
Saturday, April 6, 2024

Navajo Beliefs About The Eclipse


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This was a very uplifting webinar. Please consider helping PAO by purchasing our Webinar archive for $13.95 ~ So much appreciated.


From all indications, 2024 is proving to be a chaotic and pivotal year and this month’s guest, dynamic and multi-gifted Lori Spagna, is heaven-sent to help us through it.

Lori is a passionate ‘bringer of the light’ whose ‘non-physical’ sources give her accurate information and insights about these troubled times. An experienced and receptive energy healer, Lori explains how we can transmute the dark intensity and turbulence of these times, transforming them into a more peaceful alignment with the soul’s divine agenda.

Within us, we each carry DNA strands that hold Sacred Key Codes. DNA activator Lori discusses how these Codes can awaken our greatest potential and align us with the best and highest version of our spectacular and infinite self.


Finally, for those of you who have pets. Lori, a skilled animal communicator, reveals her secrets for connecting with animals, whom she lovingly calls ‘energy sponges’.

Subjects to be discussed:

• DNA Activation
Live Energy Healing - Star Code Marking
• Manifesting Your Dream Life
Be the Best Version of Yourself
• Pets are Like Energy Sponges
They are Our Soulmates
• The Key to Your Massive Transformation In 2024 and Beyond
Aligning with Your Soul’s True Divine Agenda

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-72 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Bio About Lori for Mad Mimi


Source: Michele Fielding

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Higher Council of Light How do we Release Resistance?

Source: Nadina Boun


You need to stop looking at resistance. Whatever you want, you need to be that first. You must invoke that feeling, that state from within you. What does it mean? You stop looking at resistance, at what you are wanting to fix.

You want to allow well being, joy, you begin to feel well being and joy, where you are. It is a tricky thing because everything outside of you is calling for your attention. It is easy to get pulled away and distracted. But you must be what you desire to be first, because it is within you and it will not come from outside, it cannot.

Whatever you desire, you already are. It is just a matter of bringing it to the surface. Your natural state is well being, is joy, is love. Your natural state is balance, harmony, perfection. So how do you allow that to be the stronger expression of who you are? You turn to these things you are wanting to express.

You don’t look at resistance, at discord, at disease, at pain and so on, trying to change these, to release these. You can. But there is a faster way. You turn the other cheek as Jesus instructed, you turn away from them and give your attention, your dedication to what you want to express, feel, experience and eventually see. Your first indication of change is your feeling, then comes the outward reflection. So don’t bother looking outside.

You want to experience joy, well being, fullness? Start here. Start with what you are wanting. Take your mind off the resistance because your attention to it keeps it there. When you keep affirming there is resistance, you are saying it is there. When you turn around and begin to affirm life, you are saying life is there.

There are many things in your environment, in your life that you can direct your attention to and soften that resistance without having to tackle the resistance itself. When you are in hate or angry mode, you cannot break down that emotion, but you can choose something more pleasing and fun to do and the anger will naturally subside. Unless you bring it to mind again, it would dissolve.

Truly, you are the creator of your every experience, because you are the only one directing your attention. And your attention holds power, holds life and gives the subject of your attention life and power. When you withdraw attention from the unwanted, it will disappear. We promise you that much. You don’t have to fight anything, just turn away.

Of course, we hear you say, but what about love? If you cannot look beyond the resistance, you cannot send love. You cannot wrestle your way to love, force your way to love. Look for something else to love. It is by far the easier and faster route.

So don’t ask how do I get there. Focus on there, wherever “there” is. And try to find there here, because it is here. It is all here. There is nothing there!


Native American (Navajo) Beliefs About The Eclipse

Source: Navajo Traditional Teachings

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