
Sunday, August 20, 2023

Do you want to experience Lord Krishna's grace first-hand? Start chanting "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna" mentally.


Do you want to experience Lord Krishna's grace first-hand? Start chanting "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna" mentally. Keep doing this until you feel 'at one' with the beloved Lord with the totality of your being. Once you perceive the connection through the crown chakra seated at the top of your head or slightly above the head, it's time to communicate to Him. You may ask anything from Him be it grace, peace, bliss, health, abundance or progress on the path. Even you may ask and pray for His physical darshan. Speak graciously to Krishna with love and you'll be blessed beyond measure. Bright blessings of Lord Krishna on your way Jai Sri Krishna (I am activating the Divine assistance here & now for those all who will go through this post and chant "Krishna, Krishna, Krishna" as stated above.)

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