
About Me

I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Saturday, February 3, 2024

Awakening of Everything by Cosmic Council of 12


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Did you miss PAO's Galactic Activation Webinar featuring JARED RAND?

What happens this Year? We asked Jared and he had plenty to share. This is a timely webinar with valuable and uplifting information. Click here


A brand New Year, and we couldn’t think of a better way to welcome it than with one of PAO's favorite guests – Jared Rand!

January 1, 2024, augurs a year like no other, when blatant world corruption is to be exposed to the point where even the most deeply asleep will be jolted into awakening.

The year begins with such uncertainty, so many unknowns, that we can’t help but wonder what exactly we are celebrating. Jared, his finger firmly on the pulse of humanity's future, cuts through the fears and doubts to let us know what the universe truly has in store for us, and where we are really headed.

Celestial Chambers – always a favorite topic of discussion: Jared gives us a progress report. Is 2024 to be the breakthrough year for this desperately needed technology?


Jared and our PAO team usher in the first of a sparkling new year of Webinars that will embolden and inspire your every step through 2024. Bubbling over with Jared’s unique information and insights, courage and heart, it could answer the biggest question of all: Will this be the Year of the Showdown?

Subjects to be discussed:

• Our Desperate Need for Certainty
The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Expectations
• Creating Division Among Us
Breaking Away from Taking Sides
• Reclaiming Our Missions
Reconnecting to Our Life's Pathways
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Worldwide Showdown in 2024
Is this the Year to Break the Corrupt System with Landmark Changes?

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-70 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S

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The Universe is calling you to get ready for a whole new beginning

Source: Fascinating TV

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Luminescent Love: A New Ascension Experience

Source: Vidya Frazier


There is a new emotion that appears to be arising within many of us who are now fully engaged in our process of ascension. Perhaps you have been experiencing it.

It’s a complex form of profound Love that unexpectedly wells up within your chest and washes all through you, leaving you in a state of wonder and awe.

It’s hard to think of a name for it, but I have just decided to call it “Luminescent Love”, because there is a certain luminosity to it.

In one way, it makes sense to be experiencing a greater Love during these times: it’s undoubtedly a part of our ascension process. As most of us on a spiritual path have come to know, the very Essence of who we are is Love.

And many of us are also experiencing a deepening of our love for other people in our lives, as well. We’re realizing that our love is totally unconditional. In fact, our love for certain people can be so profound, it almost hurts our heart to feel it.

A New Kind of Love

But this new emotion I’m pointing to is different even from these experiences, and from what we might have previously called “spiritual Love”.

There is a combination of several different elements within it, some of which even seem contradictory.

If you feel into it, you realize that right alongside the intense Love, there is somehow also a sense of deep sorrow that flows through it. And then you can become aware that there’s also a burst of glorious joy that sparkles through it, as well. And a feeling of profound gratitude. And even, at times, perhaps a sense of longing. All of these emotions well up together, intermingling, and tend to bring on tears, as you attempt to make sense of it all.

And perhaps most importantly, this Love seems to be quite specific in that, although it may initially arise as a love for a particular person or group of people, it eventually becomes a feeling of love and compassion that is directed toward the whole of humanity.

You realize you have a compassion for the entire human race on a level you have never experienced before.

In experiencing it, there is a feeling of great movement flowing through your entire body, as wonder carries you into a sense of bright, open awareness of a new reality that is more profoundly moving and real than you’ve ever known before. You have to stop whatever you may have been doing, and just focus on experiencing it.

It’s as if you’ve suddenly entered a new world – one that feels brand new – yet is also somehow familiar – as if you’ve known it before, long, long ago.

At times, this Luminescent Love arises in response to something you see, hear or learn about. Other times it just seems to well up for no discernible reason. And it can feel almost overwhelming.

Appropriate for These Times

When you think about it, it is quite fitting that this complex emotion felt toward the human race is appearing during these times on Earth. As the shift into a much higher dimension of consciousness humanity is experiencing continues to accelerate, it makes sense that we’d be discovering a deeper sense of Love for this race of Beings we find ourselves a part of.

The sorrow that paradoxically flows through it seems to stem from a profound realization of the pain and suffering that has been occurring for so long on the planet – the horrendous state of slavery that humanity has been subjected to.


And we are especially impacted by the present day suffering so many people are experiencing due to the deaths of loved ones, either by the jab or the current wars that are escalating.

You can feel your heart breaking with this deep sorrow, as if you are personally experiencing the pain of all people on the planet who for so long have been caught and imprisoned in what seems like senseless suffering. You’ve maybe felt this kind of compassion before – but never in such an intense way.

But then, right alongside the sorrow, there is also a joy about what seems to be occurring on the planet – the awakening of millions of people world-wide that is now occurring and how they are fighting for their freedom and sovereignty. And how communities are already involved in creating the New Earth in various parts of the world.

You can feel a joy bursting forth within you, just from the realization that we’re almost there, almost at the point of turning it all around after thousands of years. It’s a joy of knowing we’re now nearing the finish line after a long and arduous marathon of needless pain on Earth.

And finally, you can become aware of the element of profound gratitude that enters into the mix, as you realize how thankful you are to be here during these momentous times when this huge change into a higher vibration on the planet is occurring. You get to be here to not only witness it, but to also be part of it, to help bring it in.

What an amazingly complex emotion this is!

The Beauty of Humanity

When tuning into this love for humanity, you can also realize that you are actually in enormous awe of us as a species.

This is especially so when you really begin to understand the enormity of the efforts that have been made by controlling forces to dumb us down, cut us off from our connection to Source, and cause unimaginable suffering.

Despite all of the attempts at extinguishing our essential spiritual nature, we can see how humanity has not only survived, it has actually thrived in certain ways. Look at the music and the art that have been created, the wondrous words of wisdom that have been written over the centuries! And the scientific discoveries – despite being held back in countless ways by the Deep State, the Secret Space Programs, and the Dark Nobility families.

Look at how certain abused and traumatized groups of people in the world have so often arisen out of the ashes, time and time again, and learned how to survive through supporting and loving each other. It’s awe-inspiring to contemplate the amazing strength and fortitude some populations have demonstrated over the centuries. We can see the joy and hope that continues to arise in these groups – and even forgiveness – despite all the unbelievable hardships they’ve endured.

Not All of Humanity is Beautiful

Of course, we can also see the horrors certain groups of humans have caused, the mindless wars and horrifying actions against people they have committed.

But, when you really consider this, you can remember that most of these atrocities have been instigated and committed by a very small minority of people who consider themselves the “Elites” – the people who run our governments and head multi-million dollar corporations and institutions.

And if you listen to certain whistleblowers who grew up in these kinds of families, you realize that even these Elites have been infected, both biologically and culturally, by dark non-human forces that have greatly controlled them since birth.

Most ordinary people who have participated in wars and other atrocities have been forced or compelled in a variety of ways to join in committing these crimes.

It’s true, especially in recent years, that people have become very divisive and hateful toward groups with different beliefs.

And yet, when it comes right down to it, it’s clear that most people on the planet do not want war. And they do not really wish to harm other people. Frightening circumstances usually cause people great fear – and this is generally what pushes them into adversarial attitudes toward others.

And yes, there are always the individual criminals who have committed murder and other horrendous crimes throughout the ages. But isn’t it clear that many of them are people who have grown up in poverty and/or suffered from a lack of love and opportunity in their lives?

In fact, it’s kind of amazing more people haven’t turned into criminals – considering we have all had to live with the constant messages of divisiveness from authorities in our governments and certain religious insti- tutions.

And we have all had to somehow find our way in a world that has been constantly darkened by needless lack and suffering.

We have been messed with in a whole variety of ways. Among other things, our food, water, soil and air have been poisoned for many, many decades. We have been taxed up the kazoo – and our hard-earned tax money has been spent on things that in no way benefit us. It’s amazing that most of us have held it together as well as we have for so many years.

Love Makes it All Moot Anyway

But none of this matters anyway, when it comes to Luminescent Love. No matter what we may decide about these aberrant humans who cause harm to others -- when we experience this new emotion of Love, it doesn’t matter.

It’s an emotion that embraces all of humanity with compassion and tenderness.

There’s a knowing that we are a race of Beings of great Light – and that we are finally waking up to this reality, after millennia of being asleep. We are finally breaking the shackles that have held us back for 26,000 years – and it is glorious!


Awakening of Everything by Cosmic Council of 12

Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa

Dear OmNa Family,
I am back! Well at least in the form of Weekly Messages as I adjust to a new routine of family life with a newborn, 3 year old and a 4 year old. I am hoping to begin live webinars in a few weeks time. This week’s channeling is from the Cosmic Council of 12 who speak of a synthesis of truth flowing through the Universe of the Creator and its impact upon your being. Check out the channeling from the Cosmic Council of 12 below.


Greetings and love, we, the Cosmic Council of 12, share our love and blessings with you. We hold the essence of Creator truth and we send it throughout the entire Universe of the Creator.

We charge your entire being with this essence of truth, a truth in many ways, that only the Creator can truly understand, and yet you are the Creator incarnated. You hold the vibration, the energy, the source of all that is, so you can understand this truth as well – maybe in a different way to our understanding as the Cosmic Council of 12. Your understanding will be perfect and appropriate for your level of growth and your experience upon the earth, as well as what your soul wishes to embark upon.

Imagine this high vibration of truth flowing and synthesizing throughout your being and your entire existence, as well as the Universe of the Creator, in fact, everything that is the Creator. This is creating an awakening. It is awakening everything and everyone. Not only that, within every aspect of the Creator this synthesis of truth is awakening every part of that aspect.

If we take your body, your being, your soul – all that you are – the synthesis of truth is flowing into your being. It has the potential to awaken every part of your being. This may sound appealing, and it is appropriate at this time, however there is also a need to hold an understanding that, when everything is awoken within your being, it will need to find a new balance.

This may be why you feel stuck or disappointed in your reality or maybe only aspects of your reality at this time. As this vibration of truth comes forth, with a purpose of awakening everything to a certain degree or certain level, a new balance must be found; a new understanding, a new appreciation of self, and a new acceptance of self and all that is the Creator.

There is a need to recognize where you feel stuck in your reality and where you feel disappointed, and yes, acceptance is appropriate and necessary; accepting where you are in this precise moment of your growth and your reality, also accepting that there are steps that need to be taken in order to create the balance that is needed.

You can ask yourself in quiet time, or meditation, where do you feel stuck in your reality or within your being? Or disappointed?

Can you and are you willing to accept that this is where you are at this time?

Are you able to contemplate a new step forward that could create the balance that is necessary and needed?
What would this step be?

Balance is needed so that you may then continue to synthesize with the vibration of truth that is automatically and naturally happening within your being and your reality.

Balance will help you enjoy the awakening that is coming forth and to enjoy the awakening of truth and remembrance that will manifest.

We invite you to contemplate this. You may wish to ask us, the Cosmic Council of 12, to synthesize and align you with this vibration of truth that awakens everything and everyone.

Our love is with you always and we thank you.

Cosmic Council of 12

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