
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

They're In Our Oceans...MASSIVE Underwater UFOs


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Reaching Out for Your Support


Dear Starseeds and Lightworkers:

PAO welcomes this opportunity to thank each one of you for your enduring support of our interplanetary project over these many years. We are honored to have brought you inspiration and enlightenment through the good days and the not-so-good ones.

What you may not realize is that you have been our beacons as well, galvanizing us, with every newsletter and Webinar, to light the next steps through this world's growing darkness.

All we want is to continue to bring you inspiration, fresh invigorating air for mind and soul, each day and month. Sadly, that can no longer be taken for granted.


PAO is hanging on the edge of the cliff. As we enter an era of rising costs, growing shortages, supply and distribution issues - challenges facing us all - we at PAO are finding it increasingly difficult to pay the daily bills that keep your inspiration coming. With each week, digital communication platforms and related expenses balloon. Even more are the vast unknowns and global uncertainties of the coming year, and the extent to which they may affect our futures.


Ironically, these are the times when, more and more, we are all in need of the thoughtful, paradigm-shattering insights, wisdom and cheer that PAO's network and guests provide. By gathering together during our Webinar each month, we can amplify the light in hearts, minds and souls. PAO's candle, multiplied by each one of our listeners, can become a searchlight across the sky.

And, lit collectively, that searchlight will transform earthly darkness into universal Light.

Webinars and donations are PAO's financial lifeline.
Please contribute whatever and whenever you can to keep PAO beaming truth your way:

Peace and Blessings,

Colleen and Miles
PAO Team

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They're In Our Oceans...Hundreds of People Are Seeing MASSIVE Underwater UFOs

Source: Matrix Wisdom

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A Calling For Light: From Our Soul

Source: Carol Millar

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A Calling For Light

Allow Truths To Filter Through Your Heart

The Soul and the Heart are one, working in unison to increase your Spiritual Awareness. As you become more Advanced – accessing this ancient knowledge, not of words, but through the truths you filter through your Heart. Your Light grows, felt by others, as you draw together, a domino effect is created, as you join with like-minded Souls. As you become more comfortable to allow your Soul to Open, many Truths are revealed, Inner Wisdom your Soul re-remembers from present and past lives – never lost – come forward. The Soul re-awakens to these Truths.

As you gain clarity on your Path, you realize there is a service connection, as you carry with you this Light. It ignites and burns brightly, shared with those you assist. Walk with renewed Spirituality along your path – Illuminate brightly, as you Light the way for others, as they too pass on this knowledge.

The flame continues and burns brighter with each passing of the torch.

Sense the Intricate Dance, Your Soul’s presence, whispering the Eternal Truth – You are Wise, You are Strong, You are Beautiful, You are Divine Light – Together…All are One!

Living The Light

Embrace Daily Meditation into your Life

▪ Ask for Guidance from your Angels and Ancestors, as they walk with you
▪ Recite the Violet Flame Meditation below to renew your Spiritual Vibration to its Purest form
▪ Healing with the Violet Flame has many transformative Powers


▪ No Path – Is the same nor easier than that of another
▪ Your Light – Like a beacon calls to others as you serve in Earth’s Awakening
▪ You are a Messenger – Here to Illuminate your Light for others to follow

Violet Flame Meditation

Recite 3 x’s

“Within each Breath flows Healing Spiritual Energy to every cell of My Being, as I clear and Transmute Old Patterns, Beliefs and Karma.”

I AM the Violet Flame

Rays of Violet Light fill – my Body – my Aura

Energizing – my Mind – my Heart
Awakened to all Truths

I AM the Violet Flame

I AM washed in Divine Light
Seeing Earth healed

My Soul connected with Spirit

I AM the Violet Flame
Consciousness raised to Cosmic Heights

The Emotions of Fear transmuted to Love

Karma transformed from Negative to Positive

I AM the Violet Flame

Channeled Meditation with – Ascended Master Saint Germain, Author of the Violet Flame



Source: Kerry K

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