
Sunday, July 30, 2023

You see that the way things are spaced is really another way of talking about the way things are related.

You see that the way things are spaced is really another way of talking about the way things are related. So you begin to realize that space is relationship"
Your mind of course is not something inside your head, that is a great mistake to make. Your head is something in your mind.
When you want to draw a map of a person’s soul, you draw a map of the universe as it was when he was born
But the truth of it is there, you see, that who you really are, your soul, your mind is the total universe as focused upon you.
The existence of any one minute little thing is intimately related to everything.
Now I want you to see the opposite and equal truth that the whole show depends on you. So that you don’t anymore put yourself down as this wretched little bacterium, living on this obscure planet, that evolves around a minor star on the outer fringes of one of the lesser galaxies..
Because there can’t be the sense of I am "I", without the sense of “Oh, there is someone else.” Something else, there is other.
"I" And "other" imply each other as much as solid implies space.
- Alan Watts

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