
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Laura Clarifies How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Friday Miles and I enjoyed our pre-webinar sound check with Laura Eisenhower. She was enthusiastic about sharing some new information she has on President Eisenhower and the Pleiadean, Val Thor's secrets. Her passion is on the ever evolving astrological look at our Ascension process for 2024.

Join us for an expansive, reveting discussion on current affairs and what's in store for us in 2024.

To register, click here.

Selamat Ja!

Laura Clarifies How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed


Right now, we stand poised at a tipping point in history, teetering between the Great Reset and the Great Awakening. Uncertainties abound, and they are daunting. To help us meet our situation with clear-eyed courage and confidence, PAO welcomes back Laura Eisenhower as our guest for this year-end Webinar.

With a multitude of sources and an encyclopedic awareness of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical forces guiding our planet, Laura explains the reasons for our unprecedented and intensifying levels of world chaos. She will share her comprehensive knowledge of astrology’s predictive art and explain its merit in determining current and future events.


This Webinar is so pivotal that we think it will be the Webinar of 2023. As this chaotic year ends, Laura will use all her skills and resources to peer into the looming unknown and forewarn, inspire and empower us to face the perilous and uncertain months to come.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura Updates Us on Her Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Clarifying How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed
• Reverse-Engineered, Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology
Explaining How this Troubling Technology has Subverted Our World
• An Astrological Look at Today's World
How Astrology is Affecting Our Present and Future
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Able to Mentor Us and GAIA


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on December 17, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register:Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Inner Earth Worlds, Parallel Realities & Shifting Timelines with Tyler Kiwala

Source: LilyNovaStarseed

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Source: John Smallman

Trust God and Allow Yourselves to Awaken.


All across the world people are becoming increasingly alarmed as global tensions rise, and as ongoing wars and conflicts intensify causing much killing and injury of civilians as well as of combatants. This is a time of enormous and absolutely essential change in the manner in which humans interact with one another all across the world – one on one, and nation to nation.

It has been sought by many for a very long time, and it is now finally occurring, although that is probably not immediately apparent to most people. As I and others keep reminding you: TRUST in GOD, because only She exists, only She is Real, and Her Will for you, which is always brought to fruition, is that you are eternally embraced and enfolded in the Peace and Joy that being in Her Presence always provides and maintains.

Life is eternal, and death is not terminal, it is just a massive change in your awareness of who you truly are and what it means to be conscious, alive, alert, unrestrained, in fact totally free. It is to come to full conscious awareness that you are in truth a divine being created by Mother/Father/God, and are, therefore, always in inseparable and eternal union with Her.

You and God are One, but when you chose to experience the unreal state of separation from Him you also chose to forget your Oneness, because you thought that doing so would provide you with more freedom than the state of infinite freedom, in which you had been created, already provided for you in every moment.

However, the unreal state of separation you constructed and entered into did the opposite! You began to experience yourselves as insignificant powerless individuals in a vast material universe that was completely unaware of you, and which could terminate your existence at any moment, and without warning. What a terrifying state to find yourselves seemingly enveloped within, and with no possible exit except through total termination of your existence by the death of your physical forms.

Thus was fear born! Something unreal, non-existent, and which of course, prior to that choice, you had never conceived of let alone experienced. What you are – LOVE – is completely and utterly free of anything that is not in total alignment with It, anything that is unreal. To experience fear was horrifying and shocking.

Nevertheless, for the ages (the brief instant) during which you have been undergoing life in form as humans, it has always been present to a greater or lesser extent.

Fear is a state – quite unreal – which you can choose whether or not to engage with. It is a major aspect of your egos which encourage you to believe in it and engage with it in order to enable them to control you by persuading you to believe it protects you from dangers of all kinds.

Momentary fear is useful to draw your attention to a momentary danger that could cause you injury or death, but when you allow it to direct the way you live your lives it leads to the belief that you are not free, that there are certain thoughts, words, or actions with which you should not engage if you wish to be safe.

Lack of safety is another aspect of life as a human in form, that is unreal and which unnecessarily restricts you if you believe in it. And, of course, your human forms, your bodies, are vulnerable in ways that can seem very life threatening if you believe being alive as a human is a real experience ending at some point in the complete termination of your eternal existence.

There is no way that your existence can be finally and irrevocably terminated, because you were created by Mother/Father/God as eternal divine beings living forever in Union with Her in peace and joy.

That true state is unalterable, and anything you may be experiencing that is not in alignment with it is utterly unreal.

Your fears and doubts – your egos – would attempt to persuade you that this cannot be true, that the truth is that you will only experience a short human life followed inevitably by termination in death, and that therefore you need to make the most of it while you have the chance, because it will not last.

To awaken, as you are collectively doing, is to become once more fully and consciously aware that you are – each and every sentient being – in a state of eternal and divine Union with God in constant peace and joy.

There is no other state in which you could exist, because God is All that exists, and each and every one of you is eternally embraced by and enveloped in the All that is God.

Trust God and allow yourselves to awaken, instead of buying into the fears with which your egos constantly attempt to convince you, namely that your lives are permanently at risk of devastating injury, ill-health, or death.

Deep within yourselves you do know that this is not true, but your egos keep stirring up doubts, leading you to feel uncertain, lost, and even abandoned. Nothing could be further from the TRUTH!

Once again I remind you that you do need to spend quiet time alone – or with a quiet like-minded group – visiting your holy inner sanctuaries every day.

While there, allow your fears and doubts to fall away as you renew your trust in God, and invite Her to enter your hearts to embrace and comfort you. She WILL!

By trusting Her you dissolve the unreal boundary that closes off your awareness to Her constant Presence, and you will feel comforted and at peace, and that feeling will stay with you throughout the day if you set the intent to remain at peace no matter what may arise during the day.

You are eternally and infinitely loved in every moment of your existence because that is how you were created, and that state is changeless and unchanging.

Trust God, devote yourselves to knowing that you are inseparably in Her Presence in every moment, and allow yourselves to feel Her Love as you go about your daily lives.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


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