
Sunday, January 14, 2024

This light code supports the balancing of the secondary chakras, also called the secondary chakras or minor chakras.


This light code supports the balancing of the secondary chakras, also called the secondary chakras or minor chakras. While the main chakras are responsible for a large area of ​​functions, the secondary chakras can be seen as branches that have a much smaller area of ​​operation. This can be a very specialized function, or one that covers a smaller body area. The secondary chakras are under the control of a main chakra, and they also receive energy from the main chakra. If the main chakra does not work optimally, this will probably also be the case for the secondary chakra.

Blessings Melchizedec

Lightcode Orason

Light codes communicate with your vast cosmic intelligence through a non-linear language. Look at the light code and imagine taking a picture with your third eye and your physical eyes. Close your eyes and focus your intention to bring the vibrations in through your heart. Once you have made the heart connection, set your intention to open your inner light. As you breathe and meditate, you open to the highest aspect of your consciousness. Then send a message to your DNA and your cells to receive the codes of the light code and turn them into useful information and energy for your process of spiritual awakening and activation of the DNA. Inhale deeply and exhale with 6 short breaths and one long breath. This breath brings about integration of the vibrations and energizes the light code.

Blessings Orason 😇

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