
Friday, April 19, 2024

Awakening Manifestation by Archangel Metatron


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


My computer problems are fixed. It was the need for a new modem. Yesterday it took many, many hours to simply put together and send a PAO newsletter. So frustrating. And the good news it didn't cost anything.

Also, frustrating is my home rent was increased $200. That may not sound like a lot but with an already strained budget, it put me in YIKES, I BETTER DO SOMETHING FAST TO EARN MORE MONEY.

I looked into moving into a smaller home (one bedroom or studio) but I found that I would only save about 4 maybe 5 hundred dollars and with the cost of moving ($8-9,000) it doesn't seem like an option. Then I started looking into providing a bedroom/bath for traveling nurses. I started my search a few weeks ago. Unfortunately, I went into FREEZE mode (fight/flight/freeze). I had to visualize sharing my home with a stranger. It was not easy. And to think of all the work I would have to do to prepare for person to rent a bedroom/bathroom in my home. It took several weeks of visualizing how that would work for me. How was I going to manifest success when my heart was not in it? I needed to look at and clear my fears and reservations.

I finally got there. I am ready to sign up for the Traveling Nurses network. I see what needs to be done and I have simplified it in my head. Before it was so overwhelming and daunting that I froze. I'm thawed out now and ready to welcome the perfect person into my home for a short term lease.

The unfortunate part of this plan is it takes about 45-60 days before everything is in place. WOW! Two months. Because of this time frame, I am asking for our PAO community to come to our webinars for $20 (or archives for $13.95) for the next few months. Attendance has fallen short these past few months which is understandable since many of you are finding these same types of budgetary scenarios in your lives. Only give what you can comfortably give. Thank you.

Plans take time to implement. I am also working on other abundance projects which I believe will change my financial situation. Fingers crossed.

Thank you for listening. I wanted to share with you my current dilemna hoping you can help out for the next few months while I get things in place. Thanking you for your consideration. Keep shining your Lights bright in this world and beyond.

With Love and gratitude,

NOTE: Hot off the presses ~ a beautiful message from Laarkmaa. Click on the video below.

Nature Deficit Disorder - Earth is Calling You Home

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for April

Right now, the world is in upheaval and humanity is riding an emotional roller coaster. Bombarded by both mainstream and alternative media, we find it difficult to ascertain truth from lies, and ricochet between despair and unsubstantiated hope.

At this epochal moment in history, when spiritual discernment is most crucial, our quest for higher consciousness is being sorely tested.

But, blinkered by the narrow outlook of our planet’s darkness, we cannot see the wider view. We are fighting in the dark. For that broader perspective PAO turns to Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith, who, with the aid of Laarkmaa, those all-wise Pleiadean beings, can give us their higher-dimensional wisdom on our present 3D dilemma.


Planetary change is inevitable, even here.

Please join us for their thoughts on how we can actively ignite a
positive reality shift and win in our struggle for freedom.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Accelerated Consciousness
Evaluating Our Conscious Position at the Present Moment.
• Patience and Meaningful Actions
Are We Simply Waiting to be Rescued?
What We Can Do Right Now to Actively Help the Cause?
• Dealing with Life in 3D Today
How to Cope In the Material 3D World While We Prepare for a Reality Shift
• A Moment with Laarkmaa
Laarkmaa Outlines Humanity's Current Situation

Bio About PIa and Cullen for Mad Mimi

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, April 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday April 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

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Shadow work: when nothing is working, do this

Source: Quazi Johir

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Awakening Manifestation by Archangel Metatron

Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa


Greetings and love I, Archangel Metatron, extend to your being now. I come forth with the love of the Angelic Kingdom. I come forth with the love of the Creator. These I share with you in order to boost and enhance your own creative vibrations within your being. Today I wish to delve deeper into manifestation.

I invite you to think of something that you wish to manifest. Let it be something that you have not yet manifested. It may be a dream or a goal that seems impossible, or seems tricky or challenging to manifest. Maybe you only started focusing upon it recently, or maybe you have been manifesting it for many years.

I draw your attention to a dream or a goal, or maybe even a wish that, at this moment, feels impossible or unobtainable.

I, Archangel Metatron, invite you to sit with this dream, goal or wish…whatever it might be…to think about it and to let its energy fill your body and your auric field, so that you become this dream, goal or wish. It is important to allow the energies to radiate as they are, so if the dream, goal or wish feels impossible, that will also fill your body and your auric field.

It is not necessarily thinking about the positive – that which you wish for – but more so thinking about what you wish for and how you feel about it; whether it feels easy, whether you feel empowered, or maybe it feels unobtainable, or blocked. You honestly think about and embody this dream, goal or wish.

As you sit in this energy to contemplate, as if you’re searching through the energy to begin to understand it, you may recognise that the outcome, the manifestation of the dream, goal or desire…whatever it may be…might be positive. It might feel empowering. It might feel like freedom or wealth, or fulfilment and success.

There might also be some fear that’s stepping into that energy fully, and embodying that energy fully, that may cause tremendous change within your being and in your reality. You might recognise there are areas where you’re blocking yourself because of beliefs. Maybe there are generational beliefs that have been handed down to you and you’re living those at the moment.

It is often when we have a dream, a goal or a wish, that there is a lacking in something. So you may wish to discover what that is. You feel as if you are lacking in something.

As you go through the energy, searching for different aspects, thoughts, beliefs, wounds, emotions, parts of the manifestation, you embody it as a whole – all that it is – the challenging aspects and the positive aspects. You embody it in your physical body and your energy bodies.

As you’re embodying it, and as you’re searching through the energies, you’re actually transforming the manifestation, or more accurately, you’re transforming the way that you feel about it; the projections and the thoughts and beliefs that you have about this wish…this manifestation.

Gradually you begin to recognise that there might be one belief, one energy or one wound that is clearly blocking you from manifesting this dream. You can begin to ask yourself, where does this come from? How did I accept this belief or this emotion or this wound? How did I create this wound/emotion/belief/thought… whatever it may be?

As you say that…how did I create it…you are taking responsibility. You are accepting that it is a possibility and part of the manifestation. You can begin then, when you’re ready, to transform it into another energy. You can ask yourself, what is the opposite of this energy or what do I need instead? How can I bring healing to this energy/wound /thought/emotion…whatever it may be?

You can invite that energy in from your soul because your soul houses all forms of energies of the Creator, so everything is always available to you. If you’ve recognised a fear, then you might want to create the energy of safety, grounding or support. Often we do not manifest what we wish for because we feel unsupported, maybe physically or by ourselves, or by our guides or soul.

You can draw all of these energies in and begin to create a core that’s filled with success, fulfilment, momentum, creation, a grounding…an anchoring support…and safety. Then you can let that energy fill your entire being because remember, you are sitting in the presence of what you wish to manifest.

Then observe how that transforms the aspects of your being, the manifestation that you’re sitting in. You might see your manifestation differently. You might see a pathway that needs to be unfolded.

The more you sit in the energy of your manifestation, the more you will recognise it coming into your reality, and that you are showing up as your manifestation, therefore the universe is responding to you with supportive energies or experiences that allow you to physically, as your manifestation, step into the reality of your manifestation.

This process is called awakening manifestation, because sometimes that which we wish to manifest is blocked, closed up, ungrounded, unsupported and feels unsafe. Its origins can be this, and so we need to awaken the manifestation, ground it, bring safety, bring support, bring love, and then allow it to almost re-grow, creating that journey from the original energy of the creation to that which we wish to manifest, and then allowing the universe to respond to this.

Thus, you are awakening manifestation for you because often it is not your ability to manifest that which requires healing or awakening. You are in this reality, and one of the greatest tools that you automatically achieve is manifestation; the creating of the reality that you are experiencing.

In many ways, there’s no need to doubt your manifestation skills. It is just that, sometimes, manifestations are created, we might say, from uncertain energies that do not have the grounding, the safety, the support to assist them.

I, Archangel Metatron, will leave you to contemplate this. My love is with you always.

I thank you.
Archangel Metatron



Source: Library of Tehuti

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