
Tuesday, April 30, 2024

Message from the Masters of Light. 💫 Chaos is for those who need it. Don't be confused by what you see,


Message from the Masters of Light.

💫 Chaos is for those who need it.

Don't be confused by what you see, what you are told and what you think you know.

Things are not as they seem, things are not bad, they are not worse and nothing is in chaos. Tired

It's a time of transformation, energies are shifting and it seems like everything around us is violence. Violence is within people and whoever needs it to learn will have it. Things are manifesting for an evolution according to what each soul requires to achieve

Keep your heart at peace and stay in the light and love, and everything around you will be calm..


Don't get attached to the outside, that's just an illusion, stay in your heart, in faith, hope and in love.

Ask your Deities, Guides, Angels, Teachers of Light to guide you, to take care of you, to hold you in the vibration of love so that that that is the only thing you attract. 🍀

Everything depends on your actions and your thoughts. If you react to the outside, if there's violence in your head, if you stick with information, with manipulation, if you share that, that's what you'll have.

Radiate light, love, help, compassion, gratitude. Be grateful for this change opportunity for the world and heal what you need to evolve, work on you, on your peace, on what you need to truly understand who you are and what you do here. 🌀

I ask for help to my higher being to be able to see only the good in every situation, so that my heart feels love and compassion for each person who crosses my path, to cooperate with peace in my thoughts, words and actions, to learn and heal what belongs to me always being in the light. 🌾

May all that comes out of me always be in love.

Love, light and peace to every inhabitant of the earth.

Infinite blessings"

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