that from which you came, was forgotten. How did that happen?

Of course, there have always been religions that speak of god and a higher purpose, and about transcendent power and strength. But these religions are strongly based on a human image of power and domination, wherein a male god governs the world, dominates, gives direction, punishes and rewards. So, there was always a god, but that god had too many human characteristices and did not really help people transcend the veil that had fallen over the Earth.

However, throughout all those times, and in all those cultures, there were also gentle voices, like the murmuring of a hidden stream, that spoke of another truth. This song of the heart, of the soul, has never completely faded from Earth even though much has happened to stifle that voice of the soul – that original, creative force in each of you. A lot of fear has been sown by those in power. They had an interest in making that original voice, that gentle voice, to not be heard – and so it went underground.

The same thing happened to my message. I was one of those who spoke of a truth within your heart, about a voice that guides you, independent of the forces outside you, those forces of power and dominance, and free of the fear of them. My message told about your greatness and your equality.

One of the first things that went wrong was when my words were made into a doctrine, when they were transformed into a dogma, a theology, and where I was placed on a pedestal, while you were portrayed as sinners. There was a hierarchy, and their rules and commandments were set down. Many different currents entered in and, eventually, the church became an institution of power that had completely lost its connection with the source.

Your hearts are bearers of the gentle murmur of that hidden stream that washes and refreshes, that brings you back to yourself. The dust and pain of fears, doubts, and emotions is washing away from you. Feel that stream in your heart. It has proven indestructible – it is still there.

Remember the joy. Remember the spontaneous moments in your life when you laughed and felt like doing things, when you dreamed and played. Times when you were present in the moment, when you were in love, or you were full of a vision of the future – an image, a plan – moments filled with hope and dreams. Feel the joy of those desires, of those dreams. Good dreams, good desires, make you joyful, even before they become true: a feeling of joyful anticipation.

That is the voice of your soul. Yet you experience daily resistance in fulfilling your desires. Some of you have even become discouraged, cynical, and disappointed about life here, about society and the world around you. You think you have to keep yourself small; that things are not going to work out after all, and that you would like to get away from here.

You are so constituted that, essentially, things have no meaning for you if you can not live from your heart, from spontaneity and inspiration. You have progressed too far to live a life adapted to the fear-based rules and norms around you. You require freedom. Accept your singing heart, with its sense of freedom, and that you are not able to fit into that world of rules and norms, which are based on fear or power.

You are like drifters swirling around in this world. You are dreamers and keen observers. As a child, you were without exception very sensitive and picked up on what was going on in the moods and ideas around you: in your parents and the world around you. You have experienced what it is like to have oppressive ideas, and especially oppressive energies, around you. Those energies have partly smothered you and have curtailed your originality – the song of your soul.

To hear that song again and to start living it, the first thing that is needed is for you to begin to stand up and say “no” to what does not suit you, and to become intimately aware of who you are! You are part of that underground stream, someone who wants to bring living light to Earth, who wants to break open old structures of fear and power. That is your essence – you are a lightworker.

So, adapting, living an “ordinary life” is not right for you. It is important that you accept that, because living an “ordinary life” would go against the purpose of your mission, of your soul. You are here to be yourself, to express yourself with your unique light, your urge for renewal, your dreams that reach beyond the familiar, the existing order. You dream of a new Earth, of a new consciousness. Those dreams are you.

But each of you, in the course of your growing up, became doubtful, because the pressure from outside yourself can be intense. You are human, you are vulnerable. You want to connect and be part of what is around you. So, you force yourself to fit into boxes that hurt, into a straitjacket that restrains and smothers you. Then your soul flounders. Then crises arise in the form of diseases, loss of a job, break-ups – it can be anything. But it also can happen where nothing seems to be wrong outwardly, but inwardly you feel very tense, depressed, or restless. Very often this is related to not listening to your soul, to who you are.

You do not have to blame yourself for these things happening, because so much comes your way when you grow up as a highly sensitive child and young person in this reality. You will get confused, which is why it is so important to connect with your core now, to be different, to be a lightworker. To fully admit that you do not fit into the existing framework, because, after all, you are here to break it open. Once you really understand this to the fullest, a huge burden falls from you.

You were inundated with images and expectations from the world outside yourself that told you how to be: as a man, as a woman, as a father, as a mother; that encouraged you to be successful, to be good, to be popular. There are many external images that you think you have to comply with, because your mind, especially when you are young, absorbs those images.

In the society in which you now live, an avalanche of images come at you. Those images are supposedly ideal images, but in fact they are not based on being human, on your true nature – they are illusions, fantasies. They are usually images which are outside the truth of the reality that you are dealing with as vulnerable people of flesh and blood. And, often, they are oppressive, suffocating images: you have to do this, you have to do that, you have to behave this way or that in order to be beautiful, to be successful, to be effective.

When you come to realize that you are here to break open the existing order, to bring light into this darkness, then you can let go of those images and feel that you are good. Not because you meet a list of ideal characteristics or because of what you have achieved in the world. No, you are good because you are here with your vibration, with your energy of renewal, with your level of otherness, with your sensitvity. In short, you are good because you are here.

Which is why you need to praise and love yourself. Only when you feel that deeply, and are willing to say “no” to those false images which do not nourish you, will you receive clear internal instructions or signals about how your soul wants to express itself in this reality. Because that is your ultimate objective: self-expression that comes directly from your Self. Not what anyone else understands by self-expression, but what you experience as a joyful, pleasant, relaxed, fun way to express yourself, and that could be anything. It does not have to be spectacular or grand. Let go of those images. The voice of the soul is gentle and loving. It is not about spectacular successes, but rather about discovering and experiencing the mystery of who you are: how special you are with your wealth of feelings and talents.

I want to illustrate, through an exercise, the two steps I described as ways to connect with your soul. The first step is to say “no” to false images which take you away from your path. The second step is to connect with your individuality, with who you really are: the dreamer, the wanderer, the outsider, who comes here with a torch of light to bring something that will illuminate.

Imagine being in a mountainous area in nature. You can hear the sound of a stream flowing over boulders and stones. You can hear the murmurings of the trees, the bushes. You are alone, but you feel the life around you, because everything is alive: the Sun, the plants, the animals. You take off your clothes so you can wade barefoot in that babbling stream, and then you decide to lie down in the water. It surprises you how sweet and pleasantly cool it feels. You lie with your head resting on a rock and you let the water refresh you.


You have borne so much in your life, absorbed so much into you. Now it is time to hear your own voice. You see the sparkles on the water around you, you feel it flowing along your arms and legs, and the water heals you. Feel it wash around you and clear your head. Feel your strength – it takes strength to be here in this earthly atmosphere. For an angel like you, who has had contact with the highest spheres of light, it is constantly painful to be present amid heaviness and negativity.

You are here on a mission, and it is important that you realize that. Do not compare yourself to others. Do what you want to do and what is right for you – you have made such a long journey. You are not here to dance to other people’s tunes. Feel what is your own way, your own originality. Feel for a moment that you completely let go of everything and you allow the water of your soul to flow through you. Feel how your heart drinks it in – your heart is thirsty. It so badly wants to fully connect again with your beautiful, rich self, with your soul.

See, in the center of your heart, a child playing who reminds you of your dream, and not that of the world around you. Yes, your dream. Before you came to Earth, you dreamed of this life. You had plans, you had a purpose; there was a fire inside you, which is why you wanted to come here. Look at that child playing, the look on its face, and try to feel what it is to be that child. It has the appearance of a child, but it is very old – yet it is the bringer of the new. In the eyes of the child is a message coming from your soul.

Let the energies of the world, of what you have absorbed, wash away from you and leave you clean. Now look again at that dancing child in your heart – that child is completely new. Despite everything you have been through, that child is completely new. It does not come from the past, this child comes from your future. It is up to you if you want to hold this child’s hands – but it extends its hands to you saying: “Are you coming?”

Feel the bubbling joy of life in this child, and dare to dream again! It is your deepest dream as a soul to let your unique light shine here – being yourself, you might call it. Every step of being yourself is unique. There is not something outside you to which you have to measure up. There is no standard plan for finding your path. Consult the voice of your heart, of this child within you.

Before you reach out to your soul, look at what makes you anxious, what dark voices in you say: “This is not allowed, it should not be; no, that’s not possible for me, because …” Those dark voices feed the fear of lack, of loss. When you feel that fear strongly, you cannot experience the voice of your soul, so it is often necessary first to remove yourself or detach yourself from this field of fear around you. Only then can you find the peace to feel your soul. It is essential to do this daily, if only because it makes you feel much more relaxed and calm. Train yourself to detach from the field of fear, and not only from the field that has been absorbed by you, but also from the field of fear that lives in the people around you, in society.

Being in nature is one way to disconnect from that fear, but ultimately, it is about an inner clarity, an inner “no” to that vibration of fear and the compulsion to adapt. Do what gives you joy, but do not make it too difficult for yourself. Do something every day that gives you a feeling of relaxation. Live in the moment, in what brings you home to yourself. Ultimately, the first and the only step toward achieving your soul’s goal is a penetrating self-awareness, a pervasive consciousness: “This is me and it is good”. Allow yourself to feel deeply into everyday life – that is the way.

I thank you all for being on Earth. You make a difference, you matter. You carry a vibration in your heart that is new, that is innovative. This has an effect on the collective consciousness and the world around you. Even if you spend all day just meditating or working in your garden, your vibration makes all the difference. Your devotion to the way of the heart and of the soul is seen and heard. You are a lightworker, a consciousness pioneer. You are me and I am you – we are connected.


What does 5D look like?

Source: Kerry K

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