
Tuesday, March 5, 2024

The Earth's resonance frequencies have just been reset as the sound frequencies and vibrations have risen by two octaves.


The Earth's resonance frequencies have just been reset as the sound frequencies and vibrations have risen by two octaves.
A few months ago I was taken to Ethiopia in my higher soul state, to activate the waters of the Nile and to massive hydraulic systems deep underground, which defy description.
According to African tradition the Nile is manmade and the only river in Africa flowing north. Interestingly there are rock gongs all over Africa in strategic places, which are all tuned in to resonate with the pyramid energies, like a symphony orchestra's instruments playing as one and the sound amplified by the waters.
As the living waters are now activated in the Nile and Africa this means that the dormant sound and water energy plus light, crystalline conduits in the pyramids and telluric energy fields are being reactivated.
It will lift the conscious level immensely as our 12 strands DNA and Solar Lightbodies are being activated to resonate at galactic and inter galactic levels via Sirius and the 7th Central Sun of Illumination and our heart centers via the cosmic heart held in Andromeda. Its a huge tuning in via our tuning forks, our spines.
All is happening.

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