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I started my Inner Journey several decades ago by 1st learning to meditate & then becoming a teacher & putting people in Contact withe Source, Their Source. I worked with & Sponsored various highly evolved people, Healers, Clairvoyants & Developed Souls who showed me how to utilize their knowledge that strangely most couldn't discern or even hear. Withe Various Techniques & Tools I've been given or fathomed thru close observation, I have had some interesting experiences & journeys within. And as fascinating as all that is, my Aim is to Be Freed from this Illusion bringing as many as will come along EveNow. I have shared thru my messages several of my inner connections like the ~Unknowable~ which is beyond the Relative & Absolute fields of Life, Also drawing down The_Grace_of_Ishvara,_Our Almighty Father Mother God/dess & The Transformational Rainbow Forest Odyssey + many other Activations, Techniques & Connections from various teachers & messengers. And It is time to Get Ready or Not~Change is Upon Each & All of Us Beyond Sci~Fi or Middle Earth or Any Tales or Fables you've heard of.... We Are in the Midst of It. Everything is Speeding Up SO BE READY!!!!!!



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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The 3rd dimension chakras Chakra 1 The first chakra is physical body position. It focuses on our earthly life,


The 3rd dimension chakras

Chakra 1

The first chakra is physical body position. It focuses on our earthly life, connecting us specifically to the Earth. She deals with tasks like grounding and survival. In the ancient Lemurian period, the base chakra was most often open. The first chakra is in charge of our life here on earth. Its color is red and is connected to the gonads.

Chakra 2

The second chakra is the polarity chakra It has to do with creativity, male and female balance and our sexual energies. The back of the second chakra is related to the headquarters of the subconscious mind. The gland it is connected to is the ludig or Lyden gland, a component of the lymphatic system. Its color is usually called orange Emphasis on this chakra in late lemur development.

Chakra 3

The third chakra is the headquarters of the emotional body. The adrenal glands are connected to this chakra and the associated colour is usually yellow. The Atlantis period in human history has focused on the development of this chakra.

Chakra 4

The fourth chakra is related to unconditional love. The gland it is associated with is thymus; the color most often associated with it is green. This chakra was emphasized during the time of Jesus Christ.

Chakra 5

The neck chakra is related to communication, expression, and the use of willpower. The thyroid is the gland associated with this chakra. The colour most often associated with it is blue. She is the one that was developed in the age of Aquarius.

Chakra 6

The third eye chakra is linked to sight and spiritual vision. The gland associated with this chakra is the pituitary one. The color most commonly associated with this chakra is purple. The third eye chakra is also related to the conscious mind.

Chakra 7

The chakra of Christianity is to do with the subconscious mind, soul, higher self and God. It is truly our gateway through which we receive higher energies. The color most commonly associated with this chakra is white light or white light with rainbow reflections. The associated gland is the pineal one.

4th dimension chakras

Chakra 8

The eighth chakra is the first chakra of the fourth dimension; it is the location of the soul. Just as in the third dimension the earth is designated with the number zero, and represents the physical existence, likewise in the fourth dimension, the soul's abode becomes the place of existence in the 4th dimension.

The colors of the chakras from eight to twelve are exactly the same as the colors of the upper rays in the fourth dimension (these rays will be explained in more detail in a future chapter). The colors of the eighth chakra are emerald green and purple.

Chakra 9

The ninth chakra corresponds to the base chakra of the third dimension. is connected to the body of light It's something to do with the joy When this chakra is activated, it ignites the body of light, which is now in your cellular and subcellular structure. The color of this chakra is teal green.

Chakra 10

The tenth chakra is associated with third-dimensional polarity chakra. It has to do with the integration of the male and the female into themselves. This chakra begins to function when the male and female energies are in perfect balance. This is lived as a state of lack of effort and correlation with your own soul. The colour of this chakra is sidefie

Chakra 11

This is the new age energy chakra. It corresponds with the third dimension solar plexus chakra. By connecting the third chakra to the eleventh chakra, we can lessen the trauma of present or past lives that are stored in the third chakras.

The feeling emitted by the eleventh chakra energy is like a wave and will move through your body and come out without stationing and without attaching to any area of wrong perception. (Before the fourth dimension became available, an emotionally unbalanced response used to be attached to existing misperceptions in the body). The color of this chakra is pink orange

Chakra 12

The twelfth chakra holds onto the Christian consciousness, which is a transformative energy that connects all forms of energy. She is associated with the heart chakra in the third dimension and her colour is glittering gold.

Chakra 13

The thirteenth chakra is connected to the manifestation of communication through vibrations. This is the chakra used to materialize or dematerialize things. It is the chakra also used for teleportation. It is also used for healing. Her color is light purple

Chakra 14

The fourteenth chakra is connected to the Divine Plan. Allow the mental plan to surrender The 14th chakra says that you allow the Divine Plan to lead you without evaluating or analyzing through the beliefs of your mental concepts.

This chakra corresponds to the third eye of the third dimension. Bring clarity into the fourth dimension and activate your limitlessness. The color of this chakra is dark blue-purple

Chakra 15

The fifteenth chakra deals with our monadic connection. It corresponds to the third dimension growth chakra, your spiritual connection. By opening the fifteenth chakra, you allow your new spiritual connection, which is the monada, to operate. This happens when you pass fourth initiation. At the fifth initiation we connect with the monada, which brings us to the gate to ascension. When operating this chakra, she says your soul structure is stable enough to handle energy and informational purpose coming from the monadic level. The color is light golden white.

The 5th dimension chakras

Chakra 16

It has to do with the ascension and becoming a universal being. The sixteenth chakra is the one that descends into the chakra of the head at the time of ascension. When this chakra has been activated, the master has to decide whether he or she is to remain in physical existence or not. Universal being moves through all systems and sizes and can adapt to any necessary energy or bodily form.

Being the first chakra of the fifth-dimensional chakra network system, this chakra of ascension to the world and universal becoming is our basis, just as the eighth chakra, the place of the soul, was the basis for the fourth-dimensional Chakras. The color of this chakra is light purple and white.

Chakra 17

The seventeenth chakra is related to universal light, and corresponds to the ninth chakra or fourth-dimensional light body. The progression is made from the third dimension, which is solid, to the fourth dimension, which is both solid and luminous, to the fifth dimension, which is completely luminous. Because it is composed of all the colors of the visible spectrum, it has a multitude of shades of white.

Chakra 18

The eighteenth chakra is connected with the sixth dimension divine intention. When activated, this chakra creates the ability to introduce the sixth dimension of reality. If you look at the diagram in the chakra table, you will notice that between the eighteen and nineteen chakras it is written "there is no correspondence" The reason is that on the five-dimensional level there is no correspondence with the solar plexus level, because it has been united with the heart chakra. It is rose gold in color.

Chakra 19

its connected to the universal energy The energy of the heart is the focal point in the third dimension; the Christian consciousness is energy that expands into the fourth dimension; in the fifth dimension it corresponds to the universal energy. This energy is perceived by those who let this energy pass through this chakra, through the monadic level, and through the soul level to the physical body. It is magenta in color.

Chakra 20

The twentieth chakra focuses on being. In the third dimension you needed to communicate; in the fourth dimension you were able to communicate in a much more extensive way through light, through vibrations; in the fifth dimension change is not necessary. There is a pure being within which exchange is not required to achieve communication. The color is purple and gold.

Chakra 21

Twenty first chakra is connected to divine structure. She creates from a moment of evolution which is actually a decisive point. In the third dimension, your third eye creates clairvoyant capabilities; in the fourth dimension, it is the Divine Plan. You are now beyond the fifth dimension structure, within your teaching that took place at the level of Divine Structure. Vywamus said of this chakra "Now I have to tell you none of you have to worry about for the next two or three years." Its color is blue and gold.

Chakra 22

The twenty-second chakras are connected to Source. It has the color of platinum.

Source : Master Djwhal Khul,


channeled through Alice A. Bailey

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