
Sunday, September 10, 2023

LADY NADA END OF THE TIME LINES... Beloved of the heart, I'm here to explain to you a bit what the deadlines are.


LADY NADA END OF THE TIME LINES... Beloved of the heart, I'm here to explain to you a bit what the deadlines are. We know there is confusion about schedules and time. Time does not really exist in the universe. In the universe we live in an eternal present, there is no yesterday or tomorrow, everything is in the moment. To all those who could study metaphysics or could read. The idea is that we move to the eternal present and we live in the eternal present, we live in the here and now. Timelines are created by opposing forces to confuse and divide mankind Originally in this reality, there was only a timeline, but these forces began to divide and divide that timeline. They intervened, created distorted realities, of life, of planetary time. We the brothers of Magnetic service tried to restore and unite all those cut and divided lines where many seers could see situations in the future but they were situations in a timeline that wasn't real but artificially created by forces of darkness. So many, many fell into this situation because of this division of timelines, predicting, seeing things that actually happen, like in virtual reality. The forces of light have largely succeeded in unifying all those lines, recovering and unifying them, because reality must be one. In the transition of this planet, which opens up to the new higher dimensions of the fifth dimension, there will be only one reality, the eternal present, there will only be universal time, which is not a time in the strictest sense of the word, but which is, a present moment. Because the universe, as I told you beloved, does not exist in time, it only lives in an eternal now, in an eternal present. So I take this opportunity to talk to everyone who cares about something in the past, and that timeline should certainly be erased, others in the future, neither that line, nor will exist. So why live tied to a past, or live tied to a future that will not live, because you were created under a supposed illusory timeline. Let us live in this eternal present and live in universal synchronicity, of this whole universe, for that is the only reality that exists. A unique reality is what we want to experience at the moment and expands into a reality, without timelines, where the entire universe of Father Mother Adonai converges, of love and light. Timelines are practically extinct, as the vast majority of the timelines they have divided themselves have already been united, to divide all planetary realities, this is reality. This is the information my dears. I bring this out there because I feel there is a lot of confusion on the networks regarding timelines and events being seen through parallel timelines. I love you forever. Miss Nothing Emanuel and Pastor - ServeOne Holy Mountain of ERKS 09/08/2023 Ishtar Ashtar Adonai

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