
Tuesday, September 5, 2023

Densities vs Dimensions: Understanding the Difference

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Greetings from Galactic Heart...


Our Webinar with Ted Mahr was truly "out of this world". He covered many current events including the Maui tragedy. Ted says we are actually ahead of schedule which was excellent to hear. He also encouraged all of us to stand up for our rights. It is time to re-claim our sovereignty. We were also graced with a spontaneous message from Einstein. He is one of Ted's favorite people to share conversation with.

Our archive of this amazing webinar is $13.95. For your copy, Click here

Selamat Ja!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

This month, Ted Mahr, host, becomes Ted Mahr, interviewee, as Colleen and Miles, fresh from his ‘Out of This World’ chairs, sit down with him to share his experiences, his perspectives, and his wisdom.


Awake and aware, Ted hosts the tremendously popular podcast ‘Out of This World’. He is a gifted psychic, and well-versed in time travel and remote viewing. He regularly presents a many-sided awareness of humanity and the higher – and highest – dimensions – to his regular podcast listeners. Now, we are lucky to have him share it with us!

You can look forward to Ted’s tantalizing tidings from the Galactics, as well as his intriguing thoughts on where he feels this world is now, and where she – and we – are heading.

This month, Ted Mahr, host, becomes Ted Mahr, interviewee, as Colleen and Miles, fresh from his ‘Out of This World’ chairs, sit down with him to share his experiences, his perspectives, and his wisdom.

Please – pull up a seat and enjoy this engaging Webinar!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Ted Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus
• Galactic Connections
Tuning in to Our Friends from Space
• Time Travel
Unraveling the Future
• Technological Disclosure
Timelines and Methods for Releasing Suppressed Technology
• Humanity's Destiny
Where We Stand Now and Where We are Headed

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-65 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Once you visualize correctly, the shift happens. (this is how)

Source: Quazi Johir

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Densities vs Dimensions: Understanding the Difference

Source: Sarah Elkhaldy

Note: Sheldan often told me about the differences between densities and dimensions and how most people do not understand the differences.

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Art By: Marcos Alvarado

Most of the time when we are using the word dimensions we are actually referring to a similar concept known as a density. These two terms, density, and dimension, are the only two properties that extend themselves beyond this universe beside the soul. So in this article I’m going to explain what a density is versus what a dimension is as well as what density in this Universe contains the most free.

Everything is consciousness, more than that, everything is consciousness that is in motion. This motion is called vibration. At the most basic level of reality: everything vibrates, everything is in motion and the thing that is in motion, that is vibrating, is called consciousness.

What this means is that all that we see and that we don’t see, everything that is materialized and everything that is invisible is all vibrating at different speeds, or at different rates on a scale and this scale is known as densities. So a density is a specific range, or domain that consciousness is vibrating within, because of this, densities can also be seen as phases of consciousness. For instance, when consciousness begins to vibrate at a slower rate, waves forms condense into matter creating the physical world. And that is where densities get their name from. From how dense matter is expressing itself as at each level of being. Condensing.

The act of shifting the vibration of consciousness can be seen on a smaller scale through alchemy and its daughter art chemistry. In laboratory alchemy, base metal is purified into gold through repeated chemical processes that change the metal from one phase of matter, into another. From a solid state to a liquid state, into gas, or vapors then back to liquid once more and then a solid state again, only now the metal has been changed at an atomic level. These three states: solid, liquid and gas are all different densities. Gas being the least dense, and solid being the most dense phase that matter is expressing itself as within this example.

When we are talking about densities in a spiritual context, they are distinct phases of consciousness along an evolutionary scale, but they can also be regarded simply as different states of matter. Consciousness and matter are one and the same.

Since each density has a different vibratory rate, they contain entirely different experiences, and with these entirely different experiences they each have an entirely different curriculum. The animal kingdom has nowhere near the same lesson plan, nor range of experiences as humans do and the mineral kingdom curriculum has even less in common. The density that our consciousness is currently focused on, is the phase known as the 3rd density. Our curriculum at this phase is far more complex than the densities below the 3rd. Here we have self-awareness and with that an entirely new field of possibilities opens up.

So densities can also be looked at as a whole curriculum that a particular level of reality has to offer us. The lessons and experiences we have at one level of denseness can only be accessed within that specific vibratory rate, once we move into a less solid state or more solid state, we are now in a new domain with different universal laws governing that density.

80% of the time we are talking about dimensions, we are actually referring to densities, especially in regard to the popular concept like the 5th dimension. But, before we go cry ourselves to sleep at night, there is a funny little plot twist. A density is only ever referring to the phase of matter that consciousness is focused within. But the term dimensions is way more fluid. It can be referring to a number of things.

At the most fundamental level, dimensions are the volume of an area or space. That’s the length, width, and height of any given space. There is actually no such thing as 1 dimensional, or 2 dimensional measurements in this reality because even what appears to us as 1 dimensional or 2 dimensional is still made up of a structure containing a length, width, and height no matter how small that structure is, making it 3D.

When we move into the esoteric realm, dimensions very often refer to alternate timelines. To understand what a timeline is you can watch my video on this topic: “What are Timelines?” And “The 5th Dimension Explained”.

Dimensions also commonly refer to parallel versions of reality. These parallel realities are still based within this universe of light, they are exploring, learning, interacting with and made up of light, but other than the theme of light, they could have very little in common with our version of reality, or a lot in common with our version of reality.

Within just one universe there is an infinite number of realities, but these realities maybe operating under different conditions of time and space then our reality is, it varies widely. One dimension in this universe may contain 7 densities, another dimension inside this universe may contain 12 densities, still another dimension can contain only 3 densities and so on. As long as all the dimensions are operating under the construct of light they all belong to the same universe but can vastly differ from that point on.

But the party doesn’t stop here. Dimensions get even more ambiguous. From the larger picture of the macrocosm dimensions are seen as different universes within the multiverse. So, it’s possible for higher dimensional guidance to come from beyond the Universal construct we are currently in, which is a universe exploring the theme of light.

Dimensions and densities work together like coordinates; where they figuratively speaking intersect, connecting the longitude and the latitude of our consciousness into a specific arena of space and time.

The best way to illustrate the relationship between densities and dimensions is by imaging a transparent glass office building. Densities are the floors on each level of the building, the higher the floor, the higher consciousness vibrates on that level, and dimensions are all the different rooms on each floor of the building, but also from a zoomed-out perspective, dimensions are the entire glass office building. So, for the sake of simplifying: densities are like a perpetual coming of age movie. We are learning and becoming within each phase of consciousness. And dimensions are anything. Literally anything.

The density that contains the most free will in this universe is the 3rd density, the one we are currently in. Because the way this universe is organized, the levels below self-awareness and the densities above self-awareness all have strong polarizations. They all have a strong perspective that has a specific gravity to it. But the 3rd density, not so much. Here we are not bound to the lower or higher worlds, we can choose. This amount of free will is only available to a being who does not know. The 3rd density is maximum free will because it’s designed so that we have a blindfold on, how will we choose if we don’t know the answers? If we are part animal and part spirit, if we are given both apathy and empathy? When we are exposed to both beauty and pain? And when we are faced with knowledge of willful ignorance. That’s the only way to know who we really are—by seeing what we would choose, who we become when we forget.


Pleiadian Message: Divine Access Point

source: Chrstine Day


Beloved ones we greet you,

Be still within your Heart, open to be received within this sacred reveal taking place during the middle of this calendar month. Know Truth; this is launching for you to participate in, a next phase of destiny that is to be heralded into the full arena of Earth. As the Scahndahlah effect continues to build in momentum a vast new brilliance is about to enter your planet, which will begin to create a higher space of consciousness that is pre-destined to be established across your earth plane.

Pure forms of brilliance are on the verge of be forged within the Sacred Sites, Ley lines and Vortexes, which are scattered across your earth plane. Each placement will be utilized as a sacred anchor point. Each anchor point will play a pivotal role, will become an individual patterned component making up a vast Mandala wheel. The wheel enters Earth through the Magnetic core and then will be imprinted outwards in layers through and across your entire planet. This Mandala is making manifest a series of pure geometrical sacred forms within your earth plane. These geometrical forms within the Mandala are to create vast realignments through the entire vibrational electrical makeup of Earth.

The Earth’s magnetic core is to be the primary anchor point of the Mandala and will make, hold the holy frequency aspect of the very centralized form of the Mandala. There will be a pure light consciousness pulsing, emerging from the very nucleus of the sacred Mandala containing the sacred light of the God consciousness frequency and the essence of self-resurrection for all humanity.

The Magnetic core is to undergo a transformational multidimensional opening. This crevice will create a series of huge energetic shifts across the entire planet and will bring a continual unfolding transmission of these different phases of expansive light wave vibrations that arise from the inner multidimensional Mandala form.

The illusion of time on this planet has been collapsing, you can expect a surge of further transformational shifts within this frame of measure where the experience of ‘time’ totally disintegrates. The energetic rotation of the Earth will be accelerating. Many of the grids of illusion will begin to further dissolve allowing the anchoring, the further opening of the alternate reality spaces to actively emerge for you to engage within your earth plane.

These alternate reality spaces have always existed on the planet however they have remained totally separated by veils from the illusion of Earth. As the energetic arena of Earth begins to shift on another level, the changing dynamic that is coming will allow these higher states of reality to begin to open and blend layered fluid states of higher consciousness within the earth plane.

The alignment to these alternate reality spaces energies is going to be enabled to blend within your earth plane. This blending is destined to create a natural rebalancing of the reality of Truth within Earth. An authentic step, a beginning of a new phase of a higher level of light consciousness to emerge across your planet. Those of you who are on the awakened path will become the beneficiaries of these pure states of consciousness. There is to be a re-emergence of a series of pure authentic light spaces being restored, being made more accessible for you to support you being more authentic to yourself. This is you being restored to the natural frequency of your Higher-Self, consciousness state.

Only through the avenue of your Heart can you begin to access the restoration of your Sacred Being’s light. You have a crystalline structure that exists between the spaces of the cells of your Heart, Brain, Thyroid, Spine, and Sacrum. Your light enters through the Heart’s crystalline structure and then interacts with other areas of your crystalline structure within your physical body.

The light of your Being can enter and anchor your higher light consciousness within this crystalline structure, within your physical body systems. Your authentic light is electrical in nature and the crystalline structure function is to hold the fully electrical frequency of your higher consciousness essence within your physical body.

Your Heart’s will be aligned to these resurrection energies of Truth. Your unique Heart frequency will be activated on another multidimensional level to enable your unique divine frequency to arise within your cells of the Heart, transforming your alignment to your sacred Heart.

Collectively your sacred Heart’s will be enabled to resonate as one flow of communion when you choose to gather as a group. Your groups potential resonance will accelerate allowing the combination of your collective sacred Heart’s frequency to become manifest on higher multidimensional levels. You, as a group, can be instrumental in adding to the shifting arena of Earth that is part of the prophecy of your planet. Remember those of you in human form are to be the ones to shift the ultimate consciousness of Earth. This was always the ultimate plan. You carry the power within your collective Hearts to create the light, to build the light.

As the spaces of illusion further release on your earth plane a doorway of opportunity is opened, bringing forward access to Truth and opening the potential for you to align to an authenticity of your Higher Self. Allowing you to gain insights, clarity of your sacred being and to understand more clearly your human journey. Both insights of your sacred and human makeup are essential to you moving forward into this next phase towards enlightenment.

Authenticity within yourself is living Truth. This is your time for you to choose to focus on yourself. Taking the essential time in allowing you to take another step towards the multidimensional aspects of your higher being while living an authentic life within your Heart on this earthly human plane. Applying patience, compassion, and love to your own human aspect and then allowing that energy to naturally transmit out to all humanity.


The first step of compassion is acceptance of this Truth; that as a human being you are ‘perfectly imperfect’. You have come to this earth plane to continue to have a human experience as you awaken to your sacred nature, your Higher Self. An aspect of your mission here is self-resurrection of your human aspect.

This is the time for letting go of releasing the old shells, the old burdens of guilt, shame, remorse betrayal and anger. Authenticity within yourself is everything. As you choose to take one moment of being authentic within yourself, all the old structures can transmute within you. As you allow these authentic moments within yourself there is an automatic shift takes place within every cell of your body. All self- sabotaging cycles can transform in that moment. This is the time for your self-liberation!

Know that you have never been a victim, you have played your role out perfectly in each scenario to create an experience to learn. Choose to let go of being the victim and take responsibility for your creation. As you begin to examine the reflections of your life that you have created thus far and take full ownership of your learning experiences as a human being transformation happens. Self-resurrection takes place. Truth is revealed.


NOTE: Begin this process any time after September 21st.

Note: DAP is found at the soft opening at the base of the throat. The DAP is known as your Divine Access Point and part of your sacred Heart space.

CONSCIOUS BREATH: a breath in the mouth and out the mouth.

SACRED SOUND: VAHLAHNNN…. (pronounced: var larn)

▪ Align to your Heart and DAP. One hand on your upper chest and one hand on the base of your throat.
▪ Feel the warm or pressure of your hand on your Heart and DAP.
▪ Take a Conscious breath and place it like a soft wind into your Heart/DAP. Repeat this as many times until your feel see or sense an opening into your Heart space. There may be movement, flow, light, warmth, or color…
▪ Take a Conscious breath and let go within your Heart space.
▪ Repeat steps 2-5 as many times as you need. This is you entering your Heart space. Claim your Heart by taking a Conscious breath and letting go to align further.
▪ Where you find yourself within your Heart space begin to bring in the sacred sound, VAHLAHNNN… place the sound within the space of your Heart. When you make the sound it’s like a call to the Mandala form that has anchored on the Earth. Make this sound as many times as you need.
▪ Feel see or sense how the Mandala form’s energy is answering your call. Maybe you see feel or sense the Mandala’s light flowing connecting into your Heart. Take a Conscious breath and let go… as you let go you receive more of a connection from the Mandala’s light. You begin to receive the sacred openings within you.
▪ Continue to deepen the link to the Mandala’s light by using the sound, VAHLAHNNN… and your Conscious breath, focusing on letting go to receive. As this feels complete for now just bring your full awareness to your hands on your chest and on the base of your throat. Use the Conscious breath to integrate this activation of the energetic connection through you.


Know that we, the Pleiadians are holding an energetic Platform as the transmutation of Earth unfolds, as the Mandala anchors within the Magnetic core of the planet. We hold the platform for all of you who choose to step forward to utilize the pure forces of the Mandala.

We continue to witness you in this next step of your journey.


The Pleiadians

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