
Wednesday, July 12, 2023

#Truth Yes, If you were wondering where Asgard and all the other continents are, Just peak beyond the Ice wall of Antarctica,


#Truth Yes, If you were wondering where Asgard and all the other continents are, Just peak beyond the Ice wall of Antarctica, And you'll "Remember" how big this planet is, You think your Government has been telling you 100% pure trustworthy truth? Really?.. Think again, and welcome to disclosure! Welcome to this exciting awakening! And welcome to my group, my family, The Galactic Federation Of Light ground crew team, welcome!! Because the sky crew already got it on "Lock down" The Evil ones are cornered in, and must surrender!! We see beyond their game! Awake and shake Gaia!! For she will reward you, as she, inevitably returns back to her Higher dimensional status! If you thought the Year 2020 was crazy, Humanity, grab your popcorn 🍿 because what's coming will blow the Multi-Dimensional socks off your feet!! #Ascension #Awakening

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