
Tuesday, April 9, 2024

The Great Mother Healing Intense Mother Healing is taking place in humanity. It's a deep healing of the "Mother" aspect of the Feminine Divine.


The Great Mother Healing

Intense Mother Healing is taking place in humanity. It's a deep healing of the "Mother" aspect of the Feminine Divine.

This mother healing stretches along entire ancestral lines as well as through what's encoded in our DNA.

More so, this maternal healing extends into our souls and not only in this life, in which the inner child undergoes amazing mother healing, but also in all other lives ahead of us, as a mother, a grandmother or in any form of motherhood - for men also "mother" in their own unique way and this may not always be clear. Yet some men whose heart center is completely open have this too.

This healing goes deep into the wounding of Matriarchal societies, because initially the Matriarchate ruled, but was suppressed by the Patriarchate. Yet in many tribal aspects the Matriarchy has always ruled.

What is happening here is a huge shift in balance between the Divine Masculine and the Divine Feminine, as well as the wounding of many millions of years on this planet, where the imbalance caused wars and destruction, separation, alienation, division, so often slavery and injustice.

I was in tears this morning when the Divine Feminine appeared to me and I experienced deep healing from the mother and feminine side, when my feminine side, the left side, really came forward physically. I've been doing some intense inner healing work these past few weeks and it wasn't until I realized that this was not only my healing, but for all of humanity.

I was shown how the Divine Feminine pours unconditional Maternal Love into every single soul on earth. It moved straight to the heart center connected to the soul and it was profound. Divine torrents of love pouring out and indeed going deep into Mother Earth and deep into all creatures on earth and in the air and indeed bringing in a deep activation of heart love like never before.

This will now cause an even greater awakening in souls on Earth on a huge scale. It will be as if the shackles and shackles that held humanity captive for so long will just fall off, as will the blindness, often the unwillingness to see the truth.

It brings a deep awakening to Divine Truth in all of us. It will be that we suddenly see the truth clearly and know the truth in our deepest soul as the heart opens more and more.

There are major celebrations on a Universal and Omniversal level, that rebirth has taken place and that our lives will now dramatically change in all aspects of life and existence, as souls remember the truth of who and what they really are, which they are incarnated to be be and do, and indeed there will be a mass awakening of hidden potential and genius, which will indeed bring form and creation in the New Golden Age!

The love of the Divine Mother encompasses all! It is already healing, and it is indeed all powerful!

Open your heart and soul and allow the Divine Mother to embrace, hold, cradle you in her arms and hold you to her bosom and then feel that love that heals the deepest wounds of your soul, consciously or unconsciously and stand yourself then to take your own little child in your own arms and cradle him or her and then allow your true loving soul to embrace this child and tell them how much you love him/her. As the Divine Maternal love will simply swipe through you and heal into that little child and it in the deepest sense, as deep Maternal Healing takes place, also in all the lives where you were a mother or mothering others.

Divine Love is immensely powerful and indeed opens you up to be openly loved, so that the deepest healing and liberation can come now and indeed you can feel so fulfilled with Divine Love, that it overflows from the center of your heart to every soul you encounter and with interaction is on.

Spread that love now and pour it into all troubled places on earth and in your own country, in your home, your city, your village and all over Mother Earth. Don't stop until the whole country, the whole earth is filled with Love. You are asked to give this act of Motherly Love to everyone and everything today, including yourself.

Source: Judith Kusel

Translation: Yvonne Bakker - The Essence of Life

Photo: D.K. Kacperek

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