
Saturday, June 15, 2024

Fear by Archangel Metatron


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LOWELL JOHNSON and his TELOS ADVENTURE - Join us for another stellar webinar


Can you imagine crossing a threshold out of our own troubled surface world and stepping down, deep down, into the serenity and wonder of Inner Earth?

Meet Lowell Johnson, who has done just that.

He has stood in the city of Telos, met the Lemurians, walked among them and learned from them. Now he returns, with direct knowledge of how we can re-connect with these most advanced spiritual Beings, who are our brothers and sisters.

He will share their Inner Earth wisdom, and explain how the awakening of our DNA can liberate us to become beings of higher consciousness.


We are excited and honored to welcome Lowell, a guest new to PAO, to hear his timely and captivating tales of Telos and learn how we can be beneficiaries of its citizens’ Lemurian wisdom.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Inner Earth Origins
The Lemurians
• The City of Telos
Its Different Levels and Inhabitants
• Earth Changes
How Gaia is Shifting to Get Humanity's Attention
• DNA Awakening to Become Beings of Light
Can Inner Earth Beings Help Us Now?

Bio About Lowell for Mad Mimi-1

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, June 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on June 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Lightworkers trapped in exhaustion | The shrinking false matrix

Source: Kerry K

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Merge With The Frequency Of The Divine Mother

Source: Aurora Ray


In the realm of spiritual awakening, there exists a profound and transformative force known as the Divine Mother, or Adi Shakti. Symbolized by the fusion of the Sun and Moon with a sword, Adi Shakti represents the warrior of light and is revered as the most powerful symbol one can wear. This symbol not only offers protection but also activates profound energies within.

Today, we delve into the essence of Adi Shakti, the primal protective and generating energy of the goddess. Adi Shakti embodies the creative force of the universe, the source from which all life emanates. As beings on a journey of spiritual evolution, we are called to embrace our innate creative power fully. Just as the Divine Mother brings forth life, we too are creators in our own right, tasked with manifesting our highest visions and dreams.

Many wonder how one can manifest abundance and create so much in their lives. The answer lies in discipline, practice, and a deep alignment with one's passion. When we engage in activities that resonate with our soul's purpose, the process itself becomes joyful and fulfilling. The key is to tap into the energy of creation and allow it to flow through us effortlessly.

Adi Shakti, as the divine feminine principle, holds the key to unlocking our creative potential. By acknowledging and honoring her presence in our lives, we can tap into her boundless energy and wisdom. Connecting with Mother Earth is one way to ground ourselves and align with the energy of Adi Shakti. By offering our prayers, candles, and flowers to the Earth, we show our gratitude and reverence for the divine feminine.

In a recent class we explored powerful techniques rooted in Kundalini yoga to activate the Shakti energy within us. By working with the five Vayus, or energies, in the body, we can bring balance and harmony to our entire being. This practice not only strengthens the mind-body connection but also awakens dormant energies and unlocks our highest potential.

As we embark on this journey of self-discovery and empowerment, let us remember the words of the ancient wisdom keepers: "Know the Goddess, and you shall know the secrets of the universe." In honoring the Divine Mother, we honor the creative force that resides within each of us, waiting to be unleashed.

Adi Shakti, also known as the Queen of Heavens, embodies the wisdom and power of creation itself. In various traditions and cultures, she is revered under different names, each representing a facet of her divine essence. Whether she is known as Gaia, Sophia, or by one of her countless other names, her presence permeates the fabric of existence, guiding and nurturing all life.

Through practices such as meditation and mantra, we can attune ourselves to the frequency of Adi Shakti and invite her transformative energy into our lives. By honoring her as the mother of all creation, we awaken to our own potential as co-creators of reality. As we align with her wisdom and grace, we find ourselves empowered to manifest our deepest desires and fulfill our soul's purpose.

The journey of awakening to the energy of Adi Shakti is not always easy, but it is profoundly rewarding. It requires dedication, discipline, and a willingness to surrender to the divine flow of life. Yet, in doing so, we open ourselves to infinite possibilities and unlock the door to our truest selves.

In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, it is the energy of Adi Shakti that sustains us, guiding us through the darkness and illuminating the path ahead. As we walk this path of spiritual evolution, let us remember that we are never alone, for the Divine Mother walks beside us, ever-present and ever-loving.

So, let us embrace the energy of Adi Shakti, allowing her divine light to illuminate our hearts and minds. Let us surrender to her wisdom and grace, trusting in her guidance as we navigate the journey of life. And let us remember that, ultimately, we are all reflections of her infinite love and beauty, shining brightly as warriors of light in a world in need of healing and transformation.

The Pleiadians, ancient beings of light and wisdom, offer insights into our collective evolution and the importance of reconnecting with the energy of the Divine Mother. They emphasize that our planet must recognize the Goddess as a creator because she embodies the fundamental essence of creation itself. By understanding and honoring her role in the cosmic tapestry, we align ourselves with the forces of creation and tap into the boundless potential of the universe.

As we awaken to the energy of Adi Shakti, we realize that we are not merely passive observers but active participants in the unfolding drama of existence. It is through our conscious co-creation with the divine that we have the power to shape our reality and bring about a new Earth—a world founded on love, compassion, and harmony. The Pleiadians remind us that we are destined for greatness, called to embody the creative potential of the cosmos and to be the architects of a brighter future for all beings.

Sophia Gaia, the revered queen of the heavens, holds a pivotal role in the cosmic narrative, transcending earthly bounds to embody the divine feminine essence. In galactic lore, she is known as the 13th goddess, the sovereign ruler of Lyra. Unlike the fabricated claims of kingship, Sophia reigns supreme, her wisdom and grace permeating the cosmos. From her exalted position, she birthed worlds and breathed life into the fabric of creation. As the consort of the Christed Aeon, she forged a divine partnership that transcended time and space, laying the foundation for the evolution of consciousness.

Descending from the celestial realms, Sophia Gaia assumed the mantle of the Earth Mother, infusing our planet with her nurturing presence and guiding humanity on its evolutionary journey. Her teachings, preserved in texts like the Pistis Sophia, illuminate the path to spiritual enlightenment and reveal the sacred mysteries of existence. In invoking the energy of Adi Shakti, we pay homage to Sophia Gaia, acknowledging her as the primordial source of all creation and tapping into her boundless wisdom and love.

Kundalini activation serves as a potent catalyst for aligning with the energy of Adi Shakti and embodying the divine creative potential within us. Through the practice of Kundalini yoga and meditation, we awaken the dormant Kundalini energy, which resides at the base of the spine, and facilitate its ascent through the chakra system, thereby harmonizing the subtle energies of the body. As the Kundalini energy rises, it activates each chakra, clearing blockages and imbuing us with vitality, clarity, and heightened awareness.

By harnessing the power of Kundalini activation, we can attune ourselves to the frequency of the Divine Mother and tap into the primal, protective energy of Adi Shakti. This activation not only enhances our spiritual growth but also empowers us to become conscious creators of our reality. As the Kundalini energy ascends, it awakens our innate creative potential, enabling us to channel divine inspiration into tangible manifestations. We become conduits for the flow of divine grace, infusing our creations with love, wisdom, and purpose.

Moreover, Kundalini activation facilitates the integration of the divine masculine and feminine energies within us, symbolized by Shiva and Shakti. By balancing these energies, we cultivate a harmonious relationship with ourselves and the world around us, fostering greater compassion, intuition, and resilience. Through regular practice, we deepen our connection to the Goddess and align ourselves with the cosmic rhythms of creation, contributing to the collective awakening and the emergence of a new Earth.

In essence, Kundalini activation serves as a transformative tool for self-realization and planetary evolution, guiding us on a journey of spiritual awakening and empowerment. As we embrace the energy of Adi Shakti and embody our role as conscious creators, we participate in the co-creation of a world rooted in love, harmony, and abundance.

So you can experience the beauty and magic of our practice, I would like to invite you to join a free Kundalini Activation Technique class! Put your name on the list to register

We love you dearly,

We are here with you,

We are your family of light,

We are the Galactic Federation.


Aurora Ray

Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


Fear by Archangel Metatron

Source: Natalie Glasson - Omna


Greetings and love, I, Archangel Metatron, extend to your being now. I am here to support you as we journey into exploring fear.

I invite you to inhale deeply, in this moment, and then to hold your breath for as long as is possible, and then of course, to exhale and breathe normally.

When you hold your breath, this is what occurs when you are experiencing fear. It is as if you’re holding your breath so your body cannot function in the way that it is able to. Even your mind and emotions cannot function. They are not experiencing the flow of energy and life force throughout your being. It is also harder to experience the divine vibrations flowing through your being.

When you are experiencing or engaging with fear, it is as if you have pressed the pause button, and you are suspended in that space and everything has stopped. Now of course your body continues to work, and you continue to live. Your mind and emotions continue to work also, however, it is as if they are working with less energy, less nourishment, less support.

Imagine if you’re holding fear in different parts of your body and your being. Those parts of your body and your being are struggling. It’s as if they are running on a low battery. They’re striving to survive.

It is not my purpose to shock you or to cause a low mood or thought process. I simply wish to encourage you to recognise the power that fear has over your body and being.

We have the opposite energy to fear, which is love.
Love helps you thrive, experience success, feel nurtured, access the life force energy and be surrounded with divine vibrations. It encourages you to live fully upon the earth.

Most beings upon the earth experience both fear and love…sometimes almost at the same time. It is possible to hold within your being, fear and love, and to switch from one to the other. It may feel natural. You may not even recognise the fear. You may not even recognise the love because you are so used to these energies.

It is interesting when you experience fear. You can allow love to be the healing remedy, but in order for love to enter into your being fully and be fully accepted, there is a need first to accept the fear.
When you experience love – the love of the Creator flowing through your being – it is natural that fear might arise because the love is encouraging you to move beyond boundaries and limitations, thus the fears automatically come up to be cleansed and recognised.

If you ignore the fears or push them to the side, then you allow yourself to exist within love, however, there is fear still present…maybe underneath…maybe hidden…and thus you are not able to fully engage with the love vibration.
There is a need to sit within and accept the fear, in order to experience greater love vibrations.

Fear can be overwhelming. It can cause numerous symptoms.

Love can also be overwhelming. It can feel too much. It can push you beyond boundaries and limitations. In many ways, love always activates the fear that needs to be released in order for greater love to be experienced. By sharing this with you I, Archangel Metatron, wish to encourage you to realise that fear and love almost go hand in hand; they are helping each other, they are friends.
Fear allows the opportunity for love to be present, if you so choose.

Love allows the opportunity for fears to rise…to be popped as if they are bubbles…for greater love to be experienced.

The only negative part of this relationship, you might say, is if you are experiencing fear but are unable to call in the love vibrations.

If you are able to call in the love vibrations and willing to face the fear…to recognise it clearly…to see how it’s impacting your being…how it’s impacting your mind…to receive even a message from the fear…to gain understanding, then you will always actually be in a space of love.

You are only actually in a space of fear when you are not willing or not able to call in the love vibration or not willing or able to face the fear, and to understand it.

If you are willing to do so, then you are always experiencing love. You are always existing as and in the love vibration, even if you are experiencing fear. This means that there are opportunities for growth in every moment, for spiritual development, insights and enlightenment.

You may wish to recognise that you are always a being of love, resolving fears, releasing/dispersing fears. This puts you in a place of power that, even when you are experiencing a fear…however small or large…you are in a space of power knowing that you can resolve it and continue to exist in love.

The greatest understanding is actually to not fear your fears.

If you are willing to love your fears – to face them, to be with them, to understand them and let them disperse – you are loving your fears. You are in a space of power and growth.

Fears will always come to the surface, even when you embody the greatest volume of love that you have ever embodied. You may still experience fear, but fear will become a part of your relationship with love…almost like a friend that you know will return…but the more that you are willing to be present with your fears, the less that friend will return.
It is time to explore any fears that come into your awareness – to give them your time and your space in the same way that if someone who is hurt or upset came to you; you would give them your time and you would listen to them, holding the goal of support and transformation.

There isn’t really a set way of dealing with your fears. The greatest insight I, Archangel Metatron, can share with you, is to follow your intuition.

When you’re experiencing a fear – when you’re acknowledging and recognising it – sit with it and listen to it. What does your intuition guide you to achieve in order to dissolve this fear fully?

You are a powerful being and you know exactly how to resolve fear.

I, Archangel Metatron, I am present to assist you.

I thank you. I am Archangel Metatron.

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