
Friday, April 5, 2024

Oh Mighty I AM Presence and Legions of the Sacred Fire... we call forth the most powerful penetration of God's Solar Fire...


Oh Mighty I AM Presence and Legions of the Sacred Fire... we call forth the most powerful penetration of God's Solar Fire... to blaze in, through and around our entire Group Body. Connect us now... to the I AM Presence of All Life... including the wisdom of Ascended Nature and the Forces of the Elements.
We command that our multi-body system reflect and embody the patte...rns of the Immaculate Concept... transmuting any limiting energies into the perfection of God. We call for the fusion of our consciousness with the consciousness of the Christ and for that Christ Flame to continually impress in and through us.
May we be emptied of all that no longer serves the highest purpose of the Divine Plan... so that we may be as hollow instruments... open and ready to receive solar radiation of our I AM Presence and Holy Christ Self.
As living crystals, programmed to activate the divine blueprint, we invoke the FULL remembrance of our natural ability to transfer divine particles of energy outwardly to all life and to simultaneously receive this same activating energy inwardly through our bodies and the Unified Field.
(Almighty)Mother-Father God, fill our healing circles with the transfiguring power of Divine Love. Empower us to act a group of empty cups... as mighty conduits of the Amazonian life force... which is then to be transferred out to all Humanity.
All Mighty I AM THAT I AM, please use us as one Group Harmonic... as a super conductive forcefield through which to transfer the ascending streams of light externally to all life.
We affirm and command that our entire beloved planet and her host of lifeforms... be raised up to the SAME level of vibration.
Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM, Almighty I AM!
@ Children of the Sun Humanitarian Foundation

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