
Saturday, May 25, 2024



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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Jerry Wills was one of the speakers at the Journey to Truth conference. His story is extraordinary. As a baby he was dropped off by his off-world race. He was found by the military and was placed in a military family. He does enjoy occasional contact with his people (he never labeled his star race). Most recently, he was given a crystal ball for safe keeping. As of today, he is not sure what he is to do with the crystal ball. Instructions will come at a later date.

We all gathered in a line to hold the crystal ball. Pictures below are of Jerry (6'7") and me holding the crystal ball. It was all great fun.

Remember to register for our Galactic Activation webinar tomorrow featuring the one and only - Jared Rand. He never disappoints and always leaves us with more information and a feeling of Victory. Join us.

Remember our webinars with Jared start at 2pm Pacific. Mark your calendars.

In gratitude, I remain,

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We stand at the dawn of a new era. Despite what it may seem, we are closer than ever to attaining the life of truth, hope and glory we envisioned all along. More and more people are waking up, standing up, and actively fighting for the world we all know is meant to be.

No longer can we accept what this world has become: the skyrocketing costs and empty shelves; elevated environmental toxicities; and seemingly endless conflicts that erode and poison every level of life. More to the point, our frequency upgrades are making us hypersensitive, and life here is becoming intolerable. We are forced to wonder if we have actually reached the point of no return.

Jared Rand. PAO’s guest for this month, begs to differ. He arrives, bearing a much welcome arsenal of wisdom and a heaping dose of the comforting common sense we most need right now. Despair is never an option and Jared’s wise words will ignite a chain reaction to negate and reverse the toxins that contaminate our existence.


And of course, no PAO Webinar would be complete without the latest exciting update on Jared’s Celestial Chambers project.

Better times lie ahead, says Jared. Patience and courage are the keys. With every sunset, the newer, better, golden dawn comes a little closer. Soon, it will be here.

Prepare to be inspired. Please join us for another compelling Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Information Wars
Decisive Changes to Combat Tyranny
• Our Toxic Environment
Ways We Can Minimize the Risks
• Cosmic Growing Pains
How to Deal with Intensified Frequency Upgrade Symptoms
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Raising Hope with Evidence, not Empty Promises
A Thoughtful Glimpse into Humanity's Likely Future

Bio About Jared for Mad Mimi-1

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, May 26, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Humanity’s RESET: Top PSYCHIC Reveals What NOT to Ignore in 2024

Source: Next Level Soul

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Determine Your Truth by Celestial White Beings

Source: Natalie Glasson


Greetings magnificent beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth with our vibration of celestial bliss. It is our purpose to awaken the energy of bliss from within your being; to bring forth Creator bliss into your reality so that you may experience the love, the fulfilment, the freedom and the Divine flow of the Creator.

Today we wish to speak with you about accessing and determining your own truth.

We have a question for you that we wish for you to contemplate. When you’re asking for guidance, who do you ask for guidance? When you receive guidance, who shares this guidance with you?

Let us explain our questions further. When seeking your truth/your essence/your divine wisdom/your inner knowingness, it is important to ask within for guidance/for intuition/for confirmation. You may ask your inner presence to share with you some guidance or intuition about a certain experience, choice or decision, and you may receive your intuition/your guidance. You may gain a vision or an understanding.

We the Celestial White Beings invite you to begin to contemplate, who are you asking and who is offering the answer? This may be something that you understand completely already, or it may require some fine tuning.
When you ask for intuition or guidance within your being, are you simply asking within?
Do you ask your guides, your soul, your heart, the Creator within you?
When you are asking for guidance, do you know who you are asking, what aspect of your being?

You may know already, or it may be a journey of discovery to determine to where you are directing that question. It is the same when intuition comes.

Maybe you are walking or driving or reading, and suddenly intuition comes to you. Where has that intuition come from?

Did it come from your soul, soul group, the Creator?

Did it come from your ego or your emotions?

Was it a random thought in your mind?

What were you experiencing emotionally when you gained that insight or that intuition?

We are bringing these questions to you and inviting you to contemplate asking for intuition and receiving intuition. We wish for you to fine tune your energies and your alignment so that you know exactly what aspect of your being you are asking for guidance, and which aspect of your being is offering the guidance, so that when a thought enters your mind, you know precisely that it is from a divine source that serves you, rather than your emotional body or your mental body or mind.

It is also important to acknowledge that when you ask and when you receive, your state of being is also important. If you are concerned or worried or anxious, this will also influence your question more, and your receiving of intuition. If you are at peace or accessing a vibration of peace, then you are more likely to receive information and guidance that will serve you.

There is no wrong or right answer to who you are asking and who is sharing the intuition with you, however, we wish to create a purer, clearer alignment and a greater knowingness within you so that when you receive guidance or when you are asking for guidance, you are receiving the highest potential for your being and your reality.

In this way, you can begin a journey allowing yourself to determine to bring forth a focus as to where you’re directing questions; from what space you are directing them from within your being, and from where the guidance is flowing.
This will be a process of trial and error as you begin to explore and discover. You might realise that you have been talking to your mind, or you might realise that you have been talking to the Creator within you.

You might need to switch things and realign. You might need to contemplate, what is the best energy and the highest potential energy for me to connect with in order to ask questions and gain guidance?

As you explore this within your being, you will know what feels appropriate as it will fill you with a sense of bliss/of happiness/of freedom/of ease, and you can begin to contemplate, when you do ask for guidance, why you are asking or from what space.

Are you asking because you feel fearful?

Are you asking because you feel content but you wish for confirmation?

Are you asking because you feel confused?

It may be valuable to transform those energies first. If you’re feeling confused, ask to connect with the vibration of clarity within your being. If you’re feeling fearful, ask to connect with the vibration of courage and then, from that space, begin to ask for guidance.

We invite you to contemplate, to explore, to examine, to determine and to journey.

We, the Celestial White Beings, are present to support you. We love you unconditionally.

We are the Celestial White Beings. We thank you.

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