
Thursday, June 6, 2024

Our focus is the Stage for many Events to ripen & become sustenance for our bodies & souls


Our focus is the Stage for many Events to ripen & become sustenance for our bodies & souls as we call on the Grace of Our Almighty*Father*Mother each day. As we redirect our thoughts & feelings to align with Success. As we meditate & visualize a world of Peace, Prosperity, Comfort, Opportunity & Fulfillment for All. As we do this & Realize why we came to Earth athis Time, we play our parts in shaping this reality into a New Matrix where Dreams of our making our lived fully to fruition. All thistarts with each of us Holding the Vision, seeing beyond the smokescreen & Allowing the Magic to manifesthru each of the passing moments, days & weeks until the inevitable shows up smiling. WE KEEP THE GRACE FLOWING IN OUR PRAYERS, MEDITATIONS, ODYSSEYS & AS WE CALL ON ITHRU OUR DAY FOR A FEW MINUTES HERE & THERE FOR HUMANITY, MOTHER EARTH & ALL HER CHILDREN & OURSELVES REMEMBERING EVERYTHING IS ONE VAST OCEAN OF CONSCIOUSNESS OF ETERNAL EVERLASTINGRACE GJ

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