
Sunday, June 23, 2024

Just Be Now


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First day of my Reset Trip - Howdy!

Holy Moly! Lowell's internet went down and we were not able to successfully complete a Meet&Greet/Sound check with him. The good news, after a few days offline, his internet came back up late yesterday. We are a 'GO' for today.

BUT my internet went down last evening around 9pm. Needless to say, I was not happy. I didn't sleep well. Every time I woke up during the night, I checked to see if my router/modem was active or still off-line. Sunday is webinar time. Doing my best to not panic.

Finally around 10 am this morning, the internet was restored. Yippee! Now no worries for today's webinar. Whew! Beyond relieved and grateful.

Join us today for another Galactic Activation webinar. We are in the 'right divine time' for Starseeds and Lightworkers to transmute our present unacceptable reality into a new, more evolved reality based on Unity consciousness. Remember we are not alone and the Galactic Federation will be with us today to augment the Love grid we create during each webinar. Join us .. Truly, together we are Victorious!

With Love,

REMINDER: Today is Sunday. Please don't wait to register for our webinar featuring the amazing Lowell Johnson. As always, PAO needs your help to keep afloat. Join us this month - adding your unique vibration to the tapestry of Light and Love we create during each and every webinar. When two or more are gathered...magic happens. Thank you.


Lowell Johnson discusses Earth Changes~ Join us for another stellar webinar


Can you imagine crossing a threshold out of our own troubled surface world and stepping down, deep down, into the serenity and wonder of Inner Earth?

Meet Lowell Johnson, who has done just that.

He has stood in the city of Telos, met the Lemurians, walked among them and learned from them. Now he returns, with direct knowledge of how we can re-connect with these most advanced spiritual Beings, who are our brothers and sisters.

He will share their Inner Earth wisdom, and explain how the awakening of our DNA can liberate us to become beings of higher consciousness.


We are excited and honored to welcome Lowell, a guest new to PAO, to hear his timely and captivating tales of Telos and learn how we can be beneficiaries of its citizens’ Lemurian wisdom.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Inner Earth Origins
The Lemurians
• The City of Telos
Its Different Levels and Inhabitants
• Earth Changes
How Gaia is Shifting to Get Humanity's Attention
• DNA Awakening to Become Beings of Light
Can Inner Earth Beings Help Us Now?

Bio About Lowell for Mad Mimi-1

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on June 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


I've received many calls reporting this wave of sadness and grief

Alchemy for When You’re Feeling Sadness or Grief

Source: Kerry K

“There’s a very big wave of sadness sweeping through the collective right now. In this video, I’m going to share with you where it’s coming from so that you understand it, but understanding is only the very first step.

As you go on to the end of this video, I’m going to guide you into how alchemy actually works, and how you can use it to transform sadness and grief into its higher expression.”

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What are You Entangled With?

Source: Ann Albers - Angels


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

If you have ever snagged your sweater on a chain or a necklace, had a piece of gum stuck to the bottom of your shoe, or tried to wriggle free from an outfit that was too tight after a large meal, you understand the notion of “entanglement!” It is fairly obvious in the 3D physical sense.

Most of you also know, from experience, that when you are entangled in your physical world, struggling with the situation often gets you more twisted up, while relaxing and slowly removing yourself from the situation is often a quicker way to “disentangle.”

For example, you can try to yank that chain off the sweater and break the chain or rip your sweater, or you can slowly work it free. You can gently scrape the gum off your shoe and get it off completely, or you can angrily struggle to wipe your foot on the ground while smearing the gum in every crevice on the sole of your shoe. You can breathe and slowly inch yourself out of your tight outfit, or you can struggle to force things and fall over.

The 5D world of energy has its entanglements, too, and you all feel them.

If you are in a vibration of love, this entanglement becomes a wonderful experience of feeling love from all of creation, and witnessing the synchronicities that occur as you dance in harmony with one another.

You grow, and a loved one grows.
You think of something, and your dear friend starts to talk about it.
You think of someone you have not seen in ages, and they contact you within a week.
You have a moment of appreciating your sleeping puppy, and they awaken and gaze at you with love.
You think of something you enjoy or wish for, and a video, website, or conversation on the subject pops up within minutes.
Your energies are all “entangled” in the vibration of love, and when you are in the vibration of love, you will enjoy a delicious dance with life.

The challenge comes when you get entangled with each other in the lower vibrations. Just as you can bring out the best in one another and the best from life in a vibration of love, you can also inspire others and life to present its lesser forms when you dance with one another in the lower vibrations. You feel upset at life, meet someone who is also upset at life, and eventually become upset with each other. You feel angry and run into all sorts of things that irritate you as well. You focus for too long on something sad without reaching for love or comfort, and other reasons to be sad start to invade your thoughts.

You have all seen this principle in action. On a good day, you tend to see and, therefore, draw forth the good in others. On a day when you are rushed or upset, many around you will contribute to that out of their own upset or urgency. Of course, everyone is responsible for their own vibration. You can’t “make” someone feel happy or sad, nor can anyone “make” you feel a certain way.

No one can think another’s thoughts, but you all allow others to influence you, and to the degree that you do, you feel these entanglements.

Our wish for you is that you become less entangled with the world’s lower vibrations, and more aligned with the Divine. In this space, you can be in the world but not of it. You can witness the pain with compassion but not feel the pain. You can be the light and the force of love that lifts others who are willing to be lifted.

The Divine and your angels will only dance with you in an “entanglement” of love. We focus on your true, beautiful, radiant, loving self. We focus on empowering what you love and want to experience. We witness you when you find those lower vibrations, and we have great compassion, but we never engage in a lower vibrational dance with you.

We don’t send you “lessons,” “tests,” “rewards,” or “punishment.” We only and always attempt to guide you along the kindest, easiest, and most loving path.

The world, however, will tug and pull at you with a variety of vibrations, and you will always feel most strongly the vibrations that match your own in a given moment. You will always become “entangled” with the vibrations that match your own.

This is why we encourage you to reach for comfort, soothing, kind thoughts, good feelings, pleasing circumstances, etc. This is why we discourage you from focusing on the lower behaviors of others, the pain and problems of the world, and the thoughts that drag you down.

In plain terms, you do yourself a loving service when you remove your focus from the things, people, and situations that drag you down and give yourselves permission to find and feel greater comfort, ease, grace, and joy.

Trying to prove a point or educate those who irritate you only entangles you further with their irritating qualities.

Trying to prove your worth to those who don’t see it only entangles you further with their judgmental views.

Focusing on the wrongness of another’s behavior, no matter how right you are, only entangles you with those lower vibrations.

Simply focusing too long on the things that drag you down can attract more of the negativity you are trying to avoid.

The good news is that you can shift just slightly to focus on anyone or anything that pleases you, anything you love, or anything that even gives you some comfort, and in that loving vibration, you open to the never-ending stream of love available to you at all times.

Dear ones, it is not so hard to open to love in a given moment. Look around you. Find something pleasing, right here and now. Enjoy it. Appreciate it. Think a kind thought about it. Now, think a kind thought about yourself. Perhaps you can acknowledge yourself for attuning to love in this moment.

With something this simple, you have just opened yourself to the love that the universe is always sending you. The more you practice this simple act, the more you become “entangled” in the vibration of love, and the more loving your reality will become.

God Bless You! We love you so very much.
~ The Angels


Just Be Now

Source: Nicky Hamid


When something pops up that you do not like, that gives you feelings of anxiety, confusion, irritation, hurt, etc, etc……….. STOP.

Go to your heart, breathe a bit. Watch whatever you are feeling, or whatever the thought. Do not push against it.

If it is popping up then all it needs is your feeling and seeing it. No need of analysis.

Seeing it in the gratitude of the Knowing (not in regret) and your Lovingness and it will leave.

You are Soul Being. Nothing can change that. You are the Watcher, the Lover. If it pops up IT IS LEAVING.

Do not tarry with it because if you do you are giving your energy to it for it to remain and reappear and though it appears real it is not, it is not YOU unless you choose it in that Now moment.

If there is no pushing against, there is nothing to maintain it.

The Universe can then bring you the unexpected and aligned event for where you are choosing to direct your life.

Thoughts, emotions, and events based on all the old beliefs are coming up from your subconscious to be dissolved. There is nothing you need to do but to watch, allow, and give thanks for the joy of Being in that moment of Now.

Simply just keep doing this. Repetition establishes the consciousness stream from your Heart to your head and builds new networks in your brain.

Thinking, becomes doing becomes Being.

I So Love You

And you cannot fathom how this all works. It is FLOW and IT JUST DOES.

Do you dare to believe that you are that powerful.

I so believe in You.

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