
Friday, August 4, 2023

- The Missing, Spider Bloodline Families


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Did you miss PAO's Galactic Activation Webinar for July?

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'Ascension is an inside job'

That's the mantra of Kornelia Stephanie, PAO's special guest for July. Over the past months, Colleen and I have appeared several times as webcast guests on The Kornelia Stephanie Show. Now, in a perfect trade-off, she returns the favor, and we are delighted to welcome her!

Kornelia, a gifted mentor, speaker, author and guide, offers simple, commonsense tools to embrace our humanity and further us along our paths to self-healing, spiritual peace and a better world.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

If you're finding the glut of mainstream 'way too depressing and oppressive', you'll find Kornelia as bracing as sips of ice water on a hot day. Her thoughts are absolutely activational: how, even in difficult times, we can reclaim our personal sovereignty, and how vital it is for each one of us to be able to express our authentic selves - clearly, safely and courageously.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Kornelia Brings Us Up to Date on her Mission’s Current Focus
• Ascension Is An Inside Job
Activating New Consciousness by Connecting with Source
• Heart Logic vs Head Logic
Finding the Best Balance
• Creative Light Vibration
The Power of the Spoken Word to Speak Our New World Into Being
• My Life is My Art ~ I Am Divine Creativity
Expressing Your Authentic Self, Courageously and Fearlessly
• My Core Value is freedom
Living Our Lives Beyond the Core Wounds of Our Past

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-64 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Channeled Message to EARTH - The Missing, Spider Bloodline Families

Source: Alexander Quinn - Starseed

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GF: We Are Very Pleased With The Progress On Earth

Source: Aurora Ray


Dear ones, I am here to give you an update.

There are a few things that I want to share with you.

I want to remind you that you are the ones who have been preparing for this moment for a very long time. And even now, there is still some preparation that needs to be done.

I am going to give you some information about the dark ones. You will find that they are becoming more and more desperate. They will do everything in their power to prevent the light from continuing its mission on Earth at this time.

As a lightworker, it is your job not only to hold the light but also to call out any of these tricks that might be used against you, against us all. It is going to be challenging in many ways because they have programmed many so deeply with their trickery that it is hard at times to recognize it when it is happening right in front of their face.

We are in a time of great transition. It will be hard for some to accept and get used to the new way of life.
Many have been programmed through brainwashing, and mind control that was done to them over lifetimes. The dark forces have used many ways to control humanity.

You will feel uncomfortable when confronted with this type of person because your soul knows something is wrong with them. This can give you a false sense of superiority over others because they are not like you.

But, simply being compassionate and doing what love would do in every situation will help heal everyone and ultimately the planet of darkness, no matter how deep it runs.

There are those who will choose their own path, which does not include living on the new Earth, but there are many more who choose light and love, and these are the ones who will be welcomed on the new Earth, where all souls will be equal.

It is important that you remain grounded, centered, and in your heart.

Stay focused on your mission. Do not be distracted. I am with you all the way. You cannot fail. You know this at a soul level.

I am here right now, and I am holding space for each one of you. I want my energy to flow to you and help stabilize you during these times so that your intuition will be strong and that your discernment will be strong too.

The Earth is going through her own transformation, as is humanity and all of creation.

All of you are strong. All of you are wise. You have all been through many battles and much trauma in your lives. It is time to take back your power.

You will be given the tools to do this. Not all at once, but a little at a time since so much work needs to be done. You are going to be surprised at how much energy you have when you use it properly!

There is so much more I would like to tell you, but you will learn as you go along. Remember that I am with you. All of us angels are with you and watching out for each one of you in your own individual situations.

You are such amazing souls, and I love you so very much!

Know that you are loved and protected. You have nothing to fear.

The old Earth is crumbling. The evil, the dark forces, are trying to hold onto the last bits of control they have. They are panicking because they know their demise is coming. They know they will be wiped out, and they will never return. This is a good thing.

The Earth has reached the point where she can fully transform into her new Earth. She is your Mother and she is your home, and she has always loved you and supported you as much as she could under the circumstances. All darkness will be pulled out of her being, as well as yours; if you let her help you do this by standing in your own personal power and taking back your sovereignty.

You have power now, and it cannot be taken away from you. It is innate knowing that you have always known deep within yourself, and it is coming to the surface now.

The Earth has been cleansed to such a degree that she is ready for her new energy to begin to take over.

The New Earth is a place of harmony, peace, and love. It will be welcoming to all who want to live in this way.

You are achieving, in the light of what I thought would take longer because you are working together as one team! I am very pleased with your efforts on behalf of the Galactic Federation and all of humanity. You have done an excellent job! Many of you had no idea what you were getting yourselves into when you chose to incarnate at this time. But now that you know, you are doing what is necessary to make things better for all of humanity and Mother Earth herself!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.
We are your family of light.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation



Source: John Smallman

You are free, and you have always been free.


Humanity’s awakening is precisely on schedule because it is God’s schedule and what She wills happens precisely as divinely intended. The present chaos and confusion across the world is a massive clearance operation as all that is not in total alignment with Love dissolves back into the meaningless and unreal state of nonexistence from which it seems to have been brought forth. That state has never existed. It was but a mental construct, a chimera or fantasy in which you sought to experience the unreal – independence and separation from Mother/Father/God – because you had a momentary idea that such a state or condition would give you even more freedom than the vast infinitude of freedom into which you were birthed at the moment of your creation. Unreality has never existed and never could exist because there is only LOVE, which is total freedom, total acceptance, and total awareness in every moment of your Oneness with God in eternal joy.

Yes, you are free, and you have always been free because that is the natural state in which you were created from Love as beings of Love. You have never left that state. However, because you constructed an amazing fantasy – you are One with God and you do have Her infinite power – and entered into it, it always appears very real to you, because that was your intent when you brought it into being. Within it, you rely on your physical bodies’ senses and intelligence to help you understand your environment, which as you are aware are severely limited, therefore it is extremely difficult for you to believe that the life in which you are engaged as humans is a fantasy. It seems far too real,and painful to be unreal!

This ongoing experience of unreality – a severely limited and very temporary life in form – is a direct result of your collective choice to “do your own thing,” and live lives separate from one another and alone. As soon as you entered into that state fear naturally arose because it immediately seemed to you that you were in a very unsafe situation, lacking almost everything you needed to support you as humans in a physical environment that was completely unaware of you. In Reality, at One with God, you know that you are safe because there is no such place as an ‘unsafe’ state. Reality is perfection, a state which is without any needs or any lack, a state of utter and total joy. To find yourselves removed from that state obviously terrified you, and you fabricated the ego, an unreal second self, to have someone with whom you could converse and from whom you could seek guidance on how to deal with the problems – there are NO problems except for the ones that you yourselves concoct! – which appeared to surround you, threatening your existence.

Many of you have been waiting expectantly for what seems to be a very long time for humanity to awaken or to ascend, that is to become fully aware of the Reality of Love that each one of you is, and to live in a state of constant peace and joy. Well of course, time is a major aspect of the unreal, and within that unreal environment it does seem that you have spent many years – even eons – waiting to experience Heaven on Earth. One of the reasons this does not appear to be coming to fruition is because the vast majority of humans continue to engage with the drama of right and wrong, and then choose to make judgments that justify engaging in conflict with those judged to be wrong. When people focus the major part of their attention there, they are effectively choosing to block their comprehension of their true nature – Love – from their conscious awareness, thus permitting themselves to judge and condemn others and feel totally justified in doing so.

I told you two thousand years ago to “Love one another as I have loved you,” and I constantly demonstrated Love in action so that you would learn to do likewise. Unfortunately, after my physical death, much energy was wasted judging and condemning those who crucified me, and over the years judgment and condemnation of ‘wrongdoers’ has persisted. As I also told you, when we came upon a crowd stoning a woman it had condemned “Let he who is without sin cast the first stone.” It is clear to anyone that all are sinners, and that Love never condemns or punishes anyone. To awaken is to cease and desist blaming and judging others and instead, to seek to help them understand from where their anger and resentment is arising, which is thus leading them to molest and mistreat others. Indeed, many are most lovingly giving their lives in service to others, and for this they are most highly honored.

Now is the moment to intend to become fully aware that Love is your real nature, and then to live from that knowledge, demonstrating Love as your life force or energy field. Every human is incarnate to release all to which they have been clinging that is not in alignment with Love. This is the purpose for which you chose to experience life as a human. Many are doing this now, and many more are choosing to do so every day. Awareness that Love is your true nature is spreading throughout humanity, and it is leading to an understanding of the absolute insanity of engaging in conflict. An understanding that is intensified as you see the painful and heart breaking results of conflicts all over the world, whether to gain military, political, economic, or religious advantage, or due to poverty or plain righteousness over imposed mistreatment by some on others, and the ensuing destruction of lives and living environments of large numbers of people.

This increasing awareness that major changes are essential in the way that people interact with one another all over the world is most effectively leading towards more appropriate ways to deal with disagreement – Open Discussion where all listen and honor the others, instead of attempting to shout down those who hold a different perspective or opinion. There is room for ALL opinions and perspectives to be expressed so that everyone feels heard. And if those involved in such discussions remember to set the intent to be only loving whatever arises, then the discussions will lead to positive outcomes for all involved.

Please ensure that you spend quiet time alone daily at your holy inner sanctuaries inviting Love into your hearts. Doing just this brings you an enormous sense of peace and optimism, and others with whom you interact will feel it, and any anxiety they may be experiencing will lessen. Remember, each one just being has an enormous effect on the whole of humanity. You incarnated to assist in and delight in humanity’s collective awakening process. By just being you are following your pre-planned life paths perfectly, and when you awaken, as you most definitely will, you will experience enormous joy as realization dawns on you of how well you have followed your paths.

Your loving brother, Jesus.


An interesting discussion

Psychologist Dr. Jordan Peterson joined 'Fox & Friends' to discuss the decline of traditional values among young adults

Source: FoxNews interview Dr. Jordan Peterson

Note: A big thank you to my friend, John Smallman, for sending this to me. We need to stop identifying as democrat or republican and look at the actions and how these actions are affecting us and our youth. It is imperative that we can come together and voice our opinions and to listen to other's opinions. It is important to look at all viewpoints of an issue in order to make an informed opinion.

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