
Saturday, January 13, 2024

Celestial White Beings: The Diamond Chamber of Clarity

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for January


A brand New Year, and we couldn’t think of a better way to welcome it than with one of PAO's favorite guests – Jared Rand!

January 1, 2024, augurs a year like no other, when blatant world corruption is to be exposed to the point where even the most deeply asleep will be jolted into awakening.

The year begins with such uncertainty, so many unknowns, that we can’t help but wonder what exactly we are celebrating. Jared, his finger firmly on the pulse of humanity's future, cuts through the fears and doubts to let us know what the universe truly has in store for us, and where we are really headed.

Celestial Chambers – always a favorite topic of discussion, and Jared will give us a progress report. Is 2024 to be the breakthrough year for this desperately needed technology?


Please join Jared and our PAO team in ushering in the first of a sparkling new year of live Webinars that will embolden and inspire your every step through 2024. Bubbling over with Jared’s unique information and insights, courage and heart, it could answer the biggest question of all: Will this be the Year of the Showdown?

Subjects to be discussed:

• Our Desperate Need for Certainty
The Pitfalls of Unrealistic Expectations
• Creating Division Among Us
Breaking Away from Taking Sides
• Reclaiming Our Missions
Reconnecting to Our Life's Pathways
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• Worldwide Showdown in 2024
Is this the Year to Break the Corrupt System with Landmark Changes?

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, January 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, January 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


IF you haven't shifted to New Earth Energy... WATCH THIS

Source: Aaron Doughty

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Celestial White Beings: The Diamond Chamber of Clarity

Source: Natalie Glasson - OmNa


Greetings beloved bliss beacons of light. We are the Celestial White Beings. We come forth as one and yet we are many. We come forth with our celestial vibrations.

Our purpose, our focus, everything that we wish to guide is always connected to bliss – the experience and the manifestation of bliss.

Today we wish to invite you to our chamber upon the inner planes at a celestial level. We have a diamond chamber. This is a diamond-shaped chamber filled with pure white light. It is, in many ways, a bit like a Merkabah.

You enter into the diamond-shaped chamber and it’s as if the diamond embraces your auric field, your entire being. This diamond chamber is infused with celestial vibrations and vibrations of bliss. It is truly a magical space because it holds the focus and the intention of clarity – clearness.

Now clarity can be understood in many ways. You might have clarity of mind, clarity and clearness within your emotions, clarity even within your body – you might have an understanding of your body. When we think of clarity, we think of calmness, contentment, clearness – like a clear canvas – so it also supports cleansing, rejuvenation and awakening. Clarity supports a deeper understanding – an understanding from truth – the truth and essence within your being.

When the presence of truth is accepted and recognized from within your being, it is often that clarity is what you experience.

Clarity allows you to understand what is occurring within your being, what is occurring outside of your reality – in the environment around you – what is occurring in the world, in the Universe of the Creator.

Clarity also supports you in understanding how you can take action, how you can be of service, how you can support shifts within your being and also within others.

Clarity allows you to feel a greater alignment with your truth, with your essence and the Creator. It allows you to let go of that which is no longer needed, and to accept maybe things that you have been resisting or had not yet become aware of.

Now imagine/sense/acknowledge there is this chamber of diamond shape holding the vibration of clarity.

Even the diamond shape supports your connection with the Creator, the Earth and all that is, as well as clarity. It holds celestial crystal vibrations. With this understanding, you may call upon us, the Celestial White Beings, to transport you to the Diamond Chamber of Clarity within the celestial vibrations and Celestial Being chambers.

You will enter into the diamond shape, and there is only a need for you to inhale – accepting and bathing in the energies.

We the Celestial White Beings will be present to serve you. As you inhale the energies, remember that the intention within the chamber is clarity be aware of how clarity and clearness dawns, activates and manifests within your own being.

This is a space you can visit as often as you wish, especially in times of confusion or resistance or blocks.

We the Celestial White Beings are present to serve you.

We thank you.

We are the Celestial White Beings.

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How The Truth About Crop Circles Will Shock You, They Hidden This From Humanity!

Source: Sanctum of Insights

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