
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Time To Level Up


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Oh my! My computer is acting up big time. Short newsletter as a result. I consulted Miles and we came to the conclusion that it might be my modem. Fingers crossed. Better get it fixed before Sunday!

Hey, hot of the presses from Laarkmaa. Listen to the video below for a taste of our Pleiadean friends' wisdom. Join us Sunday and you will be adding your unique vibration to the tapestry of Light we create during each and every webinar surrounding our beloved Earth in Galactic Love.

Selamat ja!

Nature Deficit Disorder - Earth is Calling You Home

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for April

Right now, the world is in upheaval and humanity is riding an emotional roller coaster. Bombarded by both mainstream and alternative media, we find it difficult to ascertain truth from lies, and ricochet between despair and unsubstantiated hope.

At this epochal moment in history, when spiritual discernment is most crucial, our quest for higher consciousness is being sorely tested.

But, blinkered by the narrow outlook of our planet’s darkness, we cannot see the wider view. We are fighting in the dark. For that broader perspective PAO turns to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, who, with the aid of Laarkmaa, those all-wise Pleiadean beings, can give us their higher-dimensional wisdom on our present 3D dilemma.


Planetary change is inevitable, even here.

Please join us for their thoughts on how we can actively ignite a
positive reality shift and win in our struggle for freedom.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Accelerated Consciousness
Evaluating Our Conscious Position at the Present Moment.
• Patience and Meaningful Actions
Are We Simply Waiting to be Rescued?
What We Can Do Right Now to Actively Help the Cause?
• Dealing with Life in 3D Today
How to Cope In the Material 3D World While We Prepare for a Reality Shift
• A Moment with Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation

Bio About PIa and Cullen for Mad Mimi

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, April 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday April 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

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Archangel Michael: You Are an Extension and Expression of God

Source: Asara Adams


Greetings, Beloved Ones.

We are sending you blessings of Love and Light, in this Now Moment, and we are inviting you to open your heart to our message for you…

Beloved One, you are an extension and expression of God.

That means that you are a part of God.

This part of God is your God Mind.

You also have a second part within you, which is the Ego Mind.

On your path of Ascension you will be able to dissolve the Ego Mind and its Illusion, and let it disappear into nothing.

In your experience of your Ascension journey, you are either experiencing the Illusion that your Ego Mind created or God’s true Reality/Heaven on Earth/The New Earth/5th Dimension, which your God Mind is leading you to.

This is your journey home.

You and everyone in your world has these two minds: the Ego Mind and God’s Mind.

So, how do you quiet your Ego Mind if you wish to ascend?

Simply say to yourself “Peace! Be still and know I Am God.”

“Peace! Be Still” is addressing your Ego Mind.

“Know I Am God” is the acknowledgment and reminder that you are in fact a part of God.

When you have thoughts about others that are judging or blaming them, you can say to yourself:

“Peace! Be still and know he/she is God.”

This is assisting you in remembering that this person is also a part of God.

It is dispelling the Ego Mind experience that you have with this person.

Let’s take this a little further…

Any negative experience that is driven by the Ego Mind, is part of the Illusion and therefore, not real.

Your belief that it is real, keeps it in your experience.

Your Soul and your God Mind is moving you through these Ego Mind illusion experiences to assist you in practicing this principle.

Every time you make the choice of God’s Reality and not the Illusion, you are moving further up in your ascension process.

The more you are becoming aware of these practice opportunities, the more you will begin to understand that they are just an illusion and therefore, not real.

Your surroundings, circumstances and people will respond to your shift towards your God Self and with that, your practice will become easier.

Know That All Is Well, Beloved Ones.

Welcome Home.

We are walking beside you, every step of the way.

Dear Ones, you are loved beyond measure. Always.

I am Archangel Michael and I bring you this truth.


Time To Level Up

Source: Meg Benmedicte


It has been a transformative week of energy clearings and integration from the life-changing Solar Eclipse-Chiron activations.

Chiron at exact degree of the Eclipse emphasizes the path of self-healing that is essential to achieving Soul embodiment.

I’ve been noticing more clearings in my own process, as well as working with clients since the Chiron-Eclipse event on April 8.

This was not a ‘run-of-the-mill’ eclipse, but rather a huge global awakening and shift into the new paradigm. The ‘eclipse effects’ will continue to ripple through the collective for months to come.

The Chiron-New Moon, North Node Solar Eclipse created an opening, a gate, a doorway to higher dimensional access of Soul essence. It shook the rafters, awakening more possibilities of living as the Higher Self.

The opening process continues within the very nature of your being. It is a gradual advancement into Soul consciousness, the higher wisdom that initiates new growth, new expression, new creativity, new possibilities and new realities.

As you leave the past behind, dropping the dead weight of earthly timelines, letting go of the shackles of separation…you are evolving into becoming Beings of Light. It is the path of illumination, of shedding the earthly ego self and actualizing the Higher Self. You are in the process of birthing alive the Divine Human prototype.

Riding the wave of Chiron-Eclipse activations, is the anticipated planetary conjunction of Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus (first time since 1940). Between April 18th – 26th, a rare cosmic event occurs when Jupiter joins Uranus at 21°-22° Taurus.

Expect the unexpected!

Jupiter is benevolent and expansive, while Uranus brings innovation and sudden surprises. In Taurus ruled by Venus, this lineup influences more earthly pursuits, art and beauty, what you value, your finances, how you love yourself and others.

The 2nd half of April and most of May will be vibrating with this powerful pair-up, electrifying Jupiter-Uranus in Taurus.

This rare conjunction will trigger massive shifts in the collective…a global up-leveling in how we generate earnings, engage in relationships, perceive values and what is aesthetically beautiful.

Let’s ride this wave of ascension into living as the divine self.

Lovingly, Meg

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