
Wednesday, April 10, 2024

Crying to God “Children, pray and shed tears as you think of God. That is the greatest sadhana.


Crying to God

“Children, pray and shed tears as you think of God. That is the greatest sadhana. No other sadhana will give you the bliss of divine love as effectively as sincere prayer.”

“If you can’t cry at first, say the words again and again and make yourself cry. A child will pester his mother to make her buy what he wants. He’ll keep following her around and he won’t stop crying until he has the desired object in his hand. We have to pester the Divine Mother like that. We have to sit there and cry. Don’t give Her a moment of peace! We should cry out, ‘Show yourself to me! Show yourself!’ When you say that you can’t cry, it means that you have no real yearning. Anyone will cry when that longing comes to them. If you can’t cry, make yourself cry, even if it takes some effort.”

“Say that you are hungry but you don’t have any food or money. You will go somewhere or do something to get food, won’t you? Cry out to the Divine Mother and say, ‘Why aren’t you giving me tears?’ Ask Her, ‘Why don’t you make me cry? Does it mean that you don’t love me? How can I live if you don’t love me?’ Then She will give you strength, and you will be able to cry. Children, that is what Amma used to do. You can do the same.”

“Such tears are not tears of sorrow. They are a form of inner bliss. Those tears will flow when the jivatman (individual soul) merges with the Paramatman (Supreme Self). Our tears mark a moment of oneness with God. Those who are watching us may interpret it as sorrow. For us, however, it is bliss.”

Amma Amritanandamayi

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