
Tuesday, October 3, 2023

Archangels here to Assist Us

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Like many of you who are our loyal PAO followers, we are seeking answers as our planet seems to crumble before our very eyes. Around the world, wildfires and their toxic smoke have been incorporated into the ‘climate change’ agenda, and are threatening the homes, health and well-being of millions. Nations are teetering on the brink of war. Costs of living are skyrocketing, fuelling more uncertainties. Meanwhile, heightened frequencies make our already intense ascension journeys even more arduous.

Boy, do we need a recharge! For that, we turn again to one of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared Rand, who will knit together the strands of our doubts and give us coherent information and good old-fashioned common sense.


This month, we‘ll pose some direct and probing questions that get to the heart of our present situation. And, as ever, we will ask him for an update on the progress of his miraculous Celestial Chamber project.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus
• Combating the 3D Dark Agenda
Using 3D Strategies to Overcome the Dark’s Plan
• Climate Change Deception
Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and Worldwide Firestorms
• Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups
Taking Action Instead of Waiting to Be Rescued
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• A Fresh Look at Timelines
Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity!

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-66 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Energy Report for October 2023

Source: LeeHarisEnergy

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Archangels here to Assist Us

Source: Judith Kusel


The lower your consciousness levels, the more you may tend to separate all and everything and then try to put what you understand into neat little boxes, fitting in compartments in your brain. You only felt secure when you could control these boxes and your reaction to them, when you felt you were in charge.
Yet, in truth you never were, for partitions cause separation and alienated us from all and everyone and everything.

Once we understand that the deepest knowing, and interconnected to Divine and Divinity and the 352 tiers of creation, are all within us, then we will also understand that we have access to all layers of creation and that all the Ascended Masters, Archangels, angels, unicorns, are inside of us and all around us.

The Archangels are truly making their presence felt and even Universal Archangels are now assisting us through the Ascension processes.

In the Ancient Mystery Schools, it was known that Archangels and angels were there to support the soul journey. In your original true galactic soul state, you incorporated their energy, and this archangelic energy is so pure, and powerful that you can still transmit and channel it into all and everything you do, create, and touch.

The more we incorporate their energy into our daily lives, the brighter our auric and energy fields become, because now they are infused with their energy.
For instance, the more we work with Archangel Chamuel, who holds the white-pink ray of Love, unconditional love, the more our heart centre expands and we start to emit this beautiful archangelic energy. More than this Chamuel and Charity, his twin-flame, will assist us in all our loving relationships and humanity at large. We grow in compassion, in unconditional love and loving grace. Additionally, we also grow in self-love for we can only truly love other souls to the degree to which we love ourselves.

Every soul on earth could do with more love and loving energy and has the ability to exude this.

The truest paths lead within and it is within that all answers and knowledge in truth lie, for our soul is eternally connected to All That Is. In these last few weeks, the Shift has taken on quantum leaps, and for many this means expansion on consciousness levels such as never experienced before. I most certainly have.

On the other hand, there is this chaos reigning in the old structures and forms in the Old Earth, which is brilliantly reflected in the chaotic weather patterns, and the ways in which all seems to be getting crazier on the one hand, while on the other hand, more and more souls are awakening.

The truest navigational systems, the truest guidance, is deep within you. It is not outside, and it requires a certain discipline to go deeper within, and not to allow yourself to be distracted by the external, and whatever is being broadcast out there, but instead to seek the still point within.

The heart and soul centers around the eternal now and eternal truths, and the deep knowing of such within your own soul. If something does not FEEL right, then it is not for you – it is not your truth!


The same applies if alarm bells go off, or when your own gut feeling tells you that something is amiss, even if you as yet, cannot pinpoint exactly what it is and in what form this may be.

The most amazing things start happening, when we truly trust our own soul, as one with All That Is, to guide us through this expansion, for your soul is infinitely connected to the monad (soul group) and the Infinite Divine Whole. The broader Universal knowing, is more apparent for many of us are indeed Master souls who incarnated here, mainly to see this process through into completion.

Note, the latter, for indeed that is our main reason for being here, and none other. We are here to firmly anchor in the New Golden Age, even as we are shifting and becoming more consciously aware as we lovingly serve from our heart and souls and all of our being!

Many of us choose to do this quietly, without a lot of fanfare, and indeed, whoever needs to be energetically drawn to us, or whose souls need to be touched, will find us.

Such is the blessing of the inward revolution, the inner shifts and indeed the unlocking of the soul-in-splendour, living the truth of who and what we are in truth with love and loving intention.


They call them “THE HOLY FREQUENCIES” | SACRED KNOWLEDGE Of Ancient Solfeggio Scale

Source: Be Inspired

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