
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Galactic Federation of Light: Arcturus | on Freedom *Hello fellow earthlings! Today we will tell you a little about our planet.


Galactic Federation of Light: Arcturus | on Freedom


Hello fellow earthlings!

Today we will tell you a little about our planet.

Arcturusis is the main planet of the Boötes constellation, and all the major control and observation centers of celestial bodies, as well as the control center for flights to other planets, are focused on it.

In your language Arcturus can be called the capital of the state Bootes.

Our planet is mainly in the fifth dimension and partly in the sixth dimension, because not all Arcturians have yet reached this level, where our priests are still mostly.

Yes, don't be surprised, we have a priestly institution, like you once had on Earth - in Atlantis, Ancient Egypt and other states.

Our priests are very ancient souls who came to the planet Arcturus with the mission of raising Arcturians to an even higher level of spiritual development.

We have mystery schools where they study the most capable and spiritually advanced inhabitants of the planet, who then become priests themselves.

If we talk about the social structure of our society, then in your language it can be called monarchic socialism, because it is based on equality and fraternity, but this society is led by the High Priest, who embodies the divine principle for all the inhabitants of Arcturus.

This is an ancient and wise soul who came to our planet a long time ago and absorbed all of its traits.

This is a seventh density being that is a “catalyst” for the divine energies of the highest vibrations that enter the planet Arcturus.

He concentrates them into himself and then redistributes them so that they flow harmoniously and "expeditiously" into the life of our planet and so that every inhabitant of Arcturus receives those portions of energies and in such a composition that he needs right now for his spiritual and spiritual development physics.

This is quite a complicated process, but trust me, this method of receiving energy is fully justified and maintains the energetic balance on our planet.

Thanks to this fact, the Arcturians’ transition from the fifth to the sixth dimension is smooth and harmonious—no sudden jumps, because there is no “overdose” of high vibrational energies.

Externally, those living in the fifth and sixth dimension differ slightly from each other, but the higher the level of vibration, the easier it is for us to control our bodies and change them with the power of thought.

Bodies in the sixth dimension become rarer and brighter, as the light crystals they are composed of begin to glow.

Our appearance is slightly different from yours because we have a highly developed third eye through which we communicate telepathically with each other. For those who have already moved into the sixth dimension, it appears even outside.

Our skull is longer and the average height is at least two meters.

We can easily change our body shape, hairstyle, clothes, creating everything with the power of thinking.

The landscape of our planet looks a bit like yours, but we have more plateaus, and the houses we can build with the power of thought are most often a continuation of the area’s landscape - they almost merge with nature and have soft, flowing forms.

Our civilization is very technically advanced We have planes that can move easily in our galaxy.

If you want, you can see our ships, because lately we've often been in space near Earth, monitoring the changes happening on Earth.

As members of the Galactic Federation of Light, we have happily agreed to assist Earthlings in their Transition to a new level of development.

We are ready to share with you our experience of transitioning from one dimension to another, as well as the technologies you need to build a new life.

You can count on us in anything, our dear brothers and sisters.

Arcturus Council of Elders has now spoken to you.

via Mircea Pleiadian Sebastian, Many Thanks!

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