
Saturday, April 27, 2024



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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Right now, the world is in upheaval and humanity is riding an emotional roller coaster. Bombarded by both mainstream and alternative media, we find it difficult to ascertain truth from lies, and ricochet between despair and unsubstantiated hope. At this epochal moment in history, when spiritual discernment is most crucial, our quest for higher consciousness is being sorely tested.


But, blinkered by the narrow outlook of our planet’s darkness, we cannot see the wider view. We are fighting in the dark. For that broader perspective PAO turns to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, who, with the aid of Laarkmaa, those all-wise Pleiadean beings, can give us their higher-dimensional wisdom on our present 3D dilemma.

Planetary change is inevitable, even here.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Accelerated Consciousness
Evaluating Our Conscious Position at the Present Moment.
• Patience and Meaningful Actions
Are We Simply Waiting to be Rescued?
What We Can Do Right Now to Actively Help the Cause?
• Dealing with Life in 3D Today
How to Cope In the Material 3D World While We Prepare for a Reality Shift
• A Moment with Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-73 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Bio About PIa and Cullen for Mad Mimi
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Interesting from Billy...

Was Jesus an Alien? Billy Carson Breaks Down Ancient Anunaki Civilization


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Adjusting to New Inner Workings

Source: Brenda Hoffman


Dear Ones,

Perhaps you fear joy can never be prominent in your life, that what you feel now is all there is. You are reverting to 3D fears that are no longer part of your world.

You might also feel lopsided or uncomfortable because you continue to shed what was and are not yet comfortable with what is becoming. It is like upgrading your computer software. Even though you soon adjust to the new capabilities, initially, an upgrade tends to feel unwieldy and uncomfortable.

You are in the awkward stages of adjusting to your new being with all the ramifications such a leap into the new entails. The same is true for all who wish to evolve, so interactions are not as simple or loving as you expect, encouraging feelings of loneliness. And if you live alone, you feel isolated even with your computers, books, nature, and television. You are in the 3D teen stage: “No one understands me, and no one likes me.”

Perhaps this message makes you angry. Where is the joy the Universes dangled in front of you for months or years? When does this shifting stop long enough for you to feel more than a few minutes of joy?

Just as was true for the progression of inner security created with 3D aging, this shift from 3D adult to new you is a process.

You have all the necessary inner workings. It is now a matter of adjusting to those inner shifts.

Some of you will or have adjusted more rapidly than others – as was true when you were a teenager. So some of you feel/seem very much like a new you adult while others struggle to become more mature. Please remember that those who seemed so mature when you struggled with your 3D teen maturity spurt were not that different from you once you fully accessed your personhood. So it is now. This is a short race – not of years or decades, but weeks and months. The earth does not have or need years to evolve, as was true when you were a teen trying to negotiate your entrance into adulthood.

Granted, much of your time before transitioning seemed to be clearing, and your current feelings seem so similar. The difference is that your 3D clearings were about letting go of pieces of your former earth lives that affected your transition. You have transitioned. Now, you are positioning and repositioning your new skills and interests—a task that requires as much energy as your 3D teen shifts.

So you feel as if you are in the midst of a never-ending adjustment, forgetting everything you achieved and worrying that your joy will never return or appear. Like buyer’s remorse after moving from one home to another with thoughts of “I knew where everything was in my former home, and now I can’t find anything” and on and on, comparing your former environment to the new environment that feels all wrong even though it better suites your needs.

You are part of the new, never a comfortable position initially, even though it is growth or a shift for the better. Allow yourself to adjust to this new you, including accepting the learning curve, which is a natural process from the comfortable to the new.

You are in the right place internally, as is everyone who has transitioned. Stop trying to force yourself into joy and out of discomfort or fear. You are evolving not just from one 3D stage to another but from one being to another. Your internal being is no longer your 3D being, as is true for all who have transitioned.

You are trying to find your center and beingness while negating what was.

Even though you might feel you have failed or your struggles to shift the earth and yourself from 3D to beyond have been for naught, you are a new being trying to find your place in a confusing world. Many have transitioned, but there are still a number who remain staunchly in 3D, expecting you and others to support them. This is similar to a younger sibling becoming angry or confused when their older sibling displays teen angst.

Just as was true during your 3D teen angst stage, you do not necessarily understand logically why you need to say, do, or feel something. You just know this is who you are or are becoming. Allow yourself to flow into your new being and allow the same for others – without fear, rancor, or anger. What was is no more. So be it. Amen.



Source: Jamye Price


I've been so busy with teaching that I didn't have time to comment on the eclipse. I hope you all had a magical time during that reset of energy.

I love how the energy feels so quiet during an eclipse. I didn't get to experience daylight dimming much (like during the 2017 eclipse) since it was overcast, but the eclipse was still visible and a beautiful energy.

There is much that is unfolding with the eclipses, so I'll be writing about it more deeply soon. Because it goes deep. The Return of the Dove. Clocks turning back.

Surface is not nearly the whole story.
April Energies

I did want to point out what I've been seeing with the April energy focus of Ricochet. Our tri-wave brain/body flow is enhancing our coherence and amplification.

It is the energy of Connection (last year's focus) that creates a resonance beyond duality, and your body is readjusting because of your loving focus, Lightworker.

Duality is a physical-realm experience and we are integrating beyond it, being in the world not of it.

Ricochet indicates that we are holding a resonance that allows much less processing of the information of the world around us, even though we are always interacting with it because we are part of a collective of life on Earth.

Information is more quickly shifted due to your resonance. That's the Ricochet. Less into your space, holding, transforming, emitting.

More Ricochet.

The Knowing.

We are holding more universal law rather than just physical-realm laws of density, time and space.

We are becoming the Space of Love, relaxing density rules. The Time is now.

Our Love Ricochets in all directions.

THANK YOU, LIGHTWORKER. (Dove sounds abound)

I hope you have a peaceful-filling week!


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