
Thursday, August 10, 2023

Dear friends, these days we have gone through intense purifications, both physically and energetically.


Dear friends, these days we have gone through intense purifications, both physically and energetically. If you have felt tiredness, nervousness, dizziness, vertigo, disorientation, sadness, lack of concentration, irregular heartbeat, chest pressure, headaches, it is the high vibrational frequency of the planet that helps us transition to 5D and everything that is imbalance in us and with us comes out at surface through different states showing us as well as what we need to cleanse/purify to allow the Divine to manifest in us.

I feel like we went another step and we are more beautiful and brighter now.

I highly recommend (who feels it) meditation and connection with your Spirit with the intention of guidance and guidance to achieve the Divine purpose for which you have come now and here.

One day, all of us, the sons of Light, will embrace ourselves in the Love of the Creator! 💗

The Flower of Life

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