
Monday, December 11, 2023

December and the Angel Of Peace


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


A PAO family member sent these words to me and I wanted to share them with you. Thanks, Peter. Words to live by...


I promise to speak up for myself.
I promise to protect my energy.
I promise to live with purpose.
I promise to give myself grace.
I promise to honor my calling.
I promise to forgive myself.
* I promise to keep going.

I Promise ~ Selamat Ja!




Right now, we stand poised at a tipping point in history, teetering between the Great Reset and the Great Awakening. Uncertainties abound, and they are daunting. To help us meet our situation with clear-eyed courage and confidence, PAO welcomes back Laura Eisenhower as our guest for this year-end Webinar.

With a multitude of sources and an encyclopedic awareness of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical forces guiding our planet, Laura explains the reasons for our unprecedented and intensifying levels of world chaos. She will share her comprehensive knowledge of astrology’s predictive art and explain its merit in determining current and future events.


This Webinar is so pivotal that we think it will be the Webinar of 2023. As this chaotic year ends, Laura will use all her skills and resources to peer into the looming unknown and forewarn, inspire and empower us to face the perilous and uncertain months to come.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura Updates Us on Her Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Clarifying How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed
• Reverse-Engineered, Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology
Explaining How this Troubling Technology has Subverted Our World
• An Astrological Look at Today's World
How Astrology is Affecting Our Present and Future
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Able to Mentor Us and GAIA


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on December 17, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register:Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The Timeline Deception - Exploring Tartaria

Source: Exploring Tartaria

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From Finite to Infinite

Source: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


We gather as a broadband of fine-lined streaming Light from finite to Infinite. We stream our hearts desires, our prayers and our secrets forward through time releasing them eventually into full flight. We as you are Sons and Daughters of Light, Time Warriors. Like leaves on the Tree of Life we are Family, as we extend ourselves branch by branch. We all have been out on the proverbial limb for far too long and seek to be lifted safely by the fates that know and love us.

We ask that the earth be lifted to a place of power laced with wisdom. Opening All the books of prayer, the manuscripts, the copper Scrolls, to a place of revealing revelation in its highest form. Let the mouth of the sacred places open wide and speak with wisdom. Let the falling stars seek your pocket to land within as the weather of many partly cloudy closed hearts clears. Everything of Earth was conceived in another place, another time, far from this galaxy. The very Cosmos itself breathes earth in and out on a daily basis. Everything on Earth is star-seeded. You are the very spice of life that changes the flavor of the entire Cosmic soup in this part of the Universe. Beginnings and endings are moot points in a world that does not see 360 degrees.

Everything and everyone of the universe seeks to understand Earth, at the very same time that Earth seeks to know all the other planets and stars, up close and personal. The director of the solar system asks exactly who has left the building and who has entered on a new stellar scale? Symbols beyond time are drawn in the Fine Line of sand that divides all of us. The fates of all species lives within daily choices that are numbered and singular of event. The very stars are entwined within the DNA of the Tree of Life.

Gearing up your newly accessed psychic abilities in this up-coming initiation of illumination demands undivided attention. Developing newly found psychic muscles is not for the weak of purpose. These new psychic muscles demand one Walk In Between Worlds, between thoughts, circumstances and proposed outcomes. You can no longer sweep under the interplanetary rug what is in plain sight and needs addressed. Stand in your light as doorways of possibility open, close and revolve all around you.

Hear The Call of the Wild within, as you embrace more of who you really are. Within you lives all universes; Within you lives Hope not just for Earth but for all life in all universes. In order to accomplish this Mission and soul service you must Shuffle the cards that life has given you and deal yourself a higher hand. Like a laser wand of Love see the very sticky molecules of the current situation reconfiguring into a better possibility and future outcome. Continue to infuse all life on earth with Hope and healing, truth and wisdom, and eternal love.


Stay protected from 5G radiation with our new Groovy Bee 5G Defense Powder

The newest innovation in mobile phones and other smart devices, 5G technology, is here and it will soon be all around you, if it hasn't already made its way into your home. However, with all the convenience that this new technology brings us, it may also pose significant health risks, including increased risk of damage from harmful oxidizing free radicals such as peroxynitrites. Moreover, being constantly surrounded by 5G radiation can negatively impact your overall health and well-being since no one knows how much 5G radiation the human body can withstand.

Unlike 4G technology, 5G technology relies on "ultra high frequency" or "ultra high intensity" millimeter waves to work. The millimeter wavelength, or mmWave, uses "directed energy" instead of the "spread energy" of 4G technology. However, since 5G technology utilizes different hardware from 4G technology in order to deliver signals, it will require new and more cell towers to be built in extremely close proximity to one another. This will inevitably result in almost unprecedented levels of exposure to electromagnetic radiation in nearly all urban and populated areas.

Fortunately, the Brighteon Store is committed to supporting your overall health in the face of any potential harm that 5G technology may bring about. That's why we're proud to introduce our NEW Groovy Bee 5G Defense Powder! This specially formulated supplement combines the potent health benefits of ascorbic acid, magnesium glycinate, N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine, Organic Extramel SOD (Superoxide Dismutase from melon juice concentrate) and selenium chelate.


December and the Angel Of Peace

Source: Celia Fenn


December and the Angel of Peace

This is one of my favorite images : the Angel of Peace.

In this time she will be ever present with us offering her gifts of Peace to all who seek Peace in their Heart and Soul. Peace starts within us and radiates outwards as we transmit the waves of the Christ Consciousness Golden Light to the Planet.

The first big energy of the month is the 12/12 portal on Tuesday the 12th December. Here all souls who are on the New Earth timeline will be given the opportunity to open to further levels of illumination and creativity.

I am feeling that beautiful energy already! Also, it will be New Moon in Sagittarius, with the happy radiance of a fire moon lighting our way and providing time for us to plant the seeds of our creations for the next lunar cycle.

The 19th of December is when the Earth transits the Galactic center at 27 degrees of Sagittarius, and we receive streams of Diamond Light Codes and crystalline living water plasma. Such a powerful moment filled with the blessings of the Christ Sophia.

On the 22nd December the Sun moves into Capricorn and it is also the December Solstice, that powerful moment when the Sun “stands still” as it begins its return journey in its ellipse around the Sun.

This is the time when the Light is reborn (in the North) or it reaches its apex (in the South). It is a time to celebrate the Light and our progress in the ascending spiral of evolution and transformation.

Finally on the 27th December we have the Full Moon in Cancer, a powerful Water Sign, bringing in a flow of Abundance for the New Year.

2024 will be the Year of the Rose, according to Archangel Michael. We will welcome the inflow of the powerful 2/11 flow and the increasing presence of the Divine Feminine and the Great Mother.

And of course, it is also the Chinese year of the Dragon, which is also a symbol for Feminine power, so we welcome that energy as well.

So stand by for powerful incoming energies in December. Be at peace with yourself and all others and extend that peace to the Earth.

Love and blessings to All in December.

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