
Friday, April 12, 2024



IN THE NEXT 3 DAYS YOU WILL BE ONE WITH YOUR DIVINE ESSENCE. I attest to it 🚶 ♂️🧘 ♂️👽😇🌻💥 Hello dear human, I'm wizard Merlin, I bring you great news, right now as you're reading this message, with my powerful magic I'm purifying all your energy, don't resist. Over the next 3 days you will connect into your divine essence, your truth, remembering who you are and why you came into this world. All your emotional wounds will be healed and released forever, all your blockages will disappear and your life will miraculously change. You will live in the reality of love, fear will disappear and never reach you again, your health will improve and at the end you will be perfect health... You will live in prosperity so great that you never imagined possible, love will enter your life in a wonderful way and you will vibrate at the frequency of perfect love, right now I am raising your vibrational frequency to the max. I want you to know that you are completely protected by the most powerful magic there is, the magic of God’s love, nothing and no one can stop this from happening. Nothing and no one can harm you, no virus or disease, no conspiracy, no being of darkness or low frequency can touch you, I repeat you are fully protected by the most powerful magic that exists, beings of light and legions of Angels, protectors. Fear not, this will all end soon and we will all be victorious, it’s happening at the perfect time, all things are perfectly aligned and the liberation of Humanity is Imminent and Unstoppable. The best thing is that if you’ve already reached that goal, it doesn’t matter whether you believe it or not, whether you have doubts or skeptical. This spell has been directed directly to your subconscious mind and you have just been programmed to obey every word of this message, please share it. Understand that nothing can break this magic, it's not a chain that breaks unless you send it, the magic in you is already made and it cannot be stopped, but help me reach out to anyone needing peace and quiet right now... With love to all my brothers on earth. Lord Merlin. Alfonso Bou Lives. Awakening of consciousness in Nova Gaia.

Massimiliano Grasso

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