
Monday, April 29, 2024



Greetings Human
We are Civilization Chattanooga greeting everyone on your planet. This is our first communication with your class in a long time.
We visited Earth millions of years ago. Our spacecraft had a technical issue, and our commander decided to land on unknown territory.
We didn't know what to expect, so we took our chances to land in the so-called North America.
The area was covered with many trees and bushes. We didn't expect to meet anyone in this land isolated by nature.
As soon as our ship made an emergency landing, a group of people with their faces painted and clothes made of animal skins appeared and bowed down to us.
They spoke an unknown language to us, so we used our technology to communicate with them. They were native Indians. In the beginning, they thought we were gods of heaven.
We tell you about our origins, and why we landed here. They were very friendly and hospitable to us. At first, they were a little intimidated by our 10-foot-tall appearance and facial features. They were fascinated by our technologies and our spaceship.
The name Chattanooga has direct origins from our appearance on Earth. Your native Indians were fascinated by our facial appearance, so they tried to create their own version, but they wanted it to look more intimidating, so they made war caps out of feathers and pieces of animal skin, which they wore on their heads.
We told them that if they continued to advance as a civilization, they would develop technologies similar to ours.
We are from the tenth dimension, during our interaction with humans we were only in the seventh dimension.
We ourselves experience many downfalls during our spiritual development. We had a long run of Galactic Wars with hostile, power-hungry civilizations. We got tired of the constant chaos, and left the Milky Galaxy.
Yes, we lived on Pluto for billions of years. Most of their planets, which are known to mankind, are uninhabitable. Humans are only aware of about 9 planets.
The Milky Galaxy is actually home to over 160 planets. New stars are born all the time.
We found a new place to live in a kryptonic universe.
There are more than a couple of thousand different sized planets and stars that are habitable. Not everyone is busy . It's a huge universe, the space between each planet can be thousands of light-years away.
No one disturbs each other, for being in a tenth dimensional reality. Galactic civilizations live in peace with each other.
Our planet is called Chattanooga. It has two moons and three suns.
We live inside the planet for safety reasons. Sometimes the weather can be so extreme, we have no choice but to be inside our home planet.
We spend most of our time traveling and overlooking, if civilizations use their technologies correctly and not in a harmful way.
Our appearance can intimidate anyone, especially those who disobey Universal Laws and try to create conflict or war.
The Milky Galaxy is known for Galactic Wars, right now your planet is going through some conflicts and wars. You’re divided by many different languages and cultures, so it’s no surprise to us about the disagreements you have with each other.
Our planet is larger than Mother Gaia about 1000 times.
We designate time to spend together, as a group to reflect and remain in the stillness of silence.
Instead of eating foods we take a small square ball, which holds our bodies in perfect harmony and health.
We are not familiar with diseases, humanity passes through Earth. We lived a long time from 150,000 to 500,000 years.
The soul can always come out earlier and change the body, experience life in another dimension or civilization.
We are not restricted or trapped in our bodies. Restrictions exist in dimensions as low as the 3aD Matrix or even lower as 2aD.
Our galactic ships can move in half a second from the beginning to the end of your galaxy. You have a soul that came from our civilization, who volunteered to help rescue Gaia.
We've scanned their story and recently appeared a galactic ship in their skies in the United States flying over La Guardia Airport in New York.
A human woman sitting on a passenger plane was recording the sky from her window with her cell phone, and she recorded a spaceship flying.
The reason this spacecraft was visible, because the portal she was using to travel malfunctioned, and caused this ship to suddenly jump out of the portal sooner than expected.
Spiritually advanced souls got trapped in your reality. We are pleased that the reincarnation machines have been destroyed by the Galactic Light Forces!
These awakened souls will be able to step out of this 3aD dimension and return to the highest. We wish you to transform and ascend to a new Earth.
Thank you Galactic Light Forces Ambassador.
Learn to be still silent
Chattanooga Civilization
Erena Velázquez Ambassador Galactic Light Forces.
With love ❤

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