
Friday, September 22, 2023

Mysterious Massive Wave of ENERGY Recently Hit Earth And WE Can See Impact. . .


Mysterious Massive Wave of ENERGY Recently Hit Earth And WE Can See Impact. . . May Have Intelligent Origins!!!

Earth Is Spinning Faster And Even Mainstream News Is Reporting It!

Galactics Hint Something MASSIVE is Happening! Solar Storm Hitting the Mother Earth!

The HUGELY Powerful ENERGIES are Coming in Right NOW!

Our Frequencies are CHANGING. . . and WE Are SHIFTING Already!


Major DIVINE LIGHT is Coming from the GREAT CENTRAL SUN into our Sun which is Giving that LIGHT to our planet;

In the current Space / Time Continuum. . . the COSMOS is Filled with various kinds of On-Going POWER.

It is a “Labour” Process and so is the ENTIRE CHANGE in the Solar System and Galaxy.

SOURCE LIGHT serves as the Fertilizing Energy. . . the Gestation Period. . . and the “Forceps” of Birth.

COSMIC FORCES will Continue to Build. . . to Accelerate. . . to BE increasingly Powerful.

Prepare for a Build-Up in COSMIC ENERGETICS which will also cause a Build-Up in Creation throughout the Solar System and Galaxy.

SELF-Nurturance is very Necessary in this “NOW”.

WE Must take Special Care of All of our “Selves”: SPIRITUAL. . . MENTAL. . . EMOTIONAL. . . PHYSICAL. . . TRANSCENDENTAL. . . and COSMIC.


Something Far Beyond even “X-Class” (the strongest flare rating thus far) is on the HORIZON.

No one can say Exactly What It Is or Give an Exact Date of Its Arrival.

WE Are. . . However. . . Allowed to KNOW that It Is On The Way.

“Spiritual Technology” is our “Device”. Pay close Attention to Intuition. . . Visions. . .and Dreams.

They Are the “Print-Outs” from our NEWLY-VITALIZED “Cellular Record Programming”.


Source Consciousness!!

Mike Harrigan

I Am.

You Are.

We Are.


Universal Consciousness..

Photo Infused Column of Light captured over

Maters  Italy.  by Rommel Primier

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