
Tuesday, January 9, 2024

No More Secrets


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for January


A brand New Year, and we couldn’t think of a better way to welcome it than with one of PAO's favorite guests – Jared Rand!

January 1, 2024, augurs a year like no other, when blatant world corruption is to be exposed to the point where even the most deeply asleep will be jolted into awakening.

The year begins with such uncertainty, so many unknowns, that we can’t help but wonder what exactly we are celebrating. Jared, his finger firmly on the pulse of humanity's future, cuts through the fears and doubts to let us know what the universe truly has in store for us, and where we are really headed.

Celestial Chambers – always a favorite topic of discussion, and Jared will give us a progress report. Is 2024 to be the breakthrough year for this desperately needed technology?


Please join Jared and our PAO team in ushering in the first of a sparkling new year of live Webinars that will embolden and inspire your every step through 2024. Bubbling over with Jared’s unique information and insights, courage and heart, it could answer the biggest question of all: Will this be the Year of the Showdown?

Subjects to be discussed:

• Our Desperate Need for Certainty
The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Expectations
• Creating Division Among Us
Breaking Away from Taking Sides
• Reclaiming Our Missions
Reconnecting to Our Life's Pathways
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Worldwide Showdown in 2024
Is this the Year to Break the Corrupt System with Landmark Changes?


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, January 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, January 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


No More Secrets

Source: Kerry K

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A SAUL MESSAGE from John Smallman

Source: John Smallman

Enormous Prospects and Opportunities for Joy will open up Before You.


As the new year of 2024 starts to unfold, many of you are expecting and hoping for some wonderful changes to arise in the way that humans interact with one another as individuals, as families, in social communities, in the work place, and as nations.

You will not be disappointed, great changes are divinely planned and will be implemented, though probably not quite as you are expecting. These changes are all inter-related and have therefore to be carefully integrated so that the flow of divine energies affecting them can smooth and even dissolve any conflicts that arise.

Conflicts that have been ongoing for many years, will not intensify and cause more suffering than is already being experienced by those living in the conflict zones, enough is enough!

To awaken is to greatly expand your field of vision, thus bringing into view more of the environment of Reality, of Love. You never left it, you just reduced – some of you massively – the area that you chose to be aware of.

Now, as you awaken, the expanse of the field of Love that you are aware of – relatively small right now – will increase enormously, uplifting and inspiring you, and encouraging you to choose to see even more because it is so stunningly beautiful.

What you chose to do was to focus on what appeared to be wrong, and then you spent inordinate amounts of time attempting to alter the unalterable, and when that did not work, you closed off the view so that it would not disturb you – what you call, in psychological terms, ‘denial.’

To awaken is to let go of fixed and limiting perceptions and beliefs and of the denial of whatever does not align with them.

The unaccustomed depth of perception or field of view into which you open yourselves by awakening will amaze and delight you. Enormous prospects and opportunities for joy, of which you cannot presently possibly conceive, will open up before you. It will be like coming out of a dark tunnel into brilliant sunshine.

You will become aware that the Goodness, the Love that is Reality has been enveloping and embracing you since the moment of your creation.

You have always been enfolded within the divine field of Love that is Reality. However, for an insane moment – to you seemingly eons ago – you made the choice to experience independence and separation from Mother/Father/God. And because you have free will, and because you are completely and utterly free, and because God always totally honors your free will choices, you entered into an unreal state of intense terror, apparent aloneness and separation, that you had constructed.

It was – to put it crudely – as though you were “giving the finger” to your heavenly and infinitely loving Creator. It is no wonder that you have all experienced so much guilt, pain, and suffering.

Realization has dawned . . . finally!

Humanity has chosen to awaken, and you are all now totally involved in and assisting with deconstructing and demolishing the unreal arena in which you have been playing seemingly endless games of comparison, corruption, dishonesty, judgment, and punishment.

The games have become so real to you that many still feel and honor an intense need to severely punish “wrong-doers.” But, by the standards and rules of the games, everyone is guilty. And, in truth, many of you are still clinging to negative self-judgments – frequently angrily and fearfully projecting them onto others – of unforgivable sinfulness and the consequent sense of unworthiness and abandonment.

This is a terrifying mindset that needs to be completely released.

You are ALL, without exception, God’s beloved children, and the fear, pain, suffering, and punishment that you appear to have been experiencing is utterly and completely unreal – IT HAS NEVER HAPPENED!

When you awaken the nightmare will be gone.

You can greatly help your own and humanity’s awakening by choosing to let go of any judgment and any desire to punish “wrongdoers” including, of course, yourselves.

Trust in God’s infinite, magnificent, and most beautiful LOVE – LOVE for each one of YOU and for ALL sentient beings – and allow yourselves, and others, to inspire each other to forgive all others, and to accept forgiveness for yourselves for what essentially has never happened.

God Loves you All – there are and can be NO exceptions – and is flooding you with Love, Her infinite field of Life/Love/Energy, Her Tsunami of Love, in order to powerfully, vigorously, and most energetically assist each one of you to come back into full awareness of your real and true nature as One with Her, forever inseparable from that ONE state of supreme and infinite joy in your eternal existence.

All that you need to do is to Allow Her Love to fill your hearts, instead of clinging so desperately to any sense of sinfulness and unworthiness that, because it is your own free will choice, effectively excludes Her.

That sense, so deeply ingrained in many of you, is Utterly and Completely, INVALID! But She will NEVER override your free will choices.

Therefore invite and ALLOW Her into your hearts; that is where She wants to be, and feel the Love, the Peace, and the freedom with which she has endowed you since the moment that She created you.

With so very much love, Saul.

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Lord Melchizedek: The Symptoms of Ascension

Source: Victoria Cochran


I greet you with love and in the light of the Creator. I have come forth to explain to you the symptoms of ascension, or the raising of your awareness to your own spiritual truth.

As you become more awakened and aware, more light will enter into your energy centers, called chakras. Your third eye will become more knowing and your psychic senses will begin to increase.

Your body will begin to change in its needs, such as being drawn to organic food or repelling the idea of eating meat. Your senses will become more attuned and honed to the sights and sounds around you and you may find yourself living a healthier lifestyle altogether.

You may also find that your body becomes more sensitive to foods or to the environment and that you can no longer eat or use substances that once caused you little concern.

As your chakras receive extra light, they will begin to spin and vibrate at a faster and higher level. This will allow you to think and feel at a higher level also.

You will begin to feel more accepting and less judgemental of others, yourself and your current situation. You will begin to show more compassion towards other humans and to animals. You will find that the acceptance of cruelty to animals or injustices to humans will be intolerable to you.

Your interest in world affairs and injustices will be heightened and you may find that you become drawn to charity work or to helping others without wishing anything in return.

The unpleasant side to raising your energies to a higher vibration are the physical symptoms you may experience.

You may feel lightheaded, have constant headaches or some nausea. You may become irritable or unexplainably tired; your body may ache and your joints may swell; you may feel tremors in all or certain parts of your body.

These symptoms are not permanent nor are they dangerous and they are signs that you are in the process of bringing in your lightbody and joining Mother Earth in her ascension.

There are many blockages a person may encounter on their journey to ascension and enlightenment. Fear is the biggest blocker, as is the immersion in the third dimensional world of ego and drama which can drag a person’s vibration down very quickly.

The more you allow yourself to be dragged down into the depths of drama that is so well-played out in the media as well as by many people who have so far resisted the call to bring in the light of ascension, the harder it will be for the masters to assist you to raise your vibrations.

Blocked chakras can receive no more light until they are cleared. You will know you are blocked in your energy centers if you feel sick, lethargic, tired or out of balance.

If you are grumpy and irritable, judgemental and critical, argumentative and angry, you will be less likely to allow the light of Creator to permeate your being, to raise your vibrations out of the lower levels and to unblock your chakras.

Now more than ever it is essential to be aware of how you are feeling and behaving; if you are blocked in your energy fields you may wish to seek out someone who can help you to unblock them.

As well as beginning the process of bringing in your lightbody, you will also increase your feelings of health and wellbeing while feeling more energised, balanced and at peace within yourself.

I AM Lord Melchizadek.

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