
Saturday, August 5, 2023

THE NEW A.D.N. A key indicator of the presence of four- and five-dimensional codes in our cells will be the signs of sudden rejuvenation.


THE NEW A.D.N. A key indicator of the presence of four- and five-dimensional codes in our cells will be the signs of sudden rejuvenation. It is a marker of matter that constantly begins to manifest new qualities.

After that, our guaranteed transition to the new dimension is a matter of the near future.

Stopping the aging program and beginning rejuvenation is an indicator of irreversible movement to 4D / 5D. All higher races (like our genetic relatives from the Pleiades) exist exclusively in young bodies, 30 to 35 years old.

When the marker of eternal youth has manifested, then it is just a matter of little else. All that remains is to continue patiently raising our vibrations to mutate (activate DNA) and wait for the moment of personal unveiling.

The flows of quantum energy counter from Earth and the Great Cosmos are increasing every day. The Higher Hierarchy of Light is removing the Veil for those of us who are ready to enter the next vibrational reality.

In the past, during the Cosmic Night, Kaldi did not have that opportunity. Raising our vibration or not, we remained in the layer of heavy energies, we could not be released. It was the time of Samsara. Nesara/Gesara/Trumpsara

The ages changed, but everything was in an inevitable circle, like the seasons. We were all simmering under a tight lid in the same energy soup, in a parasitic 3D matrix, in controlled chaos.

The strong took on the burdens of the weak without compensation. "We who are strong must bear the weaknesses of those who have no strength and not just please ourselves," said Paul(Romans, 15: 1).

Once we activate the 12 physical strands of DNA, we will fully see fourth-dimensional space.

The present moment is crucial: each of us passes the energy tests. Leaving the third dimension of the 3D Matrix is ​​a leap.

English Translation by Auktje Veldhuis

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