
Saturday, October 28, 2023

The Celestial White Beings: Your Responsibility of Peace Source: Natalie Glasson


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We are dumbfounded! In planning our Webinars, we've tried everything in our power to bring aboard engaging, informative guests and attract more PAO followers. What are we not tuning into?

Every day, as we confront the pain, ugliness and confusion of this world, our individual Lights are dimmed in horror and helplessness.

Monthly live Webinars offer an opportunity for us to gather together as a single body, comprising many souls, to strengthen, share and spread our universal Light. They help restore our courage and resilience and equip us to continue to fight this spiritual war.

We are bewildered, and wonder what could have caused this plummet in our audience. Are our listeners tired of promises? Are they distracted by the many other alternative voices? Are guests not answering your questions? Or is PAO simply spinning its wheels - a depleted frequency that is going nowhere?

The spiritual internet has evolved, and the past three years have taken their toll. This world is not the same as that from which Sheldan launched his first Webinar. The landscape has changed, and clearly so must we.

PAO is not alone in this predicament. Other Webcast hosts and Webinar guests mention they are also losing their audiences.

PAO was Sheldan's labor of love, his brilliant and original concept to unite the whole world spiritually; to inform us about the many other beings 'out there' and, with their benevolent assistance, to pave the way for Ascension.

PAO is Sheldan's legacy. Without your support, it could well be lost. With it would go our connections to other like-minded souls on this planet, and in our cosmos.

Webinars and donations are PAO's financial life-line. Please contribute whatever and whenever you can to keep PAO's Golden Web of Light beaming truth your way.

To make a contribution to PAO please click on our donation banner.

Peace and Blessings,

PAO Team

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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

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Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori is unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, has graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.


Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori was unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.

Dr. Joe answers our questions and offers his personal perspective on the many levels of spiritual healing, as well as the importance of DNA activation to our health and wellness.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
• Tachyon Energy Chambers: Benefits
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chamber Locations

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-67 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Solar Flash Update


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The Celestial White Beings: Your Responsibility of Peace

Source: Natalie Glasson


Greetings beloved beacons of light, we are the Celestial White Beings. We are known as the Celestial White Beings because we exist at the celestial level and often many see our energy as the color white.

We have been in service to the earth and humanity since the very beginning and we are present to be of service now. Please call upon our energies, our presence, to encircle you and assist you, for we wish to be of service to you.

Our love, our bliss, our peace envelopes you and we understand how important this is at this time of earth’s evolution and humanity’s creations.

There are many things occurring in your reality and the world around you that may be causing you upset, depression, or uncertainty about your own spiritual growth, as you try to navigate your spiritual reality.

While observing or maybe even experiencing chaos in your own reality, or the world around you, it can be challenging to remain in a space of peace, in a space of love and a connection with your truth and the Creator.

We, the Celestial White Beings, wish to share with you that in fact, it is your responsibility to continue to bring your focus back to the love within your being – the bliss, the peace, the truth – and to act as a beacon of light, radiating sacred Creator qualities into the world.

If you do not accept this responsibility then maybe others will, however, what will occur if everyone ignores the love, the truth, the peace and bliss within their being? The vibration of the earth would lower and the chaos experienced would become greater.

As a being that is aware – conscious and you might say awake – you have a responsibility of maintaining or even quickening the vibration of your own being in order to maintain and quicken the vibration of the world, even the Universe of the Creator.

That which you recognize within your being and you heal and resolve, creates healing in the world around you and in your own reality. Your inner reality is reflected into the world around you. The way that you perceive things may be different to others. The way that you perceive things allows you an insight into that which requires to be healed/transformed within your being.

You are the truth. You are the light. You are the peace.

It is your responsibility to choose the light, the love, the peace. It does not mean that you need to ignore circumstances upon the earth or your reality that may challenge or upset you. They do require your attention but not from accessing the same vibration as that which is occurring.

You can give your attention from your vibration of truth within your being, thus, you will see things in a different way – be able to share your truth, be able to access your power and your strengths, be able to access your love – and to also recognize how it impacts your being and how it impacts your reality and the world around you.

Every soul wishes for peace – peace within, peace in the reality, peace in the world – connections between all beings, harmony, tranquility and love.

These things must first manifest from within your being.

You may wonder how you can be peaceful when there is chaos around you. It is for you to choose peace, knowing that this peace will radiate…that it is almost like a healing balm…knowing that you are powerful and what you share has an impact, knowing that as you connect with the peace within your being, it supports you – supports you in navigating through your reality and the world around you.

If you choose to focus upon that which is occurring in your reality or around you, that may be chaotic, then you are choosing to add energy to it, to build and boost it.

When you choose peace, love or truth, you are choosing a remedy. You are the remedy, on an energetic level, and you are bringing forth shifts, transformation and change to yourself, to your reality and the world.

This is why you have been placed upon the earth. This is why you have chosen to exist upon the earth now.

You are the safety that you seek. You are in fact everything that you seek.

When you turn your attention within and ask to activate that which you seek, your inner energy will always respond.

It is simply a choice. Sometimes even that choice can be challenging to make. Sometimes it is far easier to focus upon the chaos and how it causes upset and sadness within your being, rather than focusing upon the peace, the love and the truth within your being.

This is not a judgment in any way. We understand that it is challenging to accept your responsibility of peace, maybe in a world that seems that others are not.

We, the Celestial White Beings, fully support you, fully love you and fully assist you so that you may accept your responsibility.

We love you dearly.

We are the Celestial White Beings and we thank you.


Are You Overriding Your Soul With “Should?”

Source: Lissa Rankin, M.D.


For many years, my soul was trying to guide me, but I wasn’t paying attention. Even when my soul tried to communicate with big glaring WARNING signs or GO HERE billboards, I disregarded the signs.

Thinking back to the year 2000, I have to laugh when I think about how my former husband and I stood in line for three hours at the courthouse to get our marriage certificate. And finally, when we were at the very front of the line, belly up to the courthouse clerk, there was a bomb threat. A BOMB THREAT! I literally turned to my fiancé and said, “Is it a sign?”

Of course it was a sign, Lissa! I’d already received other, more subtle signs that foretold the destructive patterns that later became impossible to ignore. But I overlooked those signs at the time, just like I ignored the flashing red bomb threat that forced us to evacuate the courthouse.

Why did I ignore such blatant soul guidance? Because I was attached to marrying this guy, I wrote it off as “coincidence,” even though somewhere deep within me, I knew better.

How “Should” Interferes with Soul Guidance

Consider the times you’ve ignored your soul’s guidance. Chances are good that you did so because you thought you should. The wedding invites are already sent, so you should go through with the wedding. You’ve already spent so many years training for the job your soul wants you to leave. The money is good. It’s a secure job in an insecure economy.

You should stay. Your soul is telling you that you don’t have to take care of the elderly relative who treats you like dirt, but another part of you thinks you should. You’re working yourself to death to pay for the fancy house and the private school, and your soul is telling you to simplify, downsize, and send the kids to public school. But you don’t think you should sacrifice their quality of life for yours.

Your soul doesn’t want to go to church anymore, but you should. Your soul doesn’t want to hang out with the friend you’ve known for twenty years anymore, but you should. Your soul doesn’t like the missionary position and wants to get down and dirty, but you should not let on that you fantasize the way you do. Your soul wants to dance under the moonlight, but you should go to the gym. Your soul wants to eat dark chocolate, but you should eat kale.

God forbid you actually follow the soul’s guidance. All hell might break loose. There could be anarchy.

Overriding the Soul’s Guidance

Because we’re so full of ideas and judgements about what we should and shouldn’t do, we tend to talk ourselves out of our soul’s guidance. We don’t trust that our soul knows what’s best, so we tend to write off soul guidance as mere coincidence or whimsy or even folly. To both pay attention and heed soul guidance may require radical acts of courage, and that can feel terrifying.

Where will my soul lead me? How uncomfortable will I have to get? How much uncertainty will I need to tolerate?

The soul doesn’t care about certainty. The soul cares about freedom.

When the Soul Has to Yell

Every time we override the soul’s guidance, the soul tends to get louder, not because you don’t have free will and not because the soul is punishing you, but because the soul is always trying to get through to you. The soul doesn’t necessarily speak the same language as you, so it may not just start rattling off soul guidance in your ear.

Instead, it will use anything it can- dreams, emails, people who show up with messages for you, physical symptoms, gut instincts, bumper stickers, synchronicities that make you pay attention. The soul is always trying to guide you, but when you repetitively ignore it, it has to get crafty. Sometimes you wind up clobbered with the proverbial 2 x 4.

The soul’s guidance may start as a guiding dream or a persistent thought or a book or blog post that seems to speak directly to you. But if you ignore the soul’s guidance, the soul may guide you through painful interventions, like loss or illness. The soul is always yearning for you to WAKE UP and be free.

Are You Overriding Your Soul?

Or are you trusting and acting on your soul’s guidance? Share your stories of how your soul has guided you, or how you’ve resisted it, in the comments section below.

With the utmost gratitude and respect for the soul’s wise counsel,


YOUR reality will shift

Source: Your Yoniverse

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