
Monday, December 18, 2023

Lady Nada - Temple of Divine Union* "I am the Divine Union of light and love and bring to you


Lady Nada - Temple of Divine Union


"I am the Divine Union of light and love and bring to you the holy chalice of perfection in oneness. Call to me when things in your life are out of balance and need restoration and unification. Call to me when joy and wonder are only memories and need the rekindling of the faithful flame of Divine Love and Light. I am the oneness upon which you seek."

Lady Nada is the twin flame of Jesus. She creates the balance of male and female energies. The flame of Love. Lady Nada oversees the temple above Lake Titicaca, Peru. Lady Nada once served as a priestess in the Temple of Love in Atlantis and attended the flame of Divine Love. Lady Nada is a Pleiadian light emissary that has worked with humanity since the beginning of time in this realm. She has incarnated into physical body several times to understand the experience of humanity and the soul in this realm in order to better serve us.

Lady Nada is director of the Karmic Board and works with the powerful voidal (liquid light) energies of creation. The thousand petaled lotus on her forehead symbolizes enlightenment for the feminine and the masculine, mental body and the opening of the third eye to see all in its true light. She teaches that intelligence requires the additional surrender to the Creator self within us to become wisdom.

Lady Nada expresses the feminine initiations and is a temple keeper of the feminine heart for all of humanity. She assists the feminine to be empowered on the Earth, whether you are in the feminine body or whether it is your feminine heart flame. It is the vibration of love that is held through the voidal pathways of the heart of God that she opens within an initiate to connect with and in this place one finds the truth of your creation dreaming – all that you is called to create of themselves through the heart in love. 

She assists all to release the old karmic wounds held in the feminine heart through all generations to forgive and surrender all energy that keeps them from receiving love for themselves through compassion, forgiveness and love. 

She assists humanity to embrace its truth and to open to receive all that is possible for them – their unlimited potential I the heart of God - for this is the nature of their feminine vibration. As the old karma is assisted to be released, Lady Nada supports the feminine to return to its innocent heart and will hold the heart of the child within you to embrace this.

Call to Lady Nada works to assist with mental healing, the upliftment of unresolved karma and choosing right action. Wherever there is pain and struggle and a feeling of disempowerment call to Lady Nada. Where there has been abuse of any kind call to Lady Nada. Where the innocent heart has been locked away call to Lady Nada. Call to Lady Nada where there is imbalance between the feminine and the masculine energy in your life.

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