
Sunday, December 10, 2023

We’re on the Home Stretch High Heart Expansion


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


While I was listening to Delores Cannon (below video), it reminded me of one of my stories of missing time.

One night after midnight, I was leaving Sheldan's home in Half Moon Bay. We had just come from one of Sheldan's lectures in Mountain View, CA. I wasn't in a one-on-one relationship with Sheldan at this time, however, I was single at the time and Sheldan wanted to pursue a relationship with me. That night as I was preparing to go home after dropping Sheldan off at his home, he pulled out a loving friendship card and gave it to me. At first I panicked. We are only friends. Then Sheldan leaned in for the kiss. I quickly manuevered my face so he would only kiss my cheek. A kiss would change everything. I didn't want to lose my friendship with him.

Like I said, at first I panicked. I had received a few soft messages encouraging me to look at Sheldan in a new way. I ignored them because I usually like extraverts and Sheldan is an introvert. I did not think we would make a good match. As I was driving away, I looked up into the dark night sky and declared to our the Galactic Federation and our Creator, "If you want me to be with Sheldan in a one-on-one relationship, you have to give me a sign that I cannot ignore. You have to give me a sign I cannot refute."

As I was looking up into the night sky, my car swerved. Oh my, I better pay attention to my driving. As I continued on, I looked at the clock and I was missing about 30 minutes. AND WHERE AM I?

I looked around and I didn't recognize my surroundings. I wondered if I had gone through a portal and ended up at another location...perhaps even another country. I found that idea fascinating. Finally I discovered a street sign. I was on "Skyline Boulevard". That is when I realized I had been taken up into a ship, car and all, placed back down (when my car swerved) on Skyline Boulevard. Ok, it has been confirmed, I am to pursue a relationship with Sheldan Nidle.

I smiled big all the way home which took me the long way for sure but I didn't mind I was exploring all the possibilities of being in a relationship with Sheldan Nidle. And as you all know, Sheldan and I continued on to have a loving relationship sharing our Galactic mission here on planet Earth.

When Delores Cannon was describing some of her hypnosis experiences, she talked about the Galactics taking a woman and her car up to a ship for her briefing and download. That's what happened to me. I was given a picture of what happened as I drove down Skyline Boulevard. Spirit definitely has a sense of humor. From that day forward, Sheldan and I began our life partner relationship. It was a match made in Heaven.

With Love,




Right now, we stand poised at a tipping point in history, teetering between the Great Reset and the Great Awakening. Uncertainties abound, and they are daunting. To help us meet our situation with clear-eyed courage and confidence, PAO welcomes back Laura Eisenhower as our guest for this year-end Webinar.

With a multitude of sources and an encyclopedic awareness of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical forces guiding our planet, Laura explains the reasons for our unprecedented and intensifying levels of world chaos. She will share her comprehensive knowledge of astrology’s predictive art and explain its merit in determining current and future events.


This Webinar is so pivotal that we think it will be the Webinar of 2023. As this chaotic year ends, Laura will use all her skills and resources to peer into the looming unknown and forewarn, inspire and empower us to face the perilous and uncertain months to come.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura Updates Us on Her Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Clarifying How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed
• Reverse-Engineered, Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology
Explaining How this Troubling Technology has Subverted Our World
• An Astrological Look at Today's World
How Astrology is Affecting Our Present and Future
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Able to Mentor Us and GAIA


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on December 17, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register:Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Fascinating Stories...


Source: Extreme Mysteries

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Ascension Weariness

Source: Vidya Frazier

home stretch

We are on the Home Stretch

So many of us are feeling weary these days. Yeah, the holidays can do that. But we all know there’s much more to our weariness at this point that has nothing to do with any of the things that used to tire us out.

We are in completely different times now, experiencing things we’ve never experienced before. And mental, emotional and physical weariness are all probably to be expected.

In case you are experiencing any self-judgment about your deep fatigue and lack of energy to do what you think you should be doing – think about it for a moment. There are a whole variety of reasons for the sense of weariness you may be experiencing.

The Weariness of Waiting

To begin with, those of us who have been down the intel rabbit hole for some years now are feeling enormous weariness from just plain waiting — waiting for something major to finally happen that exposes the sleeping masses to what the Deep State has been getting away with for, well, thousands of years.

Yeah, people are apparently waking up, despite the incredible lack of information still being offered by the mass media. And certain things are evidently being exposed in the US Congress and in a few other governments in the world. But has this really changed anything yet? Even understanding how massive the operation has got to be to turn things around doesn’t do much to allay the weariness of the waiting at this point.

Physical Body Weariness

To begin with, those of us who have been down the intel rabbit hole for some years now are feeling enormous weariness from just plain waiting — waiting for something major to finally happen that exposes the sleeping masses to what the Deep State has been getting away with for, well, thousands of years.

Yeah, people are apparently waking up, despite the incredible lack of information still being offered by the mass media. And certain things are evidently being exposed in the US Congress and in a few other governments in the world. But has this really changed anything yet? Even understanding how massive the operation has got to be to turn things around doesn’t do much to allay the weariness of the waiting at this point.

Physical Body Weariness

Then, of course, there’s a very real physical reason for any weariness we may be experiencing: our bodies are in the process of dealing with ascension.

Many changes on the cellular and atomic levels in our bodies are occurring to prepare them for the monumental shift they will be making when the Shift occurs. And this is along with any aging our bodies are also experiencing.

To help in this process, huge amounts of high-frequency light are now pouring onto the planet – which, of course, is great. But, at the same time, these frequencies can initially be very difficult for our dense bodies to absorb; all the lower frequencies in our bodies are being pushed out in order to accommodate this new light.

And, of course, to add to this already challenging process, our bodies also continue to deal with all the toxins that are in our water, air and soil – as well as in our food. In addition, there are the increasing amounts of EMFs our bodies are assaulted with due to increasing WiFi signals and the proliferation of cell towers.

So we really need to be compassionate and understanding with our bodies, when we experience the heavy sensation of wanting to stop all activity and just sit down and rest – or, if possible, take a nap.

Collective Energies

Then, aside from all these reasons for our weariness, we need to remember that we are also being assaulted ener- getically by the wars currently raging in the world.

We're dealing not only with our own personal reactions to them, but also to the reactions in the collective across the world. We can't help but pick up the grief, fear, hatred and anger so many are experiencing.

But, of course, it’s not just physical wars that are occurring. There is the deeper spiritual war that has been raging in these past few years, as well – as the Deep State continues to bombard us with relentless misleading information we have to sort through, as well as the broadcast signals ceaselessly flowing into our fields, attempting to numb us, dumb us down, and exhaust us.

Ascension Amping Up

But perhaps most of all, we must remember that we are additionally experiencing the ascension process in every aspect of our being. And it is truly amping up these days, the closer we move toward the huge shift into 5D in our near future.

In this process, unresolved karma is arising out of our unconscious like never before, demanding resolution.

Anything we’re still holding onto that is pulling us down in our frequency — old traumas, beliefs, judgments and negative habits — is now coming conscious, calling for healing and release. And, for most of us, it’s not just personal karma – it’s ancestral karma, as well, that awaits resolution.

For some, it feels as if their entire lives are crashing down around them. For others, it’s a sensation of feeling mired in unresolved negative patterns in relationships that are occurring. And for many, waking up every morning in depression or anxiety seems to be more and more prevalent. The process of letting go of our identity with our old 3D self seems to be an ongoing process – naturally creating deep fatigue in us.

Timeline Intensity

n addition, the weariness we’re feeling can also be seen as the result of what is happening on timelines these days.

In particular, the collective timeline is now splitting wider and wider between two groups – the one destined for the Fifth Dimension, and the other with people who won’t be making that shift in this lifetime.

People are sensing that certain of their loved ones are now moving more and more into a reality that is different from the one they’re in. This can be very painful.

Moreover, everyone’s personal timeline is also somewhat unsteady at this point, as jumping onto a higher timeline is occurring more and more often, creating all sorts of initial confusion, discomfort, pressure, and intense reactions.

For greater clarification about this stressful timeline activity, I have created these two youtube podcasts you might find helpful. Click on the title to access the videos.
Are You Jumping Timelines?
Experiencing the Timeline Split?

Love, Understanding and Compassion for Self

So -- when we can fully realize all these energies that our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are being bombarded with during these times, we can hopefully feel great compassion for ourselves.

And let go of any judgment we may have about how we are not keeping up with what we “should” be doing or feeling what we “should” be feeling.

It’s a tremendously challenging task we’re being charged with, this ascension stuff!

We’re on the Home Stretch Now

But no matter what is happening, we just gotta keep remembering that we are on the home stretch now.

There is, of course, a tremendous amount happen- ing in the world today that still needs to be dealt with before humanity truly makes its turn-around. And it’s probably going to take all we got to make it through what’s ahead of us in any kind of comfort- able way.

But we can do it. In fact, it’s likely we’ve done this before, in other ages, on other planets, in other civilizations – and it is really just a matter of remembering we have all we need within us to navigate through the collapse of the old age and find our way into the new one. And even help some others along the way to make the same transition.

It’s just helpful if you can also find time to fully rest and sleep whenever you can!


Stay protected from 5G radiation with our new Groovy Bee 5G Defense Powder

The newest innovation in mobile phones and other smart devices, 5G technology, is here and it will soon be all around you, if it hasn't already made its way into your home. However, with all the convenience that this new technology brings us, it may also pose significant health risks, including increased risk of damage from harmful oxidizing free radicals such as peroxynitrites. Moreover, being constantly surrounded by 5G radiation can negatively impact your overall health and well-being since no one knows how much 5G radiation the human body can withstand.

Unlike 4G technology, 5G technology relies on "ultra high frequency" or "ultra high intensity" millimeter waves to work. The millimeter wavelength, or mmWave, uses "directed energy" instead of the "spread energy" of 4G technology. However, since 5G technology utilizes different hardware from 4G technology in order to deliver signals, it will require new and more cell towers to be built in extremely close proximity to one another. This will inevitably result in almost unprecedented levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation in nearly all urban and populated areas.

Fortunately, the Brighteon Store is committed to supporting your overall health in the face of any potential harm that 5G technology may bring about. That's why we're proud to introduce our NEW Groovy Bee 5G Defense Powder! This specially formulated supplement combines the potent health benefits of ascorbic acid, magnesium glycinate, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Organic Extramel SOD (Superoxide Dismutase from melon juice concentrate) and selenium chelate.


Unlocking the Power of the High Heart

Source: LeeHarrisEnergy

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