
Friday, June 21, 2024

Inner Voice by Venus Beings


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Happy Summer Solstice!

Since my 'reset trip', I have enjoyed connecting with the people I met at the conference. I have secured the marvelous Margie Kay for July and the talented Brad Olsen for August. I am looking forward to introducing these amazing guests to you ~ including this month with Lowell Johnson. So excited.

When I listen to Lowell's story, it makes me want to go to Mount Shasta and ask to enter Telos. Years ago, Miriam and I went up on the mountain and invoked decrees for meeting Saint Germain as he outlined in one of his 'I AM Discourse' books. Unfortunately, our decrees were not met with an experience. We did have a lot of fun trying to connect. Often I have heard that you have to be alone for a meeting. We will ask Lowell what he thinks.

As always, PAO needs your help to keep afloat. Join us this month - adding your unique vibration to the tapestry of Light and Love we create during each and every webinar. When two or more are gathered...magic happens.

With Love,


Lowell Johnson discusses Earth Changes~ Join us for another stellar webinar


Can you imagine crossing a threshold out of our own troubled surface world and stepping down, deep down, into the serenity and wonder of Inner Earth?

Meet Lowell Johnson, who has done just that.

He has stood in the city of Telos, met the Lemurians, walked among them and learned from them. Now he returns, with direct knowledge of how we can re-connect with these most advanced spiritual Beings, who are our brothers and sisters.

He will share their Inner Earth wisdom, and explain how the awakening of our DNA can liberate us to become beings of higher consciousness.


We are excited and honored to welcome Lowell, a guest new to PAO, to hear his timely and captivating tales of Telos and learn how we can be beneficiaries of its citizens’ Lemurian wisdom.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Inner Earth Origins
The Lemurians
• The City of Telos
Its Different Levels and Inhabitants
• Earth Changes
How Gaia is Shifting to Get Humanity's Attention
• DNA Awakening to Become Beings of Light
Can Inner Earth Beings Help Us Now?

Bio About Lowell for Mad Mimi-1

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on June 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.



Source: Chosen Chronicles

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Inner Voice by Venus Beings

Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa


Greetings beloved beings of light and love upon the earth, we are the Venus Beings. We are a collective of beings in existence upon Venus. We hold the vibration of love. Our focus, our purpose, is dedicated to the love of the Creator. We wish to ignite this love within all beings, and remind all beings how they are in an embodiment of love.

Today we come forth to speak with you about your inner voice.

We first wish to say that the entire Universe of the Creator is a conversation, a communication. Every being, every existence, every soul is in conversation and communication with themselves, with each other, in fact, with the entire Universe of the Creator.

As you exist in your physical body we, the Venus Beings, invite you to imagine that all aspects of your being are in conversation and are communicating with each other. We also wish for you to be aware that all aspects of your being are in conversation and communication with every being upon the earth and the inner planes, and that every being upon the earth and the inner planes is also in communication and conversation with you.

Imagine for a moment, if you could hear this conversation it would be like a very loud chattering noise – a noise maybe that you would not be able to understand or distinguish. It might sound all jumbled.

Now imagine that this noise is actually silence and all the conversations and communications are experienced to you as silence…as peace…because it is natural for all aspects of your being to be in conversation and communication.
You are connected to all aspects of your being and all beings.

It is a flow of Creator energy that empowers and energises your being. It allows you to be connected, to gain, to receive and to share all that is needed. When you connect into that piece, which is in fact the communication of yourself and all beings, you can access different channels of communication.

For example, you might be able to access a part of your physical body speaking to you, or maybe your heart connecting with the Heart Chakra of a being on the inner planes.

There are so many voices, so many communications and conversations that you can connect with, that you can listen to. You might not be able to experience them as a vocal conversation, but you may be able to experience a sound, a sensation, a frequency or a feeling, or maybe something else.

You have access to information, knowledge and wisdom that is present within you and the entire Universe of the Creator. There is simply a need for you to tune into it; to align with it.

With such a wealth of knowledge and wisdom of flow and conversation, it can be challenging to understand where to align. That which is needed for your existence, for your spiritual growth and to serve you, always comes to the forefront to be observed by you.
Often when you’re searching for something and are unable to find it, it is not exactly what is needed for you.

The Universe of the Creator isn’t tricky. It doesn’t create obstacles. It is often the mind and the desires, thinking that you need something when maybe the alignment is slightly off and there is something greater that would be of more service to you. Once you align with that, it offers a greater service to you and it comes very easily.

Your inner voice is actually made up of so many voices, in actual fact, the entire Universe of the Creator.

So how do you know when you’re following the most appropriate inner voice for you, and what is your true essence in a voice?

You can ask to connect with different aspects of your being, like tuning into a channel. You can ask to experience the voice, the inner voice of your essence, or your original spark for this reality.

You can ask to tune into or align with your soul/your soul group/the Creator within you.

As you experiment with this, you will notice the voice with which you feel most comfortable…the one that fulfils you…and that will be the most perfect alignment for you.

It will be like fine-tuning a radio station because essentially, the voice of your soul, soul group and Creator may be the same; they may offer the same wisdom, the same vibrations, the same understanding and guidance.

As you fine tune, you’ll gain the most appropriate vibration that serves you physically/emotionally/mentally and spiritually – one that inspires you, and brings healing and knowingness.

There isn’t a wrong voice within your being because every communication, whether it’s a part of your body…your emotional body, your mental body, your spiritual body…each has something valuable of which to make you aware – maybe to transform, maybe to embody.

When you close your eyes and focus within, and allow yourself to access a peace…breathing that energy of peace in and out through your being…you know you’re connecting to this stream of your inner voice that is so colourful, so abundant, so wise and so connected to the entire Universe of the Creator.

You also realise that you have tremendous support and that you are never alone, that the answers you require are always within you, and that all of your being and this conversation and communication that you experience, it is for you to support, to love and to nurture you.

It is time to explore this; awakening this vibrant and abundant truth within your being.

We are the Venus Beings. We love you, and we thank you.


The White Buffalo Prophecy

Source: Four Worlds International Institute

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