
Saturday, March 9, 2024

A Purposeful Decision by Saint Germain Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .


Yesterday I answered a random call which I don't usually do without hearing who is calling. I felt I was to answer it. Oh great, it is an health insurance enrollment call. I started to listen to Mark who was a very nice young man. He asked, "what does Planetary Activation do?" I provided him with my usual response, "It is all about raising the consciousness of the planet and humanity." This response usually (over the past many years) goes over their heads and they say something like "Ok." However, in the past 6 months, this is not the case. The various business calls now say, "Oh that is interesting. Tell me more." This response is to my delight.

Mark wanted more. We briefly talked about time speeding up. He wanted to know about that. Mark then passed me on to Christian. Christian was fascinated with me and kept asking questions ranging from reincarnation to religion to astrology to time speeding up to when I thought mass contact would happen. As we chatted my heart kept opening and joyously singing. He is awake. He told me that he feels lost sometimes because he has all these questions and no one to converse with. We talked for 30 minutes on all subjects ascension. He asked if he could call me sometime with more questions. Yes, of course, feel free to call me anytime. If I can help, it is my pleasure.

Have you been noticing that more and more people are awake and/or not afraid to speak out. This development brings tears of joy. Be brave. Put out feelers to see where people are. Nudge them gently with new information. We are co-creating our New Earth.

With Love,

Note: We at PAO are once again asking for you to help PAO stay alive one more month by purchasing our webinar archives for $13.95. This month has been dismal .. I know for many of our PAO members as well. We appreciate the many years of community that we share.

Remember PAO's motto:

Peace and Inner Strength through Unity.


This month, PAO goes completely ‘Out of this world’ – with a Webinar featuring Ted Mahr and, in mid-month, on a podcast, a chance for you to hear more accounts of Sheldan’s galactic friend, GORI.

Ted Mahr, gifted psychic, remote viewer and time traveler, hosts the immensely popular radio show ‘Out of This World’, This time, he returns to share a lively Webinar and offer his thoughts – and those of his spiritual advisors – on issues both Gaian and galactic.

Ted says we are “at a crossroads in human history”, between ascension and annihilation.

Will there be a Third World War? And would the Galactics be able to assist us?


Are enough of us awake to power a significant enough shift and change the direction of the world? According to Ted, “as the Earth ascends into the higher dimensions, the ability to talk to the other side and benevolent Extraterrestrials will become even more important”

And so he will bring support and encouragement from those who forever watch over us, and from those who once trod this earth as we do now.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Galactic Alliance
Ted's Galactic Contacts
• Zorra from Hollow Earth
Ted's Inner Earth Contact
• No More Wars
The Quest for World Peace
• Time Travel and the New Earth
A Glimpse into Humanity's Future
What Great Leaders from the Past Have to Say

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $13.95 U.S.


PAO continues to need your support. Please consider a donation or purchase one of our webinar archives. We remain humble and grateful. ZaZuMa!

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What They Discovered in Antarctica Shocked the Whole World

Source: The Untold

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A Purposeful Decision by Saint Germain

Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa


Greetings beloved beings of light, I am Saint Germain. It is an honor to be in your presence at this time. I am overseeing the energy shifts taking place in the ascension process, currently. I am supporting connection. I am supporting openness, the shift in illusions and the development of truth. I am also supporting those upon the earth in developing purposeful decisions.

A purposeful decision is a decision or a choice that holds a purpose. It has an outcome that brings immense joy, light, love and a deeper connection with the Creator, as well as an openness of expressing the Creator through your being.

A purposeful decision comes from your soul. It bypasses the mind and even the needs and wants of the mind. It is a decision – a choice – that comes from your soul, from your essence, from the truth within you. Sometimes these decisions do not make much sense to you or you cannot understand the reason for them. However they fill you with great joy, love and truth.
A purposeful decision is a choice from the soul that is not influenced by the mind. It is also not influenced by your current situation or the reality that you’re experiencing. It is simply an energy expression from your soul that will serve you immensely.

When you begin to allow yourself to hold the intention of creating purposeful decisions, you’ll find that you wish to create purposeful decisions for each choice that requires to be made because you know that the decision, the understanding that comes forth, is born from your soul – born from an aspect of your being that holds a greater knowledge, a higher perspective, and that it is also guiding you in achieving what is appropriate and necessary for your spiritual evolution upon the earth.

To create and to allow a purposeful decision requires you to trust your inner essence, to connect with your soul or your inner essence or Creator presence, to be open to that essence or Creator presence…engaging with you, connecting with you, speaking to you…being open to receive it allowing the illusions of the past to be dissolved, meaning that opinions that you have about yourself or your reality, or situations you’ve experienced in the past, that you do not let these influence your current choice making.

The choice – the decision – comes from an essence of purity and love; you might say caring nature within your being. To create a purposeful decision does require trust.

I, Saint Germain, invite you each day, to ask to connect with your essence, your soul, your Creator presence…whatever you wish to call it…and to speak to that essence, saying that you trust the guidance and the truth of that essence within your being, even if you do not trust or you feel like your mind does not trust.

Speak to yourself in this way. Say to yourself that you trust that inner essence and its guidance and allow or ask, or hold the intention, that that essence – your soul or Creator presence – emanates into your entire being, especially flowing into your mind, filling your mind, your brain and your thoughts with light.

Simply practicing this every day will serve you in being connected and open to your inner presence and those purposeful decisions while also enhancing and developing your own inner trust. Then, when you do have a choice or a decision to make, you can practice this same technique, and then ask, what is the purposeful decision waiting to be heard, or waiting to be experienced, or waiting to be embodied – whatever feels appropriate to you?

The understanding may come in simply or it may come with time. It may simply be a feeling. When you think about something you have this feeling of knowingness within your being, even if you do not know within your mind.
Once you gain that purposeful decision, you can question it. What purpose will this create in my reality? What purpose will I experience in my reality? How does this develop my purpose – even if you do not know what your purpose is?

Focusing upon creating purposeful decisions allows you to engage with your soul, your essence, your Creator presence, on a daily basis. With time, this will naturally and automatically become a part of your being and a way of thinking so that every choice that you make – even down to the food that you eat or places that you visit and people that you see – will all be a purposeful decision.

You may not know what that purpose is – that outcome is – but your soul knows. It creates more grounding. It creates more connection, more openness and it actually dissolves illusion. You’ll find the things that you had been holding onto, that were illusions, will be dispersing.
I will leave you to contemplate this. I love you unconditionally and am present to serve you.

I am Saint Germain.


Cern Scientists “Open Portal to another Dimension”

Source: Factnomenal

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